Someone tell this nigger faggot that he gets pulled over because he looks like a pedophile
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If his driving is as bad as his comedic timing, they should ban him from driving for life
8 times
in 6 years
So...once a year?
niggers, especially the uppity house negroes, are the worst drivers on the planet. speeding, texting, swerving, or all combined. even with drugs or other contraband. then they complain about da po-po harassing dem!!!!
I pull over niggers like him for driving while black and if they act white they walk but if they chimp out they get the BOOT and STICK club treatment !!
Pulled over in a Tesla you say???
How the fuck is exactly a cop supposed to know you're a nigger if he's following you from the back of your car you stupid fucking nigger faggot?
Kek are you larping?
time to resurface his racist as fuck tweets
He pulled the number out of his ass
he was probably stopped 3 times for speeding.
NZ please your not australian
I'm interested in seeing these.
he should fuck off back to south africa where there are no cops to pull you over, you just get carjacked by munts instead.
Some of them are based as fuck, but it can be used against him
Archived that for you archive.is
This bro just wishin he was G
>If smidgets they fucking shoot him next time....
Fuck you Don Lemon
BRAPPP license plate
lol that faggot bought a fucking Tesla. $100,000 camry with worse reliability.
Can't even go around Le Mans let alone win it.
What a fucking faggot. So funny to see smug liberals with a tesla, which is basically a red falg t hey are a naive sucker.
he talks like a fag, and a moderate beheader londoner. he should be put on multiple watchlists asap.
maybe if blacks didn't commit so much crime they wouldn't get pulled over so often.
I don't believe him, he is the lying type.
The numbers don't lie KEK/
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
These triple cream mocha negros love playing the black card lmao. No matter how pale they are, whenever it's convenient, they can bust it out and play hood. The lighter they are, the funnier it is.
>I've been pulled over slightly more than 1 time a year, even in my extremely expensive Lamborghini. Don't they know who I am?
That's because they think you stole it. Who would buy a Tesla on purpose?
guess he needs to stop running red lights
Ding. Make this lying cunt prove it. Each incident will be logged and include reasons.
2008 dodge viper here
May or may not be heir to sports drink family who died in air crash
Get pulled all the time with muh faghags
>tfw white as shit, but hey, I speed
>tfw put my hands on wheel and hand over proper dox
>tfw pay my fines and continue on my way
>tfw trevor noah is just being a nigger and we may all safely disregard him
How does it feel paying a stupid tax? Be a better driver, jeez
Micro-cents on the dollar, my man. Cost of doing business in AmeriKwa. W-wait, you've never heard of AmeriKwa?
HAHAHAH look at this guy!
(I'm a good driver with a lead foot)
Find out what State he resides in or has a license in. Every state pretty much has a case search engine. Covers criminals to civil court appearances, including traffic. Find the truth. Blast his fake news claims. It's that fucking easy.
this, desu.
c'mon user, make Sup Forums great again
>self-loathing blacks do not understand that EVERYONE gets pulled over
>self-loathing blacks do not realize traffic cops have quotas
>self loathing blacks never blame their municipality, they blame evil whitey instead
Maybe he should stop speeding or just buy a much slower Prius?
Speeding while black.
yes, could it be profiling
2014 GT500SS owner here
Also owned several other fast cars, bikes
My only speeding ticket is for 29 in a 25
I was stopped by the cops at least 10 times before I was 20. The main reason was that I drove like an asshole with little regard for the law or the safety of others, so maybe he should give that some consideration as a possible factor and consider growing the fuck up.
rich nigger gets mad because laws actually apply to him in america, unlike his home country where they can kill whites with impunity. Huge fuckin news story huh?
every time i go 70 in a school zone some racist ass cop pulls me over
I'm white and I get pulled over by the cops all the fucking time
This nigger can take his victim complex and fuck off back to Niggertopia.
>80 in a 60, dismissed
>60 in a 40, dismissed
>45 ish in a 35, small town so I paid it and will take DD
Fuck taking defensive driving tho. Reee.
>pulled over 8-10 times
so he really doesn't know how many times and just flipped some numbers out there
I got pulled over more times than that in my senior year in highschool. White boys with long hair are 1000x more profiled in the South than niggers.
And I thought it was funny, didn't get butthurt like some black crybaby.
why is only the second "republican" highlighted? why do liberals always fetishize kid fuckers?
man even fake Australians are pretty quick
Friend is in NYPD, I'll have the info.
These normies need to learn out to network instead of masturbate or gtfo. Useless fucking dickbag cancer this plebbit migration has become. You're all disappointments to your parents. Who look at you with disdain and contempt. Despising the very moment of your birth.
>publicly admits to driving like shit
>it's because I'm black!
Don't worry, everyone knows
>I've been stopped in a tesla
Is he trying to say that the rich shouldn't be punished for not obeying driving laws and speeding?
Came here to post this. He knows he was pulled over 8-10 times but not the exact number? And what was he pulled over for? My mother is as white as drywall and gets pulled over 3-4 times a year because she drives like a fucking maniac.
I've been pulled over while walking. Cops gonna be cops.
Forgot to mention good friends with Podesta going back 40 years to Camp Nose, also mentioned sympathetically in the Podesta e-mails regarding his pedo-scandal
Was he speeding and driving recklessly? Maybe was on his phone tweeting on Trump's latest post?
>Fits the description
I'm a black guy.
Eagle Scout
US Marine for 10 years
TSSCI Clearance
Former City Council Member
No criminal history
CCP holder since 2004
Trump Supporter
Dresses like a normal American
And on and on. The point is I'm not a nigger and I hate niggers more than most of you and I don't buy into the leftist race-baiting.
That being said, I'm a 38 year old black man who's been stopped by the cops on 8 different occasions. Why?
>Sir, you fit the description of a suspect
It happens. It's a fact of life for any black person that isn't from a rural area. Am I angry at the cops for this? No. But it fucking happens all the goddamn time. The reasonable thing to do is be respectful and polite to the police officer who just wants to do his job. He's nervous and knows that he could probably kill you and get away with it, especially if alone. Again, that's just a fact of life. If that means that I have to shuck and jive to stay alive, then I'll act just like Uncle Tom. I want my kids to live a life of privilege and I can't do that from the grave because I >fit the description.
I'm darker than him, and the two times I've been pulled over I was speeding.
Funnily enough, I walked up to and chatted with a a pair of cops at a taco truck while visibly drunk, and had driven my car up right behind them.
Don't act like a nigger, and they won't treat you like one.
dem kiwi bants
"I've been stopped in a tesla"
So has my uncle, he is white as a bag of flour. Driving a Tesla doesn't mean you didn't do pic related.
Hes mixed kinda looks black only whitey are pedos
This is him trying to prove his blackness to real negros lel. High yellow house niggas have been trying to get approval and acceptance from black and brown field niggas for forever. PC culture made it substantially worse and more blatant. It's like the nigga version of white guilt.
The funny thing is he is trying to make too many people happy at once with this display and the real negros will take one look at the mention of him driving a Tesla and probably call him a candyass. That's if the real negros even care about this tapdancing coon in the first place, which isn't very likely.
100% pedophile
Maybe he should learn to drive, and stop spazzing when he drives past a police cruiser.
Muh confirmation bias
Valuable statement, dunno if LARPING tho.
>looks like
Poor little Trevor faggot bitch got a speeding ticket in his gay ass Tesla.
black people aren't good drivers
He's definitely a kid diddler. Look at the face
Got pulled over for not wearing a seatbelt the other day, first time getting pulled over in years. I have failed my fellow bootlickers I'm sorry
I went from being against discrimination amd pro-diversity, to not believing that blacks were pulled over disproportionately, to not giving a shit, to actively advocating for cops to pull niggers over every opportunity they get, just through my interactions with niggers throughout my life and growing increased distaste. Fuck them.
dude i fucking feel you.
I work in center city philadelphia. Pattern Recognition is not Racism.
>buying shitty overpriced gimmick cars
The only thing a cop sees when a Tesla passes him is a fat fucking ticket waiting to be dished out.
I miss the old design of the iPhone, the new ones are fucking ugly.
Driving a poluting Tesla. I hope he gets the chair.
Its a good looking car yo. It out accelerates most Italian luxury cars, has features that those same luxury cars don't and has a range of 350kms.
Pretty good desu, famalam.
>not driving a high end sports car
Why are celebrities such plebs?
We just don't know.
I got a speeding ticket in October last year. 33 in a 35 but didn't realize it was a school zone. Still haven't paid. Fuck that. $600? Suck a dick. I'll keep the arrest warrant. I'm a safe driver you hear.
Well done
>haven't been pulled over in over 5 years
>ride dirty everyday, 420 faggits
It's good being white
virtue signaling about driving a tesla, what a cocksmoker
Mr. Noah, did the thought ever occur to you that they pulled you over because you're a nigger faggot in a Tesla?
i literally got a speeding ticket for 27 in a 25 the guy stepped out in front of my car to make me stop...he pulled me over on foot.
Nigger, I've been stopped by the cops over a dozen times in the past 4 years since I moved to a new city. All for fitting a description. I'm white as fuck, dress well, drive a sedan, have never had a ticket and I did 5 years in the Marines as a grunt. Sometimes cops fuck with you. They'll especially do it if you live in a semi poor area. Or when they're bored. I've been pulled over so many times, I put my damn blues cap in the back of my car to get the cop to at least not behave like a nigger when he gets to my window. Because holy fuck, cops need to learn how to interact with the public. If I had ever caught one of my marines acting like one of these cops in country, I would have beaten him with a hose. I get it. It's a difficult job. Always on edge. But if I can manage to be polite to a guy who might have a fucking suicide vest on, cops can say "how are you doing sir" instead of barking orders at me in an aggressive tone when I've cooperated right off the bat.
>slowest 500hp car ever made
Gtfo faggit lol ford, this guy.
I'm around his age, white and have been pulled over more than that.
driving a shitty car > race
>he is the lying type
>Because holy fuck, cops need to learn how to interact with the public.
This is completely due to using combat vets as cops. Cops used to come from the communities they grew up in, and be reasonable as long as you weren't violent.