Been a conservative all my life, just became a lefty in the last month or so. Join me anons.
Been a conservative all my life, just became a lefty in the last month or so. Join me anons
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Uh huh, sure you did.
Way ahead of you comrade
and tomorrow you'll be...
>le edgy symbol
Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.
These posts are pretty fucking lame dude
So you recently got brain damage?
I hate these types of threads. "Oh this ideology is in the past I'm now this new thing now look at me" or "At what age did you grow out of (insert ideology)"
I'm sorry to hear. Have you been to a doctor yet? Get well soon user.
Sorry Caitlyn, I cant join you
i smell shills in the air lol
Good for you OP.
No, nobody will be joining you.
This is now a pizzagate thread.
Treating leftism as a mental disorder is not an argument
You got me there, comrade. I only fap to #MudSharksForMarx now
This is you
i foresee may ass-kickings in your future
Gaaayyyy B8 The future for leftist
Wtf I hate conservatives now
This will never not be hilarious
The quote proves nothing.
Obviously mixed economies work best. Socialism for the important stuff, black markets for the worthless imported crap.