This is the catalogue sorted by reply count as of 3 minutes ago.
Is there anyone here who doesn't post in president cancer generals.
This is the catalogue sorted by reply count as of 3 minutes ago.
Is there anyone here who doesn't post in president cancer generals.
Other urls found in this thread:
>is x white
I could've sworn those threads were bannable. I can recall posting topical and rule abiding threads and being banned for a week at a time, and now subhuman bait threads are the only ones that amass hundreds of replies.
Reminder: The Trump threads keep popping up because (((bakers))) are paid to be here by Palmer Luckey, the shithead who sold Oculus to kikebook. As long as the money keeps coming, the propaganda will keep flowing.
But there are 900+ trump meme posts, I honestly thought the would die off after the election but they are even worse now.
Duplicate threads are supposed to be banned, but I guess it's ok if you give them different numbers?
Just open up a trump thread and see if you can find anything other than pure lame shitposts and it's 24/7. This is the worst case of cancer I have ever seen here and it's been going on for ages with no sign of stopping.
These are good cover for actual threads
holy fucking newfag they make new threads when the bumplimit is reached
Meme flag TD nigger go back to your stinking awoo threads.
My point is how and why are there so many, they are so fast too, do people come here only to post trash comments in those fucking shitty threads?
Ive posted in ptg like twice during the election. I've no idea why they're still a thing. We need to homestuck ptgs.
Ptg thread is 6 minutes old and has 207 posts.
Generals have always been legitimate as a way of preventing simultaneous threads. That "Is X White?" thread in the corner however is illegitimate ShariaBlue spam that should have been saged or reported.
The fucking mindless hero worship is sickening though and there is zero quality in those threads.
>That "Is X White?" thread in the corner however is illegitimate ShariaBlue spam that should have been saged or reported.
I think it was a serious thread and had a few interesting exchanges of opinions.
Much needed bump
Newfags take heed. You will be banned for replying to off topic trash and other threads that violate the rules.
The whole point of generals is containment. Why did you browse them?
yeah only we beat the jew this time retard
Either learn what the terms mean or leave. You evidently weren't here when CTR tried to slide legitimate threads by spamposting twenty "Is X White" threads at the same time, and you haven't seen the obvious propaganda point of the "secret club" nonsense.
Fuck off shill. Never saw an anti-Trump post from summer 2015 till about Feb 2017 when you plebbitors arrived, whipped into a frenzy by your Jewish master, Mister Soros.
I don't.
But I always reply to happening threads.
When this number reaches 200 without me manually hiding threads, then you can have the board reddit-kun.
It will be completed when every single one of you realize that the Holocaust never happened, but it needs to.
t. salty friendless yuropoor
don't insult my friends
theyre not your friends for a reason
Trump is a valuable entrance ramp to 1488. You don't go from cuckservative / liberal to GTKRWN overnight.