Eat the rich

so the rich 1% own more wealth then the 99% combined wealth, most if not all of these people inherited that wealth, isn't it time we redistribution of that moneys..yes I know it sounds like communism but it's be comeing a fucking joke .

The aren't just rich, they are living gods

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>theguardian com/global-development/2017/jan/16/worlds-eight-richest-people-have-same-wealth-as-poorest-50
>theguardian com/business/2016/jan/18/richest-62-billionaires-wealthy-half-world-population-combined

Who gives a shit what someone else has? Maybe if you spent more time sorting yourself out, you wouldn't be so poor and jealous.

They didn't fucking work for it,they fucking inherited it!

So do you think Africans and Indians should just work harder?
Really are you fuck stupid

their father's worked their ass off to be able to have their blonde daughters live like princesses
nourished and provided for children are part of the pleasure of money , m8

Rothchilds? You they work damned hard!
Why shouldn't every generation be asked to live from there own hard work and not daddy's or great great great great daddy,
Some of these super rich haven't worked for 100s of years !

Of course I agree with you there m8. Their money is stolen , off a lie, from your ancestors.

Yeah, some folks are born with a silver spoon in hand, it ain't me or you, and it might sound unfair but think about it: If a man were successful, should his success be taken away from him? Is a parent not entitled to provide for their children, in the hopes of having a better start, better opportunities, and to achieve more than their parents ever could?

There is NO family, NO person on this earth who would disagree. The leftist shits only spout this garbage because they're miserable garbage who failed at life, and look at those who succeeded with envy.

Let's not even go far: We've all heard the story of Bill Gates, of that dude who made Walmart, of Steve Jobs making Macs in his garage back when Apple just started......look at it this way, if you were one of those people, if you were one of those who worked hard and succeeded, would you want some liberal dipshit who fell for the liberal arts degree meme, saddled with student debt, almost no understanding of fiscal responsability, to take away what you earned for yourself just because "you're rich"? I guaran fucking tee you, if any of these starbucks sipping hipsters were Steve Jobs, they suddenly wouldn't be supporting redistribution of wealth anymore.

Capitalism enables the smart, the cunning and the willing man to earn from the sweat of his brow, sure you can say it's not always ethical or reasonable, that it has corrupt practices, but the other alternative is to force everyone in an equal state of misery (see: USSR and soviet satellite states), and EVEN THEN, the party officials and their families get to live in luxury while their hard-toiling """"comrades""""" wait in breadlines.

You're just envious that they were born in luxury, but if it were you I bet you wouldn't want to give up all your fortunes in the name of equality you commie piece of shit. And HURRDURR BUT THEY SIT ON THEIR GOLDEN ASSES ALL DAY is not an argument, if they did their fortunes would be squandered.

Maybe the world needs a max limit to family wealth of 100million.
If you can't live of that then fuck em,
But haveing billions in the bank is taking the piss

The top 1% of artists also create more art than the bottom 99%. What's your point?

You know what's actually really fun?
Stepping into muh christian breads and asking those mammon-gobblers when the next Jubilee is.

Lmao because the poor made zero effort to provide for themselves. The rich do not own every square yard of ground on earth

Artists 1%? Who?
Am talking about muilt millionaires and billionaires
Most didn't work for it, I bet a lot got it by dirty means too.
We need maximum wealth per family of 100million. If not we will continue to have wealth inequality till civil war and the poor come with pitchforks to take the wealth be force,

It's about who owns the companies, they own all multinationals and all resources. If the people would own shares in companies they would get their share in profits. Don't steal the money from the bank, steal the bank itself.

why are you trying to make rich people poor instead of making yourself rich?

The revolution is the effort. Viva la revolucion

Hey you bong commie fuck, why don't you refute my arguments ?

And to blow the fuck out of you even more, how will a wealth cap account for inflation or higher costs of living? You DO realize a wealth cap means there is literally zero reason to compete further, right? Look at Walmart, do you have any idea how many employees are paid by Walmart either directly or indirectly? Do you have any idea how much their investments (opening new shopping malls in X city in X state in X country) has paid for someone else's living wages? What if you impose a wealth cap? WHOOPS all those Walmarts around the globe are gonna shut down, all those hundreds of thousands laid off across the globe, now what, genius?

>Being this stupid

>because the poor made zero effort to provide for themselves.
Pic related
The western world is held up on the backs of poor brave man

True. They prevent you from doing anything useful even with your own.

>But a new report claims that the story of self-made wealth on the Forbes list is just that – a story. The report, from the left-leaning United for a Fair Economy, says that 40 percent of the Forbes 400 richest Americans inherited a “sizeable asset from a spouse or family member.”

>Forbes says that 30 percent of the Forbes 400 members inherited their wealth and the remaining 70 percent are entirely “self-made.” (Read more: Tax Hikes Will Chill Giving, Say Billionaires)

yeah, 40% of them inherited at least some of their wealth--a "sizeable asset" from a family member. That doens't mean that their wealth isn't mostly self-made.

poor people don't deserve money. They deserve to be removed from the gene pool.

>the alternative is the USSR
way to bite the Jewish false dichotomy

You go kill him For not working harder

It's a lot easier to make money when you already have money.

>It's a lot easier to make money when you already have money.

>implying the pic on the right isn't just some LARPing heroin addict

the reason they don't want it in the front yard is in case a kid with deadly allergies eats something he shouldn't while walking by ( yes I know the parents should watch their damn kids) but that is why they do it
>t. gardener

A flat wealth tax would do well. If you can't create enough wealth off the land to pay your taxes, obviously you're incompetent and need your wealth taken away from you and given to someone who can do better.

Now you understand the value of Sup Forums-x and filtering amerifat partyflags.

If we should kill any group of people ,it should be the out of touch rich elite,

>Most didn't work for it, I bet a lot got it by dirty means too.
LMAO did you even read the article you linked which directly contradicts this in the first three paragraphs? At most 40% can be said to have inherited ANY significant wealth from their families, and that includes the ones who, in addition to having a significant contribution from their family, made the vast majority of their wealth from their own efforts.

>If we should kill any group of people, it should be the commies, and we should throw them from helicopters


kill yourself you faggot.

You're pathetic. Keep sitting in your room crying about how mummy and daddy didn't have bigger aspirations for your life and doing nothing about it. I hope you end up working the fryer at mcdonalds you pathetic piece of shit.

The bong commie fuck is advocating for redistribution of wealth....because they're rich, and fuck the rich, that's why! Fuck them for being successful, fuck them for inherting assets, fuck them for having a better standard of life than me!

You know what's gonna happen if you deploy a safety net that does not allow any citizen to fail? No job? Here's free money! Wages too low? Here's free money! Not enough money to gib? Well let's skin those pigs for their money! No more fat cats to skin? Let's print money!

Rampant fucking inflation, that's what. Even with government subsidies it can only go so far, if you want an example, look at Poland in the 1980's. They literally couldn't fund the safety net anymore, workers unionized successfully for the first time in a soviet bloc country and forced the gubmint to make concession after concession, Brezhnev had to send the Red Army to retain control. Google "Poland Solidarity", and educate yourself

So first you want the """rich""" to give up all their monies so you can share with everyone, then kill those who fail to make something of themselves. Why not skin more pigs so you can get more money to hand around? And if the poor are gonna get executed by the state, why not do that from the start so everyone gets an even bigger share of free gibs?

You still haven't refuted a single one of my arguments, fucktard

>So do you think Africans and Indians should just work harder?

>using labor to get ahead in a capitalist system
>not saving money and investing it to accrue more money
>being this poor you didn't already know this

You are probably white trash.

i want you Marxist retards to watch this video, just so you're self aware of how fucking retarded you morons are.

why would i want anyone but the people best at managing wealth to have it?

>poor people coming to take wealth by force

>implying poor people will get off their lazy asses for once

You are too funny britbong

This is so typical of poor people.
The rich don't deserve to be rich, I do.
Well what did you do to earn it?
Nothing, that's why you're poor.
If you made it and became rich you wouldn't give your wealth to your children?
You're basically saying that wealth can only be accumulated until you die for it to be fair...
Let's forget the fact that you're also wanting to take money away from people who made it on their own. You're basically like every black person who's still asking for reparations even though they were never slaves and their lives are far better in America than Africa.
Fuck outta here with that shit.
Stop posting online and go make something of yourself.

>opens this thread
>expects Hitler memes and moonman videos
>sees a bunch of boomer cucks talking about libertarian shit
>leaves the thread

Why not kill the lazy fucks who just get angsty and upset about situations but do nothing to improve them?

There is a point where it becomes silly, I think, like the fact that certain companies can go in the red and continue to function for fifty years before declaring bankruptcy. In my opinions.

However, redistribution of wealth does not work and anyone who thinks it can or will does not know history very well.

Yea Richard Branson made he's own wealth, all it toke was 100k from hes aunty in the 1970s lol
It's a fucking joke . Time to burn the super rich

Because the rich elites constrain us into situations that can only be solved with them winning and us losing.
Got any better excuses?

if you are wealthy you should blow all your money on coke and hookers
don't try to leave any for your kids, it will just be taken away from them

>most if not all of these people inherited that wealth
Well, no. The majority of billionaires were born poor.

Nice try though!

Companies keep themselves in debt to leverage their positions and to curb tax expenses.

Jeff Bezos was steaming in a share holder conference a few years ago when Amazon finally posted a profit, it meant that that profit wasn't going back into his business to grow it more.

You see kids, rich people spend their money and lines of credit on things that make them more money. That's how they get richer.

“Throughout history, poverty is the normal condition of man. Advances which permit this norm to be exceeded — here and there, now and then — are the work of an extremely small minority, frequently despised, often condemned, and almost always opposed by all right-thinking people. Whenever this tiny minority is kept from creating, or (as sometimes happens) is driven out of a society, the people then slip back into abject poverty.

This is known as "bad luck.”

― Robert A. Heinlein

>The majority of billionaires were born poor.
holy fucking shit m8

>t. communist nigger

Then they'll die

That's false though, they don't constrain anyone. You only constrain yourself by not putting in the work and essential time needed to build something.

You think the multitudes of multi-millionaires and billionaires got there because the elite chose them and allowed them to enter their super secret club?

Grow up.

>not putting in the work and essential time needed to build something.
They don't play by the rules. Why should I?
Literally neck yourself, you toxic trustifarian parasite.

>ITT retarded boomer cucks who don't know how Sup Forums works feed OP with replies without saging
>posting 0 memes or anything except walls of text

Ok, I posted the rebuttal. Now you lot can fuck off

What ethnicity are all those people? Careful goy, you don't want to commit another Holocaust do you?

Who gave more this guy and the millions like him through out history that again hold up western civilisation on their backs or the super rich that wher born into wealth?
Am not talking about people with money! Am talking the 1%

Gas the rich, revolutionary war now

Does that mean the Saudis have to give up their wealth? Of course not, just the evil white man.

Not a rebuttal. GDP does not measure the living standards of most citizens. It does not measure value, only sales price. This number only matters if you're a parasitic foreign investor looking for a piece of it.
Why haven't you killed yourself yet, leech?

>gassing your most productive citizens
Sounds like a really bad idea

Did you not see the poverty rate, which is also there? Bottom right corner mang.

In the past 30 years, china's poverty rate has fallen from 85% to 6%

> isn't it time we redistribution of that moneys..yes I know it sounds like communism but it's be comeing a fucking joke .

Yes. Half of the top richest are anti-white liberal JEWS:


>Bill Gates
>Warren Buffett
>Jeff Bezos
>(((Mark Zuckerberg)))
>(((Larry Ellison)))
>(((Michael Bloomberg)))
>(((2 Koch Bros.)))
>(((Larry Page)))
>(((Sergey Brin)))
>3 Walton Bros
>(((Sheldon Adelson)))
>(((Steve Ballmer)))
>2 Mars
>Phil Knight
>((((George Soros)))))
>(((Michael Dell))))

>he defends rich kikes
>for free

You're the ultimate cuck and bootlicker.

why shouldn't the rich eat the poor?

So you're admitting your statement was false, and then state they aren't playing by the rules so you shouldn't either.

When in reality, they most certainly do play by the rules, they just know them better than you do. They work within those rules and use them to their advantage, unlike poor people such as yourself who sit there and blame everything else on keeping you down.

Go ahead, go kill and steal from all the rich people.. What are you going to do when you've used up all of their wealth? Get a job? LOL, no, you'll probably starve, or get mad at farmers for having more land than you to grow their crops... you're pathetic.

Also, how does it feel knowing that my money invested is contributing more to society than your nothingness and angst? How does it feel to know that I not only contribute to society, but profit from it at the same time? How does it feel to know that I'm better than you?

Koch's are not jews

They already are

Because, they're more useful in the fields growing our crops, or in the factories making our cars, or at a construction site building us a nice building.

Well you live in Mexico, you don't know what a decent quality of life is, you shouldn't be able to speak on such matters because of your envy.

because the rich are mostly jews

Way it's supposed to work is the rich and the poor work together in a social heirarchy of a nation for each other's mutual benefit as a people. Instead we have this phenomenon where the rich don't identify with the poor whatsoever, and are working against their interest. For example, bringing in multitudes of illegal immigrants to replace their labor

t. kike shill TRAITOR

Even if I had this money, my lifestyle would change very little... I might chew more tobacco and get some choice weiner implants, about it.

Yes, I saw it, and what does the number of people whose PPP-adjusted income rose above $1.90/day have to do with living standards, when everything that was once free is privatized, working hours grow longer, and one doesn't need cash to eat from what was once their rural family farm?

You're not. You're just a rebbit psychopath.

>Capitalism enables the smart, the cunning and the willing man
it enables the sociopaths to get to the top. Sam Walton literally backstabbed every business partner he had to get to the top, he fucked over COUNTLESS of people with his fucked up business practices. fucked up countless of small stores by buying them out with his aggressive business techniques. it's nothing short of fucked up, the kind of thing only worshiped in capitalism where cash is king no matter how you get it.

kys. you are the elite's wetdream: the idiot poor who genuinely feel for the "hard work" meme.

>when everything that was once free is privatized
by "everything" you mean the empty shelves?

Go talk to a Chinese person, they'll straight up tell you what free markets have done for their people. I've had several chinese associates at my college, they're all super hard core capitalists and absolutely hate communism

Yeah the whole 99% movement failed. It isn't 2011 anymore. Turns out that the 99% weren't crazy about bums living out in their parks as a political protest. It doesn't really appeal to average human beings who enjoy public and private property rights.

and you're poor!

Chinese farms are around 1 hectacre: Miniscule compared to an American farm. False comparison.

They're too young to know and they're also future bourgeoisie so why wouldn't they lie?

how the fuck are the kikes with suites and cuban cigars beating each other off as they look at their stoke prices rise more productive than the people actually working?

You can do that now by voting with your money. People have absolutely no excuse anymore with how accessible everything is through the internet. No one is forcing anyone to shop at Walmart or Amazon.

There are some companies, like Google, that need some work done though.

Wow so many protecting the 1%
This little bastard better pull he's finger out huh
And he can be just like Richard Branson

I think you have this problem where you can only win debates when there is a capitalism/communism dichotomy.
You're correct, capitalism is fucked up. But don't point out the mote in your neighbor's eye when you have a log in your own

>most if not all of these people inherited that wealth
Gates,Bezos,Slim,etc...all self made. Most millionaires in the USA? Self made. Usual arc is gen 1 gets rich gen 2 gets good education and gets slightly better than middle class jobs but spends like they're rich. Gen 3 squanders what's left. Gen 4 back to square one. OP is not only a faggot, but retarded as well.

>waa someone took advantage of the naivety of some people
>waa he wasn't honest!
>waa waa waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

all the while his kids sit as billionaires and you sit there in tears about it being unfair.

didn't your parents tell you life isn't fair?

If it was, no one would get ahead.

hard work meme? it isn't a meme, you work hard until you have the capital or process in place for other people to take over to free up your time from it. Then use the capital from that business to invest in other opportunities.

Yeah m8, they were born with high IQ's, they made a lot of money.
Not everyone is so lucky

Not working as hard or making as many sacrifices still doesn't mean they should have their wealth taken from them

Get it through your head that we DONT inherently think that someone having more than they hard-earned is something that NEEDS rectifying

I'd rather not be a slave to the state, thanks
I'm not a Stalinist, I wouldn't even go so far as to call myself a communist, more a libertarian socialist.
Also, heres what fascism got Germany:

that's a nigger
monkeys will never be rich

because that money that is invested and earning them that money, is paying those workers, its paying for the supplies, its paying for the logistics, its paying for the leases, its paying for the entire operation.

Go ahead, tell them their investment isn't welcome and see what happens to your hard working people.. They'll starve or go back to 1600s style farming.

There is nothing keeping your common laborer from investing into things themselves, other than their own shortsightedness and stupidity

Fascism got Germany a massive economic boom and a functional social order
Only got defeated when the entire world ganged up on them. Germany had by far the best tech, the best kill ratio of the war.

earth needs a server wipe

Rich is entirely relative. If you were born in any western country then you have more wealth than the bottom 99% of the world. You lucked out and were born in the US or western Europe. Does that mean you should have to give up your wealth for shitholes like Africa to have more? Blood was shed for your right to live and work freely in the west so you aren't expected to give it up. Same way, if blood and sweat was shed by your parents or their parents to ensure your success it doesn't make sense that you should have to give it up. You didn't earn the right to live in a country where you could be successful, but someone did and you aren't expected to give it up. Why should it be any different for inheritance?and you didn't earn the right to

the Germans had the red army outnumbered 2 to 1 in both infantry and air force at the beginning of Stalingrad.
They got out smarted and lost to some fucking farmers as (((the master race))).
Also, under Lenin life in Russia was good and Stalin looks objectively better than Hitler.

Again I'd like to be clear.. am not talking about a few million... but horde multi millions or billions is fucking wrong.

90% of the top 1% are jewish. why are you so anti-semitic, nazi?

Do you understand economics, even a little bit?


No explain

Im not an antisemite I am just collecting on Debts.

The State of Israel and Israeli Dispora are to pay me 10 quadrillion shekels, Gold Only.

Maximum wealth per family should be limited to 100million ,we have min wage so let's have a max wage also

If you work and and become successful, wouldn't you give your kids a ton of money so they can get a better start in life? I didn't inherit shit from anyone ever, but I think it's okay to leave money for kids and future generations.

Sure 100million, anything more is greed
Cmon man how can you justify this pic