Do Europeans really hate us Americans as much as I read and hear about? Makes me feel kind of bad to be honest. I always thought Europe was cool, but I always read that Europeans consider us the dumbest, most ridiculous, insane and ignorant people ever. They seem to think America has too many conspiracy theorists, crazies and a bent of rabid patriotism and anti-intellectualism.
Do Europeans really hate us Americans as much as I read and hear about? Makes me feel kind of bad to be honest...
Australians feel the same. In fact, the whole world thinks you are a scourge that needs to be removed.
the common trend is just to think "lol americans r so silly" but now is "lol americans are trash fuck trUM!P!"
It's a good thing we don't give a shit what Europe and Australia think, then
Except, you know, you're all irrelevant. As goes the U.S., so goes the rest of the world.
obviously some of you do, this thread is basically
>why don't you like me Euro
>crazies and a bent of rabid patriotism and anti-intellectualism.
this is true though
This is horrible. What the hell Europeans? I thought we were buds?
I'm going to kill myself now b/c I desperately need your validation.
> Euro
> Turkish and Moroccan flags
Why the fuck are sand niggers even in there?
>American Education
Doesn't know what the first flag is
I am an American and I hate us Americans.
Europe is always, always gonna hate on us. They have a tough time tolerating each other, let alone some young upstart country that's younger than most of their villages. Think about if your job hired some younger kid, and he ends up doing your job 100x better, and simultaneously does everybody else's job for them - all the other workers are gonna get complacent, and complacency leads to idleness, and idleness leads to criticism and shittalking.
It's okay though. Europe is good for when you want to reminisce about how things used to be, or if you wanna check out interesting food. Other than that, it's just a cameo in a very long movie where America is always the main character.
[spoiler]he dies at the end[/spoiler]
It's just a retarded trend people like jumping on to, don't take it personally there's still people in Europe who support your great nation
Oh sure, the American empire will fall, American influence will wane. It's just a matter of time. Not gonna happen in your lifetime or mine, sure, but eventually.
But who will it be replaced by, is what I want to know.
Get rid of your jew overlords and stop kiling people in the midle east, that is Israel agenda.
إن شاء الله
This example is also the fault of the advertisers. If they actually knew math, they'd know that 1/3rd is 1/3rd more than 1/4th. They could have capitalized on this and marketed the third-pounder as having a third more than the quarter, removing any confusion. They used math without knowing how it works yet somehow expected their customers to understand.
U jelly?
You're either fat, uneducated, non white or all 3
>caring about eurocucks
I figure it's the type prone to Self Deprecation (Far left) or someone who is using a proxy to stir shit up.
Have you noticed the spam threads are all trying to get us to argue?
"Who the fuck would wan't that I wonder?"
Have a peak threw at all current comments and fallowing comments.
They'll even outright lie and generally do anything to cause arguments.
after you burgers voted for Trump
every normal fags think exactly the same as you mentioned.
you just want to divide the Jew/Euro alliance we have
I wont fall for your shifty tactics you US pigdog
they envy our diversity
Yea now americans either are seen as shitskin fatasses by the global right or nazi uneducated suburban and rural retards by the global left
Nah most yanks on here are bro tier, it's just bantz.
I'm American, and I'm tired of people saying Americans are the stupidest country on Earth.
From what I've seen on this website, Europe in the stupidest country.
They don't "think,"'period. There are no europeans as dumb or as smart as us. They all lean on the same easy cliches of mediocrity. Even their public intellectuals are only glorified cliche mongers.
Yes, but with you it's just comical. How many unis in the top ten, again?
I do not hate America, although I am a little critical of you, your govornment does some really dumb shit sometimes.
We're talking about continentals though
The way Americans view Texas is the way the rest of the world views America.
Maybe if you stopped making pointless wars in middle east for your masters.
Texas is the greatest state in the union, the rest of the states would be lucky to be even half of what we are.
Texas is full of spics lmao
As a northeast fag, user speaks the truth.
They are jealous
Anything not American is practically third world.
You're basically a dumber texas tho
really fires up those neurons
Even the most liberal Westerners are racist in private, if we speak about your racial makeup, so. "Your" country is literally run almost ENTIRELY by jews.
apart from that, it is entirely centrally planned around the automobiled creating a monotonous strip mall wasteland from sea to shining sea.
almost everyone is forced to drive unreasonably large distances to get from place to place, sealed off from their fellow man in their cars. all the walking you people do is from your car, across a parking lot, and around some fucking stores in a strip mall. everyone suffers from severe cognitive dissonance because the polished version of america shown on TV simply doesnt exist. beauty is rare, and almost always found in nature. hardly anyone even knows what a culture is, and those that do, are usually surrounded by beauty in very concentrated pockets of wealth fucking the rest of the country, and the world.
the """"""food""""" is almost entirely toxic, and agricultural procedures and ingredients banned even in developing countries are still practiced in america because "MUH GROWTH"
if you look at the average american suburb from space, it literally looks like one of those human farms from the matrix, because that's what america is: a human farm.
everything is geared towards juicing shekelz from the destruction of nature, man, and culture.
Australia isn't full of blacks and Mexicans dummy.
Not that it's any better. Anglo-Celtics aka Australians are 75% of the CITIZEN population
>half a million of population are part abo subhumans - pic related; may seem like nothing, but it's a literal genetic poison, that threatens the very existence of the Anglo-Celtic racial hygiene, as mixing with some 1/16 abo """white""" is not frowned upon. Expect the number to rise to 3 million in a generation, if you don't get racial laws asap
>half a million of pure coons
>resources and land bought off by China
>shitton of chinks, southeast asian monkey, meds, lebos, sudanese and jews
>no guns
>hate speech laws
>censorship of media and films
>expensive for it's citizens
I wouldnt be surprised if in the next 100 yrd some state in usa secedes
Hey kid
I think you're ok
Here's lookin at you
You already lost the argument.
>nation based flag low tier banter
Even a nigger is right when he say 2+2=4
>we have
Rightly so, most of us if not all of us are idiots.
Kentucky wants out. You idiots, and by you idiots I mean everyone outside the Kentucky border, are always stirring up shit whether it be a civil, proxy, standard or world war. All we want to do is get drunk on bourbon and listen to bluegrass music while watching horse racing or basketball. Hell, we didn't even pick a side in the civil war bc you all suck.
ive actually never heard it summed up better
>look at my pet
The whole point of our country was a gigantic FUCK YOU to Europe in the first place, honestly we should go back to that line of thinking as we were most successful prior to wading into their shit.
Why do you think Europe is cool exactly? All the cool people over there have died off and only cucks remain, what "sights of Europe" do you still want to see? Paris? Its entirely overrun and/or covered in graffiti, same with London, same with Berlin.
They have no pride anymore and are only able to bear their own pain by insulting us, who have long since usurped their power over global politics. I don't think all of the EU even beats the US in research papers anymore, let alone actual military technology. Why would we need to look up to these people when they've entirely stopped looking after themselves?
>Do Europeans really hate us Americans as much as I read and hear about?
No. I think the US is a great nation. Obviously not as great as Ireland but a close second.
Yeah, we're the most hated country in the world for our far-right hate views and imperialism. I'm surprised we haven't been bombed to oblivion.
Jealousy breeds hatred
Americans are great, just easy to hate on.
>Yeah, we're the most hated country in the world for our far-right hate views and imperialism.
Strange I love the US and think President Trumps election was wonderful.
1)Destroyed the USSR
2)Most Americans are friendly and decent ( the ones I have known anyway)
3)Supported my nations fight for freedom.
4)Texans are fucking wonderful
God Bless the USA.
Your state is a big thorn in the side of most states. Everyone would be glad to see you gone.
They hate us, cause they anus
>I'm surprised we haven't been bombed to oblivion.
Your shit education is only possible with the worlds greatest military force. Every other country united couldn't pose a real threat to the US.
>Texas is the greatest state in the union, the rest of the states would be lucky to be even half of what we are.
Looking in from abroad there is a grain of truth in this. Don;t let the media fool you burgers into thinking you are hated abroad. Far from it. Particularly after electing trump.
>US is a great nation
>US is a great nation
Yes it is. With massive connections to Ireland over two centuries and there is a firm friendship between Ireland and the USA. You lot on the other hand....still shipping weapons to crazy marxists in neutral counties?
Fuck Russia. God Bless the USA.
Thank God the Americans stood firm against the Godless heathenism of marxist leninism. Fuck Russia.
>Thank God the Americans stood firm against the Godless heathenism of marxist leninism.
USA literally absorbed it. most of the capable ethnic Russians were siphoned off by European and American trans national companies
i guarantee you use something made by a Russian(google), but sold by a US company every day.
and not just Russians, literally every nation you groundlessly talk shit about has built "your" country, which isnt really yours, since you're just a subhuman mule.
the people who are most successful in America are, always have been since the Civil War, and always will be immigrants who stick together or secret societies. in any case, they actually have some sense of Logos. Americans, on the other hand, are a culturally absent subhuman mule who have never and will never invent anything.
im pretty sure a lot of burgers realize everything i said to be true subconsciously, which is why they always hurl insults at other countries while ignoring how objectively FUCKED beyond all measure the US actually is.
>1) destroyed the USSR
I wonder who gave half of the Europe to USSR.
You know most Americans are descendants of immigrants right?
Why in the world would you care what Europeans think of America?
>you're just a subhuman mule.
Coming from a russian......lot of projection there serf.
Speak for yourself dumbass
Do you know who created the flag that you use?
Pic related
Do you watch or just jack-off when niggers fuck your mother?
This pretty much
>Do Europeans really hate us Americans as much as I read and hear about?
Here we mostly don't care, whenever I go to the US people thinks it's awesome.
The only real negatives stigma are bad food and fat people.
And when I am in the US everyone is super friendly and think France and Europe is awesome too.
Sounds like a divide and conquer shit pushed by the medias.
Inbreeding has taken it's toll on some Russians
Stop projecting, Cletus
Right-wing Eurofags kind of have a boner for Americans, so I wouldn't worry about it.
Who cares what the left in Europe thinks, they let hordes of Muslims come in and form literal child rape gangs and do nothing about it.
No.. he goes postal and kills them all for being shit talking assholes who can't/ won't do their share of the work, while criticizing the job he's doing.
Also, just for fun, shit talking euro trash imports rapefugees, to diversify your white countries.. ignore any common sense while doing so, and have the audacity to call Americans racist.. the only Western country that HAS ALWAYS BEEN DIVERSE..
Part and parcel of being stupid.
Fuck euro trash. They'll need US before we need them.
Austria feels the same.
Projecting? lol ... Russia trying to be relevant. Keep trying Ivan, maybe when you stop with your fuckery
>Right-wing Eurofags kind of have a boner for Americans
It's the opposite
The Gadsen Flag is an American flag fyi
The mid-east is resource rich and is keeps our soldiers near Russia and China
Yes. Success breeds jealousy
>Russian slav-shit going ham against every country ITT
Russians were mongoloid sub-humans 70 years ago (back when US was 99% white). What does that make them now?
Majestic assertion, but Northeastern Europeans and Anglo-Celtics are the Whitest
We just think you're dumb, arrogant and fat, but we don't hate u.
I love A&W burgers. It's a shame you hardly see them anymore.
I feel bad for all in this thread that do not get to experience the US outside of major cites. You really are missing out on the true people that hold this shit show together.
don't you and three of your buddies have a light bulb to screw in.
Only the men.
And unfunny
basically thousands of walmarts
Correction, leftists hate Americans. They also hate their own people and their own countries. So fuck em.
>calling the eternal anglo aryan
Only real problem with Americans as people is you're damn fake. Acting like any stranger is a long-lost friend. The rest is well, not all good, but either good or has good cause.