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All are helpless in the presence of the Pale Man.
Just accept your fate.
Never liked him to begin with.
what anime is that from
*smacks face wound*
Even the white spics are insufferable.
Didn't he have to flee Mexico because his family kept getting kidnapped?
Neither is it a coincidence that Mexicans are the colour of shit.
Old and gay.
pan's labyrinth
If this is true, then I don't wanna see now Hellboy 3.
He's a good director
*eats a fairy*
Why did some Mexicunt even decide to make a movie about the Spanish Civil War?
He clearly knows nothing of it if this is his allegory and metaphor.
>pacific rim
>pale man simply asks you to not break the rules
>dumb kid breaks the rule and freaks out when the pale man gets angry
Wow makes you think
Del Toro also drank the progressive kool-aid? Fuuuck.
Wait that's not the real one right?
SJWs from spain are the fucking worst. swear to god.
He always was a commie.
That's just unfortunate. He is one of the few modern day directors I actually enjoy.
Yeah, fuck all those white people who pay 90% of the taxes in the US to feed, clothe and house all of the shitskin degenerates who do nothing but whine, commit crime and destabilize the country.
Like that autist spaniard who always starts those communism """generals""", often times being the only one to post in his shit threads.
WTF I hate Mr.Totoro now
That movie say fascist is true devil
ithe blatant racism doesn't bother me. that i'm fine with. it's the fact that it's become so socially acceptable and celebrated to be openly racist towards white people yet at the same time don't you dare even have a single negative thought towards another race that really angers me.
Wasn't the director of this movie white? I bet the guy who invented the video camera was. And the guy who invented the film reel. Hollywood is Jewish though..
>Blade II
i don't know what you were expecting out of that
>Crimson Peak
I always thought that character looked like Mitch McConnell
stop being white
Something good if he's a "good director."
Guillermo del Toro is pale, him being Mexican doesn't make it otherwise. Fucking self loathing cuck.
Is there anyone, anywhere remotely mainstream who can express themselves outside of this canned sjw-light faggot speech?
it's a giant robot movie you weren't going to get something deep
James Woods.
He fits the weight and attractiveness average for an armchair communist anyway.
"In a 2007 interview, del Toro described his political position as "a little too liberal." He pointed out that the villains in most of his films, such as the industrialist in Cronos, the Nazis in Hellboy, and the Francoists in Pan's Labyrinth, are united by the common attribute of authoritarianism. "I hate structure. I'm completely anti-structural in terms of believing in institutions. I hate them. I hate any institutionalised social, religious, or economic holding."
What did the eyes in the hands represent?
Damn right because of Arabic foolishness and Black Lives Matter attacking their own protectors I am now Ruler of the Planet.
I thought Mecha-Hitler was orange though?
Cave beasts for life you nigger.
Go run along the plains and chuck your spear you throw back.
Del Taco you fat fuck thanks for inserting post-hoc political statements into your movies.
I thought it was about the fascists in spain you double nigger.
>I hate any institutionalised social, religious, or economic holding.
So full anarchist then.
>openly saying negative things about another race
You ever been on reddit? That places makes Sup Forums look inclusive - and they're tied to names that are usually tied to their real identities.
>Wasn't the director of this movie white?
Yeah if asked tho he's probably the type that will call himself Latino Spanish Meixatinx
Maybe he should ask BLM if he's white or not.
It's breaking the conditioning and waking people up, though. It did for me, anyway.
WTF I hate white people now!
He works for (((Hollywood))).
Are you really surprised?
Oh look, another self-hating white mexican.
Like Louis Cuck King.
WTF?! I fucking hate that faggot now!!!
What is identity when one can spend all day posting about such subjects on international forums and then just walk away from it as if it were just a passing dream
What really bothers me isn't so much the stuff you just said... it's the white people that just bend over and take this shit, revel in the (((white guilt))), and actually support this propaganda. I hate to use the word but literal fucking cucks. And there are LOTS of them.
Fat fuck ruined the Hobbit movies and let Peter Jackson take the blame.
Also wasn't this movie about a child's mind sliding into a fantasy world after (((counter-revolutionaries))) murdered them?
thats it.
I am not going to buy Kung fu panda on blu-ray anymore.
Did del Toro just fucking assumed it's gender?
What a fucking nazi! It's 2017!!,
I always hated this faggot, he made one okay movie, then proceeded to produce nothing but schlock, his fans are the worst because they think they are cultured for liking his movies and you can always spot them at conventions as they obese bearded and either wearing a dream theater shirt with open toed sandals, or they're rail thin faggots with long hair who will defend his terrible movies to the death of them.
wtf i hate del toro now?
What did you expect?
Pan's Labyrinth is pure commie propaganda.
details nigger
>Crimson Peak
Hey bruh that red headed bitch portrayed the average woman very well.
sides went into orbit
Fuck do-rags and handguns, buddy
Boku no pico
You're welcome
Habibi you have to be 18 to use this site
I could care less when a non white writes some shitty comment against whites, the west, colonization etc.
But when other whites do it large numbers, it disgusts me to no end.
Shouldnt this fat weeb be sucking kojima's tiny dick?
Wasn't that the monster in that one room where you aren't supposed to touch anything and then the little girl just said fuck it and touched shit?
Good times.
Holy shit he's going mental
Why is he so praised anyways the only good thing he did was mimic and hellboy
He's forgetting something really important. A fucking big nose
I read on Wikipedia that the Pale Man represents the Catholic church.
What happened to this guy?
Nvm, all spics have the same name I get confused.
This was Benicio Del Toro
What would a dark man represent? Peace and tranquility? lol
Reminder that the pale man is disabled and the girl took advantage of his eye condition to steal from him
Yes, I like all these films.
But of course he's a self hating cuck. The dad in Pan's Labyrinth was a villain.
moron, Spaniards aren't spics
What the fuck is worng with Mexican intellectuals that they're all commie faggots?
their country is a capitalist disaster
The country has been under socialist-lite rule for nearly its entirety. Along with the socialism is the fact that 2 outta 3 local leaders is corrupt (taking money from the cartels and shady businesses), and 4 outta 5 state leaders is even more corrupt. Just recently one of the governors was arrested for stealing funds from his state's coffers to the tune of $35 million dollars. So to them, their socialist government is the solution, even though they ignore that the size of the government is itself the problem.
being a commie in mexico is a common trend among teens and other mentally challenged individuals, weeks ago some commies in my university celebrated the 100 aniversary of the red revolution in russia
hint: spic means Hispanic
>all major parties are Socialist
When did pans labyrinth come out? Seems like another person still desperately trying to cling to relevance by playing the anti white zeitgeist
Say what you will about Mexicans but they'll never cuck to Islam like you would.
I could wave a Nazi flag and name the Jew as the source of society's ills on Facebook and, at most, I'll get a reeee and a WTF. But no witch hunt or any kind of ostracism.
So fuck you, you pale faggot. Yeah, the colour does suit you because the idea that you might have to fight scares the living shit out of you. You balless faggot.
We love too much pork and beer to let the mudslime scum grow