Dumb goyim, we are the chosen race. We kill the mudslimes, you should support Israel like Trump supports Israel. All this world domination and globalism conspiracy is antisemitic lies. You just hate us because we are smarter than you.
Fuck you antisemites
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Oy veeeeeeeyyyyyy
>ask a jew why they are pro immigration only when not for Israel
>jew starts stutering.
sauce ?
fuck off schnoznigger
If dgits, OP dies.
Stefen Memelyneux, brah.
You destroy everything you touch, including your own inbred bloodlines. You're not smarter, you just have control over media and education so you keep information from the only people who pose a real threat to you.
Thank you based Jew for my beautiful penis. It doesn't smell after 5 hours and looks trim and fit.
haha, rot in hell kike
Man in the High Castle you pleb
Butthurt hypocrite whites at it again. Say niggers are inferior to whites because of whites success, but refuse to admit whites are inferior to jews when jews are more successful than they are. Jews actually are smarter, they even have higher IQ than whites do on average. Yet you would say niggers are inferior to whites because they have lower IQ.
Whitey just can't accept that they are niggers compared to jews. If jews aren't superior to whites, then whites aren't superior to niggers.
Fake, you antisemite. You can take the mudslimes because they are goyim like you in Europe. They are not Jews, they cannot come here to Israel.
Whites just can't accept they are inferior to jews, they have no logical consistency and like to pretend they are 'righteous'. Jews are the true master race; higher IQ, more successful more affluent.
bide your time, kike
>here to Israel
Take off those digits. You don't deserve them.
>mfw troll flags finally go away, again
Check'em kek'em
>All this world domination and globalism conspiracy is [s]antisemitic[/s] countersemitic lies.
Such an antisemitic nazi website. I will make sure to have this it removed for the internet.
>I will make sure to have this it removed for the internet.
This is an english speaking website, shekelberg. There are many yiddish speaking places for people like you.
BTW kike, Ashkenazis are not a semitic people.
>Jews are superior
One My Italian ancestors invented the internal combustion engine, What have yours done kike?
>refuse to admit whites are inferior to jews when jews are more successful than they are
Oh, you got me, Jews are perfect in every way, veritable supermen.
Lol OP is a larp.
What is true, however, is Jews get hate, more than any other group, because they are smarter, AND stand out because they do their own thing.
kek even your ID says JU
The red pilling will never stop.
Looks like a skit
>Knows Jews have superior intellect, resorts to appearance argument
What a nigger-tier argument, proof that you really are niggers compared to Jews. This is the same as niggers with their 'muh athletic build' argument. Just like not all niggers are athletic, neither are all whites attractive. Got nothing better whitey? Or should I say nigger?
We control the civilization your 'ancestors' helped build. Respect your Jewish master, nigger.
Borats are stealing land from Palestinians with lies?