Raising a Child

Hello Sup Forums.

I'm 21 and recently made the mistake of pulling out too slow, and this girl I know is now pregnant and her mother is making her keep the child.

It hasn't really hit me, but I'm going to be a dad. I don't know the girl that well, other than she's the new girl that started hanging around my frat.

I plan on trying to work things out with the girl, raising the child with traditional values, and instilling him/her with dignity/self-respect and integrity.

I also want them to adopt my political beliefs while avoiding the possibility of any child-like rebellious tendencies causing them to dismiss my beliefs and pursue degeneracy.

Any tips on how to raise a red-pilled child, Sup Forums?

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kill yourself, because if you don't, your baby probably will due to having you as a father

Knock her down the stairs.

trying to make your kid adopt your political beliefs will only increase the odds that they will rebel against them.

>got a girl pregnant in college.
Your kids gonna grow up to be a stripper/drug dealer

keep them off social media, make them play sports, show them the great outdoors, introduce relogion to them rather than force it, make them appreciate the benefits of rights given to us from our government to instill national pride, and don't be too permissive while avoiding being authoritarian.

>rights given to us by our government
Boot-licking faggot. Rights are given by God.

Are you sure you're the father?

don't let the jews chop off his dick

Woah woah woah the mother can't "make" anyone keep a child unless the girl is a minor.

I call bullshit right there. Secondly if you all are not in a position to raise the kid adoption and abortion are both completely viable options. Jesus Christ.

have two loving parents (male and female) who love each other... o wait

mothers make a lot of girls keep their babies because of stronk woymn and i dont need no man.

Even if you don't see it now you are going to benefit greatly from this. It's incredible how having kids can give you focus and determination and more importantly purpose and meaning. As for tips, apart from the obvious, don't be afraid to be the bad cop sometimes, kids and specially boys need discipline.

it's your relationship with the girl you need to focus on m8. the kid isn't going to be aware for two to three years yet. make things as good with the mum as you can - if you fall in love that's pretty much job done



>posting pics of le Sort Urself Out man
>has a fucking accidental child

Jesus christ man you clearly didn't watch enough of his lectures

Dont stick your dick in pro life

Be careful: youtube.com/watch?v=RXGnsYrA1ZM

fucking degenerate

Please watch Stefan molyneux's parenting material

you're scared now, but the dadpill is the best pill.

Yes unfortunately.

Already own a legal advertising firm and I'm graduating in 11 months. Already slept with enough women to not care if this new life chapter holds me back. What you would call a "problem" I call a journey. I'm excited.

Instead of children's shows, raise it on gore videos through a vr headset preferably

Feed it only MRE rations

Instead of ABCs, teach it every bullet size and type, and every weapon type, warfare tactics, improvising, etc


Okay christcuck go try to exercise your god-given rights in Syria and see how far you get. Rights are enforced by your govt, moron.

Don't lettem get you down OP, don't marry this roastie slut, but play an active role in your child's life, raisem right with good values.

Get married ASAP. Learn to compromise. I guarantee that if you and her are not selfish and understand that you have a child it can and does work.

I married my wife after 5 months of knowing her. That was almost 15 years ago. My situation was nearly identical.

You will work your ass off to do it right, but you will be the inspiration of everyone WHEN you get it.

Get through years 0-6 and then start worrying about teaching them values.
And stay away from cheap sluts or learn to control your cum-pistol

ahahhah that s what you get for not using a condom retard

No TV except for documentaries. Also give them lots of books to read. Absolutely no computers either. If you can, try enrolling them in a private school. Buy them one of those Leapad book reader things to give them an early start with reading. They really work.

Try and work out an agreement with your child's mom so you have plenty of time to raise him/her. Be apart of your child's life. It'll prevent your baby from growing up wrong. Children need their father

You will love this little baby more than you've ever loved anything before. Being a father was the greatest thing that ever happened to me.

You're going to have to grow up yourself fast now. Be strong. Be mature and don't fight with the mom -- ever. Do whatever you have to do be a part of his life.

Good luck and congrats

Don't listen to this guy, never marry a whore you knocked up at a frat.

Oh also, make sure you have a good relationship with the mother. Maybe put a ring on it in the future. Healthy families raise healthy kids. If it all works out, try to have two more kids. Having three kids is optimal for families.

She actually isn't a slut, though. That's the thing. I started flirting with her a year after she dumped her high school boyfriend and I was the first guy she slept with since. I think I can get over the fact that I'm not her first, because she's pretty shy and traditional. It's kinda cute. If I didn't have that gut feeling I have about her, then I would'a bailed.

>I'm 21 and recently made the mistake of pulling out too slow,

Unpossible. The jocks at my old high school assured me that the withdrawal method is 100% safe & effective.

Lucky you. Been trying with my wife for a bit now and she isn't getting pregnant and we actually want the child.
Man up faggot.

Also see about doing outdoor things with your kid if you can. Fishing, hunting (or just going down to a gun range), camping, playing sports, etc. Reading at home, only getting two hours at most of tv to watch only documentaries, sports and outdoors bonding activities and private school will give you a redpilled kid. Hell if you can't do private school, it's okay if you can do the rest.

Plant drugs in her house and have her arrested and then go for full custody.

Have you considered artificial insemination.

its science

>while avoiding the possibility of any child-like rebellious tendencies causing them to dismiss my beliefs and pursue degeneracy.

Youre already a degenerate so there's no chance for your half-gook kid

Do what I did, Tell her she is being selfish and irresponsible and never talk to her again. If she tries to get child support join the men's advocacy group for custody cases and demand full custody. The bitch will just leave you alone and have a miserable life and eventually call you up drunk 6 years later and say that she is letting her mother take full custody because she can't handle it and is a stripper on coke now and that she is sorry she ever kept it.


You dun goofed. Odds are stacked against you. Glad she's keeping it, but you both are fucking retarded for getting yourselves into this shit. Try as best you can, but don't be too hard on yourself when you fail. Also kids will be kids. You try too hard to imprint your values and they'll rebel. Lead by example.

So marry her. Just make sure you draw up a good pre-nup.

> her mother is making her keep the child

I'm ready for the challenge user. Best of luck!

Being a dad is great and I'm proud of you for doing the right thing by the child. It's not particularly difficult to raise a kid... just be available, don't do anything around the kid that you wouldn't want them to be doing. Be true to your word as much as is feasible... I understand that it can be hard and you may be too tired or busy to do some things, but that's the basic gestalt.

As a father, you have to try to be the bedrock of the family foundation. You will have off days. You will be irrational. You will vent when it's inappropriate... This is parenting, everyone has done it.

Just don't be a scumbag and do the best by your family that you can.

Great advice. Thanks. I want to be married to her right after the kid is born, so I'm getting serious with her right now. Talked to her and told her that we will not let my wealth spoil the child, take it to church every sunday, and raise them with a good work ethic and drive. I think we'll make good Authoritative (midway between authoritarian and permissive) parents.

t. monarchist.

Yet another child destined to grow up in a shitty environment and become a shitty adult simply because his retarded parents only thought process was MUH DIK MUH CUM.
Kill yourself and her both you fucking degenerate.

This guy knows exactly what the score is. I'm currently figuring out how to get the $6,000 together for a trip to Disneyworld in February while simultaneously selling my cuckshed in Vancouver to buy a house in Coquitlam... And by God, if I can't do all that and make a tidy profit, I wouldn't be much of a dad.

It's actually going to be easy... Because of the parental focus and discipline.

ideally this is great advice. But it is naive to do this. She is 100% going to leave you in 5-7 years and absolutely break your heart. Your best bet is to keep a cold distance and she will become attached to you forever. It's basic psych of dealing with women without dads.

As a father of 4 (2 from previous marriage) let me tell you user.. the best thing you can do is be your kids best friend. Always one up anyone else and always be there for them. Make your kid believe you will do anything for them and die for them while also instilling discipline. Have a very emotional and loving relationship with them and they will take your word as law. Dont be afraid to have kids man it's the ultimate success. Spreading your genes. If you're going to be in a relationship with this woman redpill her first. Teach her the ways, show her the truth but be subtle and slow about it. DO NOT MARRY HER. If you plan to get married wait atleast 5 years of being together. Divorce is the shittiest thing you'll have to go through if custody is involved I promise you. It was the worst experience of my life and I've spent over 3 years of my life getting shot at in Afghanistan through out my deployments. Good luck faggot.

>I'm 21 and recently made the mistake of pulling out too slow

No. My whole life I always wanted to be a dad. All my siblings and peers wanted to be firemen, doctors, astronauts, etc. while I just wanted to be a dad.

I want to take part in preserving my race and try to save whatever salvageable bit of Christian Identity there is left in this nation.

> Get Married ASAP
You're fucking retarded.

Eh... He's right in the sense that you shouldn't fight. Most arguments are petty bullshit. At the same time, don't let your wife rip on you, especially in front of the kids, over petty bullshit.

Stand up for yourself from time to time, don't be a doormat.

> 21

Good lord. You have 2 children on your hands, just letting you know. Be the *leader* and focus on improving yourself and educating yourself, the child will follw your example. The woman is useless other than to provide you with necesseties and intimacy, she is replacable remember that.

I call BS OP sounds like a fat lesbian

I'm open to just having her as a close friend for a while, since she and I were already "friends with benefits" before this. Plus it would give us a chance to get to know each other on a deeper level and see if we're ideal partners.

You just convinced me it would be idiotic to try to force a marriage in an already hectic situation. I'll just be very close friends with her/date her for a year or so before I make any decisions like that. It does help that I already have a great feeling about her. Thanks for the wake-up call and perspective.

Fuck off, cunt. He did the deed and now he has to do the honorable thing. You aren't going to save western civilization if you're incapable of taking responsibility.

I'm so glad to hear this.

Make sure she stays in touch with her mom and/or yours. It's her first baby and other women are sooo important when you have questions.

I have so much hope for you both and I really am keeping y'all in my prayers

glad I was able to convince you. I can sleep well now knowing I might have actually helped somebody. Also see if it turns out she is a huge bitch.

>black pill first

Frat-groopie? Who's kid

Works every time

Unless both you and this girl are white you need to make her get an abortion.

Both white.

Kids are the best. My advice: don't worry about what you might be "missing out" on (partying etc). Had my first kid at 33 and I wish I had gotten started sooner, so I could have more time to spend with my kids ( I've got 3 planning on at least another one - doing my part to save western civilization)

In short, marry her and try hard to be patient. It's tough but the ultimate in rewarding- be a great man.

So you're a man of means who needs to get parenting advice on Sup Forums after you knock a girl up that you met at your frat party.

Yeah okay buddy.

this is the end of your productive life. Enjoy wage slavery and raising your wife's son






Get a paternity test though, just to make sure it's yours. You might just get lucky and turns out the dad is just some wog.

>Any tips on how to raise a red-pilled child, Sup Forums?

Make sure you're an adult when you have kids. You're not btw.

>see thread
>Raising a Child coupled with a Peterson pic
>expect a success story


this is pretty good

Focus on teaching him/her good values instead of your ideology. If you do this right, he/she will get to the ideology by himself/herself

Congrats son.

First: You need to get on top of that shit. Tell her you're ready to care for it if it's yours.
Begin planning your life with her.

You need to make yourself employable if you're not already. You have 9 months to get a reasonable job .