73% of Terror Attacks Since 9/11 Have Been White Supremacists

How can Sup Forums ignore this?

The frequency of far-right attacks is particularly significant in the United States, where white supremacist, anti-government and neo-Nazi extremists have been responsible for 73 percent of deadly terrorist attacks since Sept. 11, 2001, according to the Government Accountability Office. Also notable is that in many cases, Muslims have become the target of violence.

In February 2015, three young Muslims were shot to death in Chapel Hill, N.C., by a 46-year-old man named Craig Stephen Hicks (an F.B.I. report on whether this was a hate crime has not been released). In April 2015, Robert Doggart of Tennessee was arrested in connection with a plot to recruit a militia group and attack a Muslim community in New York State. In 2016, a Ku Klux Klan member, Glendon Scott Crawford, was convicted of plotting to kill a large number of Muslims with radiation. In May, prosecutors say, two men were stabbed to death on a train in Portland, Ore., by a white nationalist named Jeremy Joseph Christian after they intervened when he harassed two young women, one of whom was wearing a hijab, with an anti-Muslim tirade.

After a series of terrorist incidents in Britain either claimed or inspired by the Islamic State, in the early hours of Monday the driver of a van hit a group of men who had just attended prayers at a mosque in Finsbury Park, North London. The suspect, who was quickly subdued and arrested, reportedly shouted that he wanted to “kill all Muslims.” His crude method of attack mimicked a terrorist technique recommended by the Islamic State.


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>(an F.B.I. report on whether this was a hate crime has not been released)

73%? That's weak. Talk to me when it's at least 97%

how the fuck are some of these terrorism

these seem like hate crimes, but they're lumped in with terrorism? Why?

By the way, I would like to point out that the report here that is being cited gao.gov/assets/690/683984.pdf

Is about EXTREMISM, which is markedly different from terrorism. I can see why someone with an agenda here might conflate the two, but please, do not.

>Counting things that white people do as terrorism

God damn, 73 percent?

Fake news, cookie cutter "facts"

Biggly shareblue burger.

What planet do you live on mate?

Whites are 74% of the population. Muslims are 1%, what percentage of terror attacks are commited by them?

in your dreams nigerr jew poor-o-pean

95% muslim

Terror attacks based in religious ideology?


95% of the victims of terrorism since 9/11 have been victims of Islamic terrorism.

LMFAO ummm no sweetie. White supremacists don't do "terror attacks" they do "ethnic cleansing"
there's a BIG difference.

Nice one, faggot.
Prepare for intense redpill.

I've read this story, the guy was fucking nuts and was fucking with all of his neighbors

This is like straight out of a dystopian novel. 50 years from now I'll be able to tell my kids how the Muslims were killing whites in the streets of Europe with trucks, raping them and forming sex trafficking circles with white european children, and how the entire time this was happening the media was blasting out that the white supremacists are the real problem.


I was hoping someone would point out that Jeremy Christian was a Bernie Sanders supporter who admitted to false-flagging against White people on Facebook.


Proof from a reputable source or OP is a faggot.


It's all about representation.
When 99% of the population does 73% of the attacks and 1% of the population does the other 27% then there's a problem with that 1%.

Also leftists screech about white supremacy and racism so much that no one actually believes in white supremacists anymore.
Oh another nig got shot and it's white supremacist terrorism? Nope he was chimping out, attacking cops and earned the bullets he got like always.

Propagandists are legitimate targets. Fucking shoot them.

Yeah, we know. It's always that Sam Hyde asshole and nobody will stop him.

this tbqh famalam


hey derp derperson

whites have always committed the most terrorism in america, being the dominant makeup of society

the main difference is that the unabombers, eco-arsonists, animal liberators, baader-meinhof (west germany), students for a democratic society, IRA (ireland), etc., all focused on GETTING AWAY WITH IT

islamic suicide attacks are a fairly recent development. they require zero skills to execute and reached white americans a few years later with the advent of mass/school shootings

of course the main goals of most white terrorism (unless racist, usually) are property damage and political action, not killing people indiscriminately

but then again, most of the racists seems content to burn a black church or whatever, rather than shoot one up

Very unique definitions of "white supremacist" and "terrorist attack". Both are completely full of shit. Most of those counted are not terrorists attacks and weren't committed by white supremacists. Liars.

Because they count Islamic terrorism as "workplace violence," count IX/XI as one incident, and count everything the SPLC claims as a separate white terror attack.

Jeremy Christian spent 99% of his time being a bonehead nazi criminal and he made one mysteriously uncharacteristic Sanders post...he was false-flagging against the left.

Like I trust what the government accountability office considers to be white supremacist or terrorism.

Don't think so no.


Bullshit he made multiple pro-Bernie posts.


Muslim isn't a race you dolt. Most Muslims are Arabs and for whatever reason Arabs are labeled "white"

Sup Forums ignores everything that conflicts with its idea of how the world is, and will push everything that agrees with it, even if the story or source is a complete lie, they are literally the same thing as fucking infowars and breitbart, just push your narrative and scream whenever its proven to be wrong.

Diversity IS our Strenght! Non-muslims should lean in and help fellow muslims to overcome xenofobia.
There should ve govermently subsidised quotas on terorism according to distribution od ideologies.
Christians And worst offender of them all - atheists should do their share of teror atacks.
Equality should ve our primáty concern.

Posts academic study refuting Op's thesis

Accuses Sup Forums of ignoring facts while ignoring facts

anything with "source:inforwars/breitbart" are automatically not facts

White supremacy attacks go up, Islamic terror attacks go down....
...gee I wonder why....

You mean in white countries white people commit "terrorist" attacks? Like when that guy executed that traitor jo cox, the leftwing bitch who deserved to die for helping destroy her ancestral homeland and take away our children's birthright? Why did you say since 9/11 user? Was there something that happened that day that skews the bullshit you're trying to sell by any chance? I'm sure you're a really honest person

Nice projection faggot

>73% of Terror Attacks Since 9/11 Have Been White Supremacists
>How can Sup Forums ignore this?

You just ignored terrorism prior to 9/11.

>fake news