Laci Green

Is she /OurGirl/ now?

Other urls found in this thread:

She has nice tits.

This is fucking hilarious. Women completely adopt the ideology of their man there is no integrity to their beliefs at all.


she got some dick by that balding youtube faggot and now she's behaving reasonably


it's some damn obvious shilling when these /ourgirl/ threads pop up every time right after a new video comes out

fuck off

Controlled. Opposition.

I would lick her tonsils through her asshole, if you know what I mean.

Depends. Has she shown her boobs yet?

I remember when people here said they wanted to fuck the SJW out of her.
>yfw Chris Ray Gun actually did it the madman

Not shilling. I've been here from the beginning. But when someone joins us we should accept them until they choose to fail again.

laci, please post timestamped nudes or i loudly disagree with you on twitter

She's a #Magapede now.

post tits and I'll like and watch all your vids

>caring about women's opinions

I'm not Laci. I'm one of those faggot alt-righters who saw her change.

i'd cum on her piggy face

Why has she never appeared in a bikini? I need to see the hips and ass.

Sup Forums is turning into nothing but pathetic cringey beta orbiters & kekistani autists

>she said there is 2 genders!!!
>big tits!

>what makes a strong argument?
hey laci, i want to put my cock in your mouth

She's /ourgirl/ once she names the jew. Until then, she's trying to exploit a new audience

I didn't used to think so, but now I'm firmly convinced

Out of all those, only sh0e is the phony one. Lmao

Apparently, she is just fat. Fat, sloppy, saggy tits. I have no doubt her ass is both wide and flat — the very worst combination.

no, she's a typical dumb broad who follows her mans lead.

Once they break up she will complain about how much of a misogynistic, racist, bigot he is.

I want to fuck Kat Dennings so badly. I want to destroy her and her Jew tits. Fuck you Sup Forums you closet Jew lovers have given me an unbelievable Jew fetish when I never gave a shit about them before.

She is our girl when she crosses over to the likes of debating Lauren Southern, Styx if he's up for it.

Alright agreed.

Dude. she's gross...

the one on the right I'd smash. I'd kick Green to the wayside.


she has sausage fingers.

so no.

Lauren Southern will name the Jew in 2017. Screeencap this.

good lord

Sup Forums died a long time ago.

>rabid feminist kike suddenly decides to be more right wing when it's starting to be popular
>based!! /ourgirl/
you cant be serious

Laruen Southern is the jew.

Is she a porn star? She looks like a porn star and has a porn star name.

no, and I still want to hate fuck her fat ass.

>Is she /OurGirl/ now?
this kills the poll



Just wait and see...
This bitch is going to get arrested over and over again in her future for being a total cunt in public.

Do we really need to do this debate for the 500th time? Fucking morons..

Why doesn't she show her tits? She doesn't have to show her nipples just the tits without a tshirt or a bra. Is that too much to ask?

>is this jew our girl POL?


I think she's ugly.

"What makes a strong argument?"
Not a woman of couse.

look at what i sent again. she's clearly against our agenda.

Shame I missed this years Brony Con

you couldn't have prevented this

me too

I've seen that shill pic a thousand times. You're being used as an useful idiot for leftists. How about you look at the video I posted.

>post yfw slamhog

a dumb attention whore, i wonder how man moribdly obese virgin alt-right white knights will give money to her now. she must be so excited.

Oh hey.... it's this thread again. Could you maybe, like kill yourself op?


Careful with the words you use man. If you group all women together like that, you'll drive away the level-headed conservative-voting women

fucking search for it then on her twitter.
you fucking newfag. lurk more.

Op is a hook nosed kike and should go kill himself.

Her armpits are nicer.

get a load of this fag

Fook off m8.

I know the tweets are real you imbecile. You're just too stupid to understand what she's saying in it. Why are you not addressing the DNA test?


Pics, or you lie.

Just because they're big doesn't mean they're good. They're fat girl tits which sag more which is gross.

pol has had so many deaths I lost count


There will never be an /ourgirl/

There's only a /yourgirl/ and you have to mould her yourself.


you can be white and still work against white interests.


Those aren't tits, Mate.
Now, these are tits!

Good thing she is not doing that.

Is bang but she's still a stupid whore

is that boxxy? wtf

No. Shoe just looks like Boxxy.

Leave now shill. No one cares about your cow in glasses.

The only way to win in life is to bag a conservative cutie.

Cow-girls are the best.

probably one of the only pigs i'd dream of porking

Does anyone else think Shoe looks like that slutty wife from a Few Dollars More?

Highly doubt that's her.

American calling others cows.

i just wanna fuck her mouth to death

if pols girl is a self described feminist thatd be pretty funny, so yes.

Pic is her

What he says is

To run away from the nazis isn't the same as being a jew...example You could be a spanish republican and get some camp,you could be many things and have to run away from the nazis some had to do with race,some had to do with beliefs religion,or political or same might have had to do with their jobs they might have been military contractors working to for the Danish goverment or any other million variant. things more carefully we are all autistic here but you don't need to have downs to try and beat us


>self hating american
go back to the mid-oughts and complain about bush, faggot

Flat wide ass is flat. She is a jew. She is fat. She is short. She is a manlet maker. Do-not-want/10

I like tits that sag more. I like to lube them up and do some titfucking. Feels good man.

Dunno post pic of wife.


Kek kinda, could be her mom or older sister, or her in a few years.

Lauren is /ourgirl/

Her face looks like Jeff Goldbloon put a girl in a teleportation machine with a pie and fused their DNA.

girl on the right is /ourgirl/

lacey i would hit but christ look at her face. its so wide.

>mfw used to go to this college
>mfw i have no face