Why do hot women love Trump so much if he is such a misogynist?
Why do hot women love Trump so much if he is such a misogynist?
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He understands women, you don't.
women want to be raped
She should had gotten a nose job instead of a boob job.
hot women as in superficial are upper class. Guess who voted trump? They did.
They don't need the government to take care of them because hot women can easily find a man to do that, something that the landwhales among us can never have.
that bimbo is bangin
the hottest chick i ever dated came from a poor ass family
Bimbos (attractive but dumb women) respond to hypermasculine posing and posturing, boasting and bluffing.
Her nose is fine and women shouldn't get any cosmetic surgery done. It should be banned.
He doesn't hate them.
Conservative women are more attractive than leftist women, the outliers for the leftists are hollywood who only get jobs based on their looks.
He is right her nose ruins it all
Bullshit everyone knows the modern Democrats are the ultra-rich and the ultra-poor welfare losers.
Modern day right is lower-upper-middle class-lower upper.
>why do hot women?
fixed it for you. your mom and grandmas have rape fantasies, trump is their rapist.
hot women don't need feminism the same way chads don't need MGTW
Southern women are either hotties or fatties. Its kind of like a reverse bell curve of hotness.
t. redneck
i agree
because people are complex, and just because they fall into one category doesn't mean they also fall into another category. People often vote against their own self-interests too.
our point exactly
Im not talking about natural looks im talking about dolled up gals with plastic surgery.
The stats dont lie. Upper class voted Trump.
No, her nose looks like it belongs to a nigger, except the holes are slightly less visible (at least from this angle)
What do you consider upper class? Because all of LA and NYC voted for Hillary, it doesn't get more fucking upper class than that.
Over 100k a year isn't upper class lad.
id fart on her tits
They want to be grabbed by their pussies until blood comes out of their whatevers
idk looks fine to me man
Hot women, for the most part, like their men to act like men. They would rather an alpha male grab their pussy than have a neckebeard tip their fedora to m'lady, anytime.
yes i consider 100k to 500k+ upper class and 1 milllion + are just rich snobs who employ servants voted hillary.
>yes i consider 100k
get real mong. that's not eve upper middle class
Yeah man, sorry you're obviously down on your luck but 100k a year for a family is not upper class. Lower Upper is like 750k a year.
The ammount of money a lot of people make is astronomical, those real upper class was super pro hillary, they're wealthy enough to be leftist and not have the massive taxes effect them. It's those in the middle who suffer the most under democratic policies, and god forbid over your long life you build a small fortune the Dems estate tax they're trying to pass makes it so you can barely pass any of that money on to your descendants.
Dem policies also largely favor hedge funds (most the hedge funds donated to Hillary) but they cry "Regulate Wall Street" then the Wall Street they regulate is the regular run of the mill financial advisors who are open to normal people and enable normal people to retire without relying on the gov't. Then the actual crooks (investment banks and hedge funds) go largely unregulated and continue to donate to Dems.
They're trying to keep us all poor and shitty.
I disagree. Of course Trump also has a lot of middle class voters and some in poverty as well. But dems dont have the middle at all unless a really bad republican comes around making them jump ship.
I don't care who they support, hot women have no business talking politics. The large majority live a comfortable life without accomplishing anything. And even then they're still ungrateful, they won't hesitate to jump in bed with another man, and unshakefully try to take the things that their husbands actually worked for in a divorce.
lower upper class does not start at 750k
what's her ig?
your average "normie" woman is naturally misogynistic themselves
women are not trustworthy enough to even trust their own kind
not every white person has a small narrow nose
They're voting against their own best sexual interests.