Why Cant the Right also be Enviornmentalists?

I think it would be really good for cleaning up/ preserving your community to make it less shitty and worth going outside, with all the psychological benefits that come with it on other people so libs are less angry

not to mention a way to get away from pol for a bit, and maybe network with others in the real world

it teaches patience and forces you to work towards something over long periods of time, but also allows you to be creative/ plan things and act on them

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lolwut Nazi Germany had the first nature protection laws

they should be and now is the prime time to take that stance
conserve the environment

climate change is a load of shit. we have to deal with xenoestrogens in our drinking water, land that is so contaminated nothing can be built on it, and toxic freak-food that's non-traditional and industrially automated to disgusting ends


A good economy takes priority over a pristine environment

Because they can't spell it, O.P.

you are a retard

>righties started the national park system
>righties started the EPA
as usual it's fucking democrats that take any decent institution and turn it into some fucking powermad oppressive bullshit

You speak from experience yes?


>being triggered over fucking spacing and not caring about thread topic

you must be having a kick ass wednesday night

Of course we can, and we SHOULD.

Environment is top 3 tier importance.

Not the tree hugger stupid hipster hippies mongoloid shit, but the fascist laws protecting the environment type.

Just go away, idiot pagan.

Conservatives are selfrighouts and they are convinced all things have been put on earth for them to fuck with and please themselves at will. Its a "God given right" type of thinking. So no, can't be aware of the balances in nature if all nature is there by God to be fucked in the ass.

>mows lawn


You can be environmentalist without supporting global warming theories and preventing highly productive factories to save a species of frogs. As with stuff like private nature preserves, there is a lot of use in allowing people to buy up land and natural resources. They do all the upfront cost in preserving it and sell access back to the public for them to go hiking, hunting, fishing, beeastiality, etc. on that land. Same could easily work with open lands initiatives. The problem currently is that the whole right wing v environment thing is a meme, made as a result of lives crafting the narrative and neocons controlling the party and never confronting that narrative. People are not open to market oriented solutions to environmentalism and pretty often claim (most of the time baselessly so) that if private owners control open lands and environmental matters, they will just sell it off to some oil fracking lad rapist. Not true. All those fags that start ten different local bleeding heart save the frogs campaigns need to just save up the money to buy the land and preserve it themselves rather than get mad and protest. The same people that are always getting upset over a tree being cut down or a butterfly getting stepped on waste their funding making posters and starting online shit slinging campaigns. If those same people could just buy the land and take care of it themselves the problem would go away and the solution would be far better. My guess is that most of those people are either too stupid to figure that one out or too greedy/lazy to actually put their money up front and go through the effort that comes after the protesting.

who says were not? the only reason people think 'rightists' are not environmentalists is because fake conservatives like neocons.


Not lives

I am for the environment, it's just that well defined private property rights are the best thing for the environment, but that's the last thing leftists want so they slander us as anti-environment.

the green movement is a scam

organizations make good money on it, and they prey on useful idiots who will spread their "cause"

true for "Green politics", but picking up litter, gardening. landscaping and maintaining sidewalks/ removing grafitti ect isnt that crazy

Because actually caring for other living things isn't edgy enough.

>Why Cant the Burgers also be Enviornmentalists?
FTFY, stupid american fuck.
Thank me later.

because they can make more money for themselves by destroying the planet

our education system has failed us

we need to try a different approach to get people to care, going outside woudl be good for them

Fashy goy here
I am an environmentalist

>Why Can't the Right also be Enviornmentalists?

I am, heil hitler.

Right wingers are a virus that seeks to consume and destroy for immediate monetary gain, concepts like empathy, appreciation of natural beauty, and long-term thinking are alien to them

Oregon is full of right-wing environmentalists.

We're pro-logging. We just want the forest to still be there in a hundred years.

We're pro-industry. We just don't want to be poisoned by the exhaust.

We're pro-recycling. We are not any different than left-wing environmentalists on this issue.

Making environmentalism a moral issue was the greatest mistake of the liberals. They pushed away numerous right-wingers from environmentalism just so they could say there were on the right side of history, instead of working with us to build a better future.

That sounds like an approach !
Is there anything wrong with you ?
Are you not feeling well, my cousin from overseas ??
Have some of this :youtube.com/watch?v=xVcGbiW47wc

No it didn't, the US National Park Service well predates the existence of Nazi Germany.

I've got a degree and an internship in this stuff. Nature is pretty cool.

We started the National Park Service, which was unprecedented in it's conception. People come from all over the world to marvel at our landscapes.

Meanwhile, shitholes like Germany have nothing left to preserve.

The first step in winning someone over to your side is believing that they are a rational human being.

It's basically a trick to make the right seem like retards and Trump is playing along, sadly.

At one point cuckservatives just adopted the ideology that climate change and stuff is bullshit so they will have a hard time winning. And every conservative party in the world looks at America and adopts this shit because they see see it as their blueprint. Take AfD for instance.


True, in the first part.
(Being ridiculed for never having visited the best country (STILL! ) in the world -GERMANY. )

Who says the right isn't environmentalist? As far as I know, the right champions freedom and excellence. Nothing screams more freedom than the wilderness and nothing is more excellent than our American landscape.

Your environmentalism is an excuse to destroy small business and take away the rights of rural Americans in order to make us all mindslaves dependent on a bullshit, soviet oligarchy run by pedophiles hell bent on destroying the souls of all living beings. Go. Fuck. Yourself. If you think I will ever submit to this insanity you need help.

That's bullshit. I watch LindyBeige I know what's up

They can be. I'm a tree-hugging vegan and I hate kikes and niggers. You can do it, too.

Meet: Ducks Unlimited.
It's an organization composed almost entirely of hunters who has saved more wetlands than all other conservation groups combined.

In the Middle Ages there was a common German saying

>There are more pieces of the True Cross than trees in the black forest

In the 19th Century, Germans made this literally true when they clearcut the most majestic and historic forest in the entirety of Europe. The modern Black Forest is genetically homogenous replants of trees that were once rare there.

This is the best European environmentalists have done to "preserve" the environment.


In my opinion conservation OUGHT to be a conservative principal. It literally has conservative in the name

Taking your resources....overspending them....borrowing against the future....not worrying about the consequences to live in glut of fun shit now. When applied to taxes, the national debt, or finances that behavior is considered liberal, but when talking about the environment it's not? Abusing the environment so it isn't sustainable for future generations does not strike me as conservative

Who started the national parks program? Teddy Roosevelt. Why is it that trees are more plentiful now than before Europeans landed on the North American continent? Because loggers planted two trees for every one they cut down. Who is most responsible for ensuring the health and vibrancy of wild herds of all sorts of game animals in North America? Hunters and outdoorsmen. What does a conservative man do on his of days around his home? Maintenance, gardening, planting trees/bushes, etc. It should be the same with our natural world.

50. The conservatives are fools: They whine about the decay of traditional values, yet they enthusiastically support technological progress and economic growth. Apparently it never occurs to them that you can’t make rapid, drastic changes in the technology and the economy of a society without causing rapid changes in all other aspects of the society as well, and that such rapid changes inevitably break down traditional values.

51. The breakdown of traditional values to some extent implies the breakdown of the bonds that hold together traditional small-scale social groups. The disintegration of small-scale social groups is also promoted by the fact that modern conditions often require or tempt individuals to move to new locations, separating themselves from their communities. Beyond that, a technological society HAS TO weaken family ties and local communities if it is to function efficiently. In modern society an individual’s loyalty must be first to the system and only secondarily to a small-scale community, because if the internal loyalties of small-scale communities were stronger than loyalty to the system, such communities would pursue their own advantage at the expense of the system.


Nazis were the OG environmentalists

See Teddy Roosevelt.
Nay, I'd rather make less than destroy our soil.
The media and the lefts narrative has also skewed the publics perception too.
Don't ya have ukranians to starve? How's the gulags at this time of the year?
>commie scum preaching about living things.
Americans have always been enamored by our landscape, don't believe everything you hear on euro media Fritz.
You've gone full retard dawg.
>A fucking leaf.

It wouldn't be an issue if they weren't against global warming. The conservatives that openly reject it make people think they're too ignorant to care about the environment.

What abotu at least spending more time gardening/ landscaping and maintence of your home/ neighborhood

and who said we cant have outdoor wifi, I mean, what better than shitposting on the deck/ patio looking out at something nice

and so many people dont take pride in their homes

pic related

shouldnt this be something we should aspire to?

Thank you for lecturing me about the Schwarzwald, mein freund.
>be burger
>be about 1/ 20 of the world`s population
>use about 1/3 ( ONE THIRD) of ALL resources of this planet
>still be a bigmouth and braaaaag....

Maybe we need to infiltrate the Smithsonian Institute and use it to redpill the world

>mowing your lawn is environmentalism

Are you serious?

What the fuck are you talking about, you queer faggot


That's all I have to say.

>caring/ maintaining the environment is not environmentalism

you are still using the liberal definition of the word

Environmentalists claim to be for the environment, but have no problem flying private jets all over the world and Using high cost/low efficiency 'green energy' that are the major killer of endangered species.

Conservatives are for reasonable measures to manage the environment, but not at the expense of man. Eco-types get their teeth into a cause and will grind until they go nuts, facts be damned. Polar bears are at their largest population ever, but Gore still claims they're dieing out. Forests are replanted with a vengeance, which irritates tree huggers. Man's effect on 'climate change' is unknown, but the Left can't produce scientific data they'll actually share for review.

It's also been around since the 30s and unlike a lot of private non-profits, almost all of their money goes into actual conservation.

Pretty based group, even if you aren't into waterfowling you have to give respect to where it's due.

What if everyone lived in properties like this? youtube.com/watch?v=h9T4T-LqQJk


The funny thing is most Republicans live closer to nature than any liberal coastal yuppie, and have a vested interest in keeping it in good shape.
If they hear about a way to live in harmony with the environment without the ballooning of government at the expense of individual liberties, they'd be all ears.

The dems and neocons have consistently failed to field any such solutions for the past 24 years, and that's the cold hard truth.

it would be like a story book, even bronies would get outside more

>Why Cant the Right also be Enviornmentalists?

Because the right runs on logic and realizes the environmental problems we could actually do anything about were fixed decades ago.

If muh environment is so important, why did we wreck it by shoe-horning 40 million immigrants into the country?

>being this jelly

You lost Hans. Get over it.

1. the proper conception of environmental stewardship is property rights and responsibility

2. the proper amount of pollution is not zero. Zero pollution implies zero resource use. Resource use is the difference between western civilization and google Africa. We use resources to build civilization and prosperity. That pollutes the environment.

3. environmental cleanliness is a luxury good. a man with no heat doesn't mind the air pollution of burning coal. one must be relatively affluent to want to pay more for his other needs in order to also buy improvements in environmental cleanliness / reduced pollution. As an individual becomes more wealthy, his environment becomes cleaner. As a society develops a middle class, it can afford to clean up the reckless polluting practices of its growth phases.

4. the west has failed its people by suppressing the property rights of individuals to their own clean air, clean water, quiet streets, and so on, by allowing large corporations to pollute resources not owned by those large corporations.

For example, after the giant BP oil spill, the Obama administration indemnified BP from private lawsuits seeking recovery for damages. Obama ensured that all of his friends got paid by BP, and then said nobody else could get paid.

BP should have been tied up in court for decades paying all the private citizens on the gulf coast that they fucked.

I also question this. For me however, environmentalism has become tied to collectivism and an increase in forced regulations. It's a matter of freedom. Personally, while I don't believe in anthropogenic climate change, I really do care about pollution and not turning our world into a cesspit.


Because the other side are the environmentalists. Its the lefts job to push/pull the right into environmentalism. The left gains power the more people care for the environment.