Defend this Germany
Defend this Germany
They can't defend it nigga, they might go to jail.
Stop being racists and you won't go to jail. Next story.
Stop being cucked, you and your friend france are a fucking disgrace for Europe
i hope the destruction of the EU
Germans have no concept of freedom or, for that matter, of reality existing independently from government definitions.
There's no first amendment in Germany seeing how it's not one of the states.
It truly must be suffering to live in Germany.
From what I, a humble Kraut have subjectively gathered, the consensus in general is swinging towards the right. So if they are going to enforce that, oh boy, lots of work ahead, especially considering that any sort of critique is already established as "hate speech"
man that art is degenerate
Probably why I haven't seen many Germans here recently. Good thing too. Such a vile people those Germans are. Can't wait until they're completely wiped out for good and we can repair the damage they've caused.
We do have that concept. Government does not make rights, it acknowledges them or doesn't. Ours doesn't acknowledge any, in fact, our Social Democrats now officially endorse the stance that we're not even biologically human and should be removed where our interests conflict with human rights. But that has only produced an upsurge in illegal (and even legal) weapon ownership (mostly tasers, but still). In my town at least, gun club membership is at an all-time high and all the self-defense classes are booked out until the next decade. Resentment stirs and Prussian flags fly over rooftops.
What is true is that you do not get any -image- of Germans beyond what our ZOG has to show yours to stay solvent. And they're very interested in making us look weak, seeing how nothing short of our wholesale breaking and extermination can ever wash clean the sin of our ancestors freeing the kikes from Babylon. Hence why you have so many cuckposters and why most Germans never will admit to any right-leaning position - it is simply too dangerous if you do have family or any stake in anything that's politics-related. So please don't rock the boat on this, the simple truth is that we need another Western nation to kick this shit off so as to not simply get nuked outright.
All that said, Maas' shit can't be excused. It all goes on the list no Mr Schindler will come save him from.
>raided their homes
>gotta confiscate all those illegal abstract thoughts you've been hiding in here bruh
Based Spaniard (I pray for you since your government just passed a law against "manspreading"). I completely agree, this is reaching Orwellian levels of insanity. I hope Germany, France and Sweden burn and that all other EU nations just EXIT.
Europoors will never wave pig heads at muslims and tell them Muhammad was a child molestor.
Thet can't handle this much freedom
i think that law it not going to take it serious, basically because isnt a seriuos problem, but you know when the goverment of that city are fucking stupid politically correct comunism...
what we can expect from a women who celebrate that the sandniggers comes to spain from ceuta, we should shoot them before the try nothing. fucking moors...
ans yes, i hope the exit of Spain from the EU, the EU its just a problem for Spain with that stupid requirements of the cucked Westerns countries.
at leats feels good know that EU said we had to to accept like 17k refugees and we only take like 500.
It wasn't me I swear
Ob's stürmt oder schneit, ob die Sonne uns lacht,
Der Tag glühend heiß, oder eiskalt die Nacht,
Bestaubt sind die Gesichter, doch froh ist unser Sinn,
Ja, unser Sinn,
Es braust unser Panzer im Sturmwind dahin.
Germany, you must stand up for yourselves. The jews are getting their revenge. If you want to have a country, be outraged about this shit.
how long until the German government starts monitoring their Sup Forums posts?
Mit donnernden Motoren, So schnell wie der Blitz,
Dem Feinde entgegen, Im Panzer geschützt.
Voraus den Kameraden, Im Kampf steh'n wir allein,
Ja wir allein.
So stoßen wir tief In die feindlichen Reihn.
Wrong flag. I mis-clicked. But the point still stands.
More about this? Looks fun.
gotta purge that wrongthink
Wenn vor uns ein feindlicher Panzer erscheint,
Wird Vollgas gegeben Und ran an den Feind!
Was gilt denn unser Leben, Für unsres Reiches Heer,
Ja Reiches Heer
Für Deutschland zu sterben Ist uns höchste Ehr.
Mit Sperren und Minen hält der Gegner uns auf,
Wir lachen darüber und fahren nicht drauf.
Und droh'n vor uns Geschütze, versteckt im gelben Sand,
Im gelben Sand,
Wir suchen uns Wege, die keiner sonst fand
Und läßt uns im Stich einst das treulose Glück,
Und kehr'n wir nicht mehr zur Heimat zurück,
Trifft uns die Todeskugel, ruft uns das Schicksal ab,
Ja, Schicksal ab,
Dann wird uns der Panzer ein ehernes Grab
BANNED -> 2017
-Minister of Defence Ursula von der Leyen
Germans should overthrow their tyrannical dystopian government
>Stop being racists and you won't go to jail. Next story.
shut up sjw flag, go back to hell
A protest by Christians in Dearborn, Michigan, the largest Muslim area in probably the country. The group was mainly several bikers who waves pig heads around and confronted muslims face to face at a fair that was going on.
an allem sind die juden schuld
did he bolt a pig's head to a pole to use as a sign/weapon? that's fucking hilarious
We should too
keeps the muzzies away
Nice - thanks for the info. I'll be sure to buy some rounds if I should ever end up there.
Okay seriously now, a RAID?
Merkel is the Hitler of multiculturalism.
Plus she was educated in a commie society to hate freedom of speech. Merkel backstabbing people and feels good about because that's the way of commies.
Bumping. We should be importing German refugees looking to escape this nonsense.
Better yet, they should start assassinating their politicians.
So much for the tolerant left am I right guys?
Neato flags