National Aboriginal Day 2017

Happy Aborginal Day, fellow Canadians. I just got home and am drinking a few cold ones in honor of our First Nations peoples.

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Why don't you call it National First National Day you fucking punks?

How do you think Abos feel about this?

Tits or GTFO

Good point. Trudeau announced today that from no one it will be called National Indigenous Peoples Day


Happy indians day!!

So how is that First Nation women going missing thing working out? Fricking leafs talk about how bad the mericans are, and they aren't doing squat over that.

Would berry

Even though she looks nothing like her, she reminds me of this tall dominican chick I could have totally banged if she didn't move to California.

>Australia's Aboriginal Day

wew lad, she's cute af


Don't say Abo you cunt.

The missing injun chick "inquiry" will turn into a farce, it will change nothing.

Every 2 weeks we have a first nations day when they collect their cheques and head to the liquor store so why bother making a big deal out of it?

Stay the fuck away. Think about how much emotional, racial, and social-economical baggage comes with that woman. That sir, is what we cal "a no fly zone"

I was watching NITV yesterday (tax payer funded Aboriginal channel) and learned a mob up in QLD played, what is white men call "touch football", with a possum skin ball.

Who woulda' thunk touch footy was first played by the first people of Australia.

Shout out to the brock shirt. Aryan as they come.

I met a 10/10 native canadian girl at a party here in jersey, are you guys hiding secret cuties?

So what are leafland abos like? Are they different to eskimos or american indians? How many were killed when vikings discovered canada?

She may still be passed out in the stairs.

Maybe if you get to them before they finish highschool. They ruin themselves fast with drink, drugs, smoking, pregnancy..


Fucking useless since the churches fucked their great grandparents, grandparents and parents up in the residential schools. They can't hold jobs, they beat their women, abuse their kids, huff gas, drink hairspray hand sanitizer Listerine or whatever else they can get their hands on. In the summer they start fires to get free trips into the cities with paid hotels and food. They rip the copper pipes out of the walls of their houses to sell for scrap money to buy liquor. They kill eachother constantly. They'll harass or even stab you at the bus stop if you don't give them a smoke when they ask, even if you genuinely don't smoke. They're constantly getting too drunk near waterways and falling in and drowning.

Marry me please!


leaf featherniggers drink lysol!? our high desert and plains featherniggers drink isopropyl.

did you guys institute a "stolen generation" policy as well?

Not sure exactly what yours consists of but the Indians here have gotten alot of money and reparations. They get the money buy each member of the household 60k trucks and drink the rest away, then complain it isn't enough for the pain and suffering until they receive more then rinse and repeat.

I'm sick of paying for it to be honest. I want out of this socialist hell hole.

>drink lysol

The must do p90x

between 1905 and 1970 we had a policy of taking half-caste children from their aboriginal parents and putting them in the care of churches and government agencies, mainly to protect them from abuse. australia as a whole went maximum leftist around the 1960s, so we now label that policy as the "stolen generation" and ignore the fact that we did it for a good reason.

now we just shower the high-functioning aboriginals with free shit ("high functioning" as in "able to complete high school") so they won't call us racist, and we give low-functioning aboriginals (basically what you described in your first post) unlimited amounts of free shit to keep them complacent.


stupid picture
put a bottle of scope in one hand and break cleaner in the other.

The reason they were put into homes was their society was so fucked up. They would abandon their kids to go drinking, rape the hell out of one another, and die of botulism because they would bury fish in the dirt so it would ferment.

Then the boarding school staff could not stop the older boys from raping the younger kids non-stop. Fucking awful savage society.

Look around the US and Canada. There are a lot of whites out there that are 1/64 or whatever native, because most of them were able to integrate.

What is left are either the most racist segregationist of the Abos or the most unworthy.

replace 1960s with 1980s and you just described canadas history


Yeah it's something alright. What's neat is that about a third of the people on my reserve have fetal alcohol syndrome. Something like, "don't drink during pregnancy" is just too hard of a concept for them.

I find it hard to be upset about it for two reasons though. When you realize how dumb they are it's just like being mad at a child. It's also hard to be upset about paying for them when you see how much money the government pisses away on other shit. Frankly I'm more upset that the weedman spent 150 million dollars last week to build a gender science center than some braindead idiot gets to live another month on his shitty reserve.

When I worked corrections we had a Native dude that would pick up native chicks with scope mouth wash , get them drunk and rape them.

Oh, he also stole the Scope, because he was Native too.

who the goddamn fuck fermented fish? not the west

The word aboriginal is banned in my school.

We must say "peoples of indigenous heritage".



Is this written down somewhere?

If so, please post it to Sup Forums and then we'll start sending it around other places.

who is doing this to us? we are the same people, and we have the same problems, but we are a world apart. i don't think i can even go to canada without spreading my cheeks and giving your government an itemized list of everything i intend to do there.

"aboriginal" is allowed here, but whenever you're doing anything on a government property you have to say something like "we acknowledge the custodians of this land, the waujuaijajabajaibaghaijaiabi people".

that basically describes anybody born in a region

Hi I live in

>will turn into a farce

It's going to be the most fucked up piece of double-think ever published by a western government. We already know whose been killing native women (no surprise, it's native men) but there is a 0% chance of them admitting it in this "inquiry."

>Beek Beek
>Bong Bong
>Carag Carag
>Drik Drik
>Dum Dum
>Gong Gong
>Wagga Wagga
>Walla Walla
>Wood Wood
>Woy Woy

it just makes you say "Wat Wat?", doesn't it?

>the weedman spent 150 million dollars last week to build a gender science center

Wait, what?

And yet there's always somebody
>hey I got a job
>what's wallawallaboolabool like?
>is life gud there?

They'll say that white racism makes Native men kill Native women. Whites are the new witches, who with their evil thoughts have the power to make innocent non-whites do horrible things to each other.

Hey look, it's a "native" drinking alcohol. Shocking.

ha ha

>hey what do you think of wollongong

Eh what happened to indigenous peoples.. it's like breaking someone's leg, and then asking why they can't walk properly

Well, if they were as worthwhile as us they would have invented ships and guns and colonized europe.

Indians drink toner cartridges. If you really wanted ot show your respect, you would cook up an HP or a Lexmark

Only the yellow cartridges stop spreading your white mans asshole.

Fuck you say tugai?

I'd love to meet the person that did that first. What was going through their mind? Who would ever consider this? So many questions.

>checks flag

Nothing unexpected.

Most northern native communities are dry. Alcohol is banned. So the teens huff gas, drink printer ink, Whatever else will give them a buzz

>it's like breaking someone's leg, and then asking why they can't walk properly

They're given every advantage to succeed -- free monthly payouts, free education, tax breaks, etc. What "broken leg" are you talking about? Because bad shit happened to some of their ancestors? The same shit happened to many of our ancestors as well.

Itt indian stories

>be me
>wageslave in grocery store
>940pm, almost closing time on school night
>2 tween indians walk in, dirty as fuck wearing shorts and tshirt
>-20 outside
>go straight to cleaning aisle
>buy lysol scented spray x10
>go offf into the night

I get them figuring out something that makes you feel woozy will get you high like chemicals and gas, but who looks at a toner cartridge, breaks it down, and drinks the shit inside? It must have taken a special level of stupid to think of that.

aboriginals are special people

>the aboriginals at school got caught with ice once
>their parents came down on them hard because the cops threatened to get the kids taken away which would mean no benefits
>the pockets in their clothes were taken out
>their phones were taken away
>some older aboriginal bloke who actually was pretty nice (he came from one of those aboriginal support groups) was with them all the time to prevent them from taking drugs
>one day as we were going out for lunch the cops were everywhere
>one cop had a broken nose
>the support bloke is being put into an ambulance
>the aboriginal kids were on the ground in handcuffs with big cops on top of them
>apparently they asked to go to the bathroom during class, were allowed to go, and stayed in there for 30 minutes before the support bloke went in
>they were drinking hand sanitizer
>they mistakenly thought this was illegal
>they mobbed the support bloke and slammed his head into a sink
>then they ran out and tried to king hit a teacher
>then when the cops arrived they started swinging
>they never came back to school after that

school actually became pretty boring after that. we all used the aboriginals as entertainment.

I think it was Vice maybe, but someone did a really great documentary about the alcohol black market in Nunavut. Was pretty interesting.
Forgive the cuckery, I think this was it

>linking VICE
Hooktubed that for you, it's like for youtube. Just change the domain in the url.

Dude it's not enough.

Compare that to residential schools. I think 1 million grant per abo could keep em out of trouble a few years. They'd spend it all on Trucks though.

its fucked man. they will even rip studs out of the walls of their own house to burn in the wood stove to heat the place. Rather then go outside and cut wood.

Throwing money at them is Band-Aids

At least in Canada, the 60s scoop pretty well obliterated many notions of family. They have kids, not really having had any proper family experience, and a cycle of, what lay people see as lazy drunken behavior, is created

then of course after tearing their house apart they will ask for gibs and CBC will be there showing the world how they have to live, to pull people heart strings.

Thanks archive man
That's basically how the niggers were for us in school. There weren't any mexicans in the country when I was a kid, but I bet you could lump the beaners in too.

>the 60s scoop pretty well obliterated many notions of family.

And this is different from post-60s family breakdown among white people how, exactly? There was no "scoop" anyway, they were sent off to boarding schools (some good, some bad) like a lot of other kids at the time.

Then they whine about not having decent housing.

In my area it's the Bunjalung people.

Hehe. Bunjalung.

Ever wonder why lots of roads have aboriginal names?
It's law (at least in NSW) that 25% of all roads have to have aboriginal names.

>These poor first nation indigenous native original north americans have to live through the brutal winter of nunavut with holes in their walls. Please increase their benefits!!

I blame my addiction issues and mental problems on native heritage.

Just like every city here has a Dr. Martin Luther King Jr road. That's a good way to know you are in the worst part of town, at least. Not a law, but it's how it is.

>And this is different from post-60s family breakdown among white people

What goes around comes around I suppose

bullshit. i want proof.

Don't be so fooled, most Aboriginals in Canada look like pic related

except with more acne, they always have horrific fucking pimples.

Lack of simple personal hygiene, like washing your face?

Not all, but when they do it is pretty bad.

that combined with shitty diet.

How much reperations do we need to pay you this year?

Also do you prefer cash, credit or cheque?

Don't they eat mostly fish and polar bear?
>oh wait, I'm sure it's a diet that is 50% mcdonalds 50% A&W

what up you from the 705 or peg?

Is it worth marrying an Abo for the tax benefits?

My sister almost did that. He was like
>I'm 12% so I got a free new toilet
>I didn't even have an old one, the the new one is shit

Allow me to utter a prayer in the tongue of our indigenous people.
Shi'i guy twofoureh. Caniboro sumbus fair miwifisin huspital brudur.

I can probably get you proof if I search through legislation. I was told by my grandfather and father, both of whom developed this entire area and named all the streets.
A quick Google search would tip the scales to it being very true as any naming policy that comes up has points where you have to either strongly consider an aboriginal name or have it approved by a group of aboriginals.

Just google something like "nsw road naming guidelines indigenous names".

Send me her details and I'll fuck her for you.

How do you think they will fare when poos/muslims make up a majority of canadians and mexicans make up a majority here? They literally live off of the charity of white guilt.

you would think. but no. on a funny note. My friend while in Pond Inlet, watched the natives kill a whale. it was spotted and a bunch of them ran to get their hunting rifles. Then shot at the whale till they killed it. Dragged it ashore and dismantled it.

Can I interest you in some shiny beads or perhaps some magic water?

Huff some gas it's tradition

So it's like an ant colony. I'm surprised to find out that liberals are okay with them killing sacred holy whales, and that they aren't 100% on fast food.

I want to form an Indegenous People's Republic Party. Our focus is investment in Indigenous innovation and Indigenous women of Indigenous heritage find.