she went from this
Anyone remember Crusader girl?
What's more likely?
Someone has spent the time and money to mkultra one some girl
Girl was always a false flag larper the whole time
Wasn't she associated with that Evalion girl who went from Nazism to communism?
this. same thing with evalion. its to discourage.
She was a lefty plant, eh?
Do I remember her? No.
Do I think she was worth listening to? No.
Do I care? No.
I think she's probably trying to cover her bases so she's employable.
Is she faking it? It seems pretty recited, but her old videos were that way too. It also seems like she's rehashing common progressive talking points. The way she puts it together seems pretty convincingly sincere, so she may have actually flipped.
I considered the possibility of her doing this to bait normies into the redpill, but there isn't too much neuron-tickling stuff in any of her new videos
you can always tell the fakes/leftist plants because they're not pretty like true conservative women
for those of you who don't know the story, anti-racist activist Christian Picciolini (
she's trolling
all women are dumb attentionwhores who doesnt any original thoughts, any man who gives attention to this whores should be brutally killed, no exceptions.
I believe she also made an appearance in the episode of Dark Net that highlighted Identity Evropa. You should all check it out. S02E04
sound slike she's projecting
She was fucked by Klaus the apha. Then (((goldberg)
The real Red Pill is realizing that "Red Pill's" you get off Sup Forums are fake as fuck, made up by psycho's and children.
have you perhaps considered they had a change of heart?
possible you know
Just want to add that she calls herself a white supremacist. That's how i know she was a leftist the whole. No real nationalist wants to rule over other people. This girl was fake as fuck from the start.
I honestly don't give a fuck about anyone on YouTube
That girl was doxxed by Christian Piccolini, who contacted her parents, they removed all her internet connection and with the help of Christian Piccolini brainwashed and forced her to make videos against her past.
she's objectively right
a change of heart to communism? sure maybe if they have no idea what communism is i guess..
>I thought that once you were redpilled you never came back?
this is true. She was never redpilled. She was skinhead (a person who becomes racist because they find it cool).
Her bf was a nazi LARPer and her new one is a leftist LARPer, what is there to understand?
I think you're thinking of Evalion.
This chick's boyfriend was in his 20's and waiting until she was legal so he could fuck her but I don't think she has a new one.
Why's her neck so long?
All women are like this. They have no convictions and just imitate the men in their lives, changing their entire beliefs on a whim
> Christian Piccolini
>At age 14 in 1987, Picciolini was recruited to join the Chicago Area Skinheads
No one becomes redpilled at that age. This just proves this guy had no idea what he was doing. Skinheads are leftists.
She is the same as this guy.
Never take a woman seriously. Slit her throat or throw her in a kitchen.
you're just like her
Women just follow the crowd. Any "opinion" they have isn't really an opinion and they didn't do any thinking to come to it
This faggy ass shit just turned me into a racist. Fucking kikes man..
Haha, a former neo nazi speaking about muh islamaphobia and how there is no such thing as islamic terrorism. What a fucking fraud kike.
>how does one go from one extreme to the--
OP, I'm gonna stop you right there. Crusader Girl was NEVER one of us. She really wasn't. First of all, she gained her popularity through being signal boosted by (((Evalion))) as a friend. Evalion was only in it to make money off of alt-right white knights, and Grace was in it for much of the same. She came in, said from the get go she wasn't going to ask for money, then a month later started e-begging.
>inb4 birds of a feather flock together
She is just as ugly and dumb as Evalion, who cares?
This tbqh senpai.
look at her face she is jewish.
her verbal iq is way too low for her to be a jew
Why does Sup Forums have such a hard time understanding women? Everyone pretends to be macho as fuck but in the end they end up falling for the same stupid vaginal Jew tricks. Listen to Peterson for once you dumb fucks, save your father and stop sucking mommy's teet.
Christian Piccolini, likely a CIA funded agent who LARPs as a recovered racist, threatened her and her family. So she folded. Same thing probably happened to Evalion.
She was obviously indoctrinated or running with some white power group to feel included in something, not really believing in the doctrine.
Most people have the group mentality of going with the doctrine of the group, whatever ideals or religious ideas it may hold, they follow blindly because of their social needs.
She was a blue-pilled racist, now she's a blue-pilled multiculturalist, don't know what's worse.
Your irrational violence against women is the same as her irrational violence against other people. How can you claim to be redpilled when you are saying shit like the stuff you just said.
or her parents threw her into therapy and she was weak-minded to begin with and now sounds like she's regurgitating some psychologist's mind mantras.
A blue-pilled racist is worse because they damage any movement they are in.
She obviously doesnt believe a word she's saying.
It's probably because she realised she wasn't white.
they are fun to look at though
it sounds like she's been reading a lot of 19th century philosophy.
>looking at uglyness is fun
Wasn't there a reddit post about some parents finding out their daughter is a neo nazi and some people in a Sup Forums thread said it might've been crusader girl
Lmao here's other two (((anti-racism))) vids:
Its because women choose their principles entirely based on the most popular of those around them.
>Crazy eyes
How long before she shaves her hair off and dyes her armpits?
This is actually most likely. The videos don't speak to her personal experience and don't make any unique points. They consist entirely of Jewish psycho-analysis and common anti-racist tropes. Her parents probably saw her old vids and brainwashed her with some Schlomo psych to "cure" her racism- then she made these scripted videos as some kind of apology or proof she was (((better))).
I never heard about this before, but i fucking new something seemed way off in that video:
HAHA he looks like a kike.