My sister wants to marry a nigger!
Wat Do?
My sister wants to marry a nigger!
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better than marrying a wh*Te subhuman ape.
step on both of her ovaries
You again...
Marry him first, that'll show her.
Tell her to get check for stds!
Explain to her that she is what she is and that she should embrace it.
Reminder, tell her it's not about hate, that blacks are fine but it's just the idea of having kids who look like you
You can also ask her at the end and what if he leaves you with his kids^ Kids that won't even look like you and who will remind you about him.
Really got to work on her feelz
Good luck.
That's an oxymoron you fucking roach
Thanks for bringing this to light. Makes a lot of sense
marry her first
back off hes mine
let her.
she is not naturally picky enough, and doesn't deserve to have white offspring.
what is oxymoron you sperm skinned neanderthal?
Give her the Otto Warmbier treatment
That's quite the LARP. 9/10
Don't go to any family reunions ever again.
know that her children will always be 3 milliseconds from a level 5 chimpout
An oxymoron is when you put 2 words together that contradict each other, e.g. 'Intelligent Turk'
forget she ever existed.
You support her and take the guy out for a beer.
Absolutely nothing
It's not gay you faggot. They have to grease up and then pull a lever inside the pants to be victorious.
Learn some culture.
Bitch on the internet. Anything to avoid a confrontation.
honor kill her en'shallah
Introduce her to a white guy.
cut his brake lines!
Well if she wants to marry a nigger than it is pretty safe to assume that she has been fucking niggers for a good while now...maybe you should have nipped this in the bud when you still had a chance...probably should have had the old "you shouldn't be fucking niggers" conversation along time before now. Most likely she is a lost cause, you can accept it and continue to be a loving family or disassociate yourself, your call. Maybe he will be a good husband and father...but who are we kidding.
Go to the wedding in your best Klan outfit.
>grease up and then pull a lever inside the pants
in other words, an extremely homo-erotic activity
fuck it got broken
>not one pick of humping or grabbing at another man's chest
You don't understand it.
Are there any marriages in Turkey or do all the men just get oiled up and fondle each other?
Show statistics in white girls have 90% probability of being a single mom when breeding with nigger. Plus the nigglets won't look anything like her.
Forget she ever existed if she proceeds.
honor kill her
Don't think marrying 7 9yo children and deflowering all of them in order to be like mohammad is considered marriage but if it is, then yes.
You don't understand how this sport works.
Guy on the right was a rank idiot because he let the guy on the left slide his hand right down inside his pants and grab hold of it.
c'mon now.
Compare your cock size with his in front of your whole family. If his is bigger, kys and he marries her.
Don't worry she will be a single mother soon enough.
Are you fucking with my confederate companion? You wot m8?
You're right, I don't have a good understanding of the "sport", but I'm pretty sure I know what's going on.
It's a family event if you're having impure thoughts. Just look at the crowd.
IQ tests, IQ tests show who's noggins are the best!
Make sure she doesn't reproduce
I must admit, if competitive, simulated sodomy is going to be made into a sport, it should be done in Turkey. Turkish baths and prisons, oil wrestling, it's a natural fit.
do anything with in the law to stop this even if makes your a black sheep
It's all done inside the pants.
Show her him blood analysis, he's black so of course he will be HIV positive.
OP are you gonna do this or what?
Force her to watch every Colin Flaherty video ever made and ask her if she wants to be the next victim?
Nothing, just treat him like your brother in law.
A nigger or a black man?
Slap his ass.
Beaner birth rates are exploding and our race should be distressed.
No kebab refugees should be let in Germany.
The rape rape White girls by the dozen while impregnating their cousin.
Where high trust, things were fine, here inside the Hynal Line.
'Cause our northwest Euro values are the best.
Come read MacDonald too and learn about the JQ.
IQ tests IQ tests IQ tests.
Stat by Stat
You're set straight
Until you should
IQ tests IQ tests IQ tests
This is a great place to learn about different cultures around the world. If I hadn't ever found Sup Forums I would have never known that, without a doubt, Turkey is the earth's Faggot Disneyland. I would have wrongly given the title to Sweden, which of course, is the cuck capital. I'm going to go pour some bleach in my eyes now.
Stop being a stormfag and she'll stop resenting you.
In all seriousness, there's nothing you can do. Maybe just stop talking to her idk
crash her date and act like an stereotypical racist, bring chicken and watermelon.
There's no difference you stupid spook
blow yourself up already.
OP Is it really wrong that cops shoot niggers because they carry illegal guns and want to kill cops? Stereotypes are there for a reason, right?
Let her do it and then cut off all communication.
lmao wtf is this about?
My sister married a quarter nigger who's mom and grandfather were white. She just had a baby and it looks 100% white
wtf pol
Ask her if she wants her children to look like her
takes time to darken up
kind of like when you have a blond kid and then he winds up having brown hair after puberty.
No a nigger acts degenerate. A black man tries to act white.
buy them a nice wedding gift, diversity is our strength, refugees welcome.
I recommend one of these.
What did Google mean by this?
this is how turks breed?
I will never understand using * to show contempt or hatred, it's so ineffectual. You, and /his/ when they say g*rman or whatever, just seem assblasted. Silly roach
Punch her stomach, or throw her down some stairs. If she wants to marry she's already infected with ape semen.
I will not treat a sub-human creature anything like a brother
Pay a bitch who pick up the nigger, record all, show to your sister that the nigger it's just a HIV positive cheater and enjoy.