Prediction Thread

Prediction Thread
Soros dead 2017


reroll for OP

Major confrontation between American and Russian forces in Syria on July 5, 2017

sorry to disappoint you goys. There will be nothing world changing until 2033. Stop looking at the sky for a happening until then.

this thread will 404 without more than 10 replies

make it happen, praise kek

Yellowstone erupts on September 23, in conjunction with the Great Eclipse. We are seeing the beginning of Ragnarok, where the Fenris wolf devours the sun and Surt the king of fire giants releases his fire and destroys the universe. The time of gods and men is over.

Regime change in NK before the end of the decade.

Another housing crisis within the next twenty years.

Probably a student loan catastrophe unless the government decides to forgive all of it, which I don't see happening.

A federal Syria with the current government minus Assad controlling most of the country except Rojava.

No matter ,he's wealth will be handed down to he's children .rich out of touch children



Fucking pagans all need to be forced baptised or killed when we win.

Just remember that folks.

Soros will face justice and be executed for his crimes. Praise Kek!

Damascus will be nuked.

America brings the world some freedom (for real this time)

Richard Spencer will be president in 2032

Countdown to September 23rd

He dies in 3 days when the black sun shines and in that day humankind shall awake

One off.
Maybe next year.

I become known as the Messiah

Things will get progressively worse.

A major industrial disaster in china by end of 2018 forces the Chinese government to reform.

ISIS attack targeting French or UK military will happen soon.

Ideological flags are gone by October.

Zuckerburg runs for governor of California in 2018, is trounced in the democratic primary, end of political career forever

War with Syria Iran or North Korea Offivally declared

The muslims will be expelled from Europe in a glorious crusade. Trump will destroy federal reserve and put America Back on gold standard.

Mandatory abortions for niggers

Illinois declares bankruptcy.



WW3 2017

Alien disclosure


Soros is immortal you dumb goy

He dies tonight

it reminds me of the queen is dead threads last christmas only without the strange ominous twitters to back it up
already dissapoint

They unplug us.

Some guy dressed as a minion from Despicable Me goes on a shooting spree at Disneyworld.

this is probably the most true thing in this dumbass thread

The only one who can uplug you is you.

Fed withdraws liquidity and causes greater depression.

Calling for swarm of aggressive birds does him in.

California attempts to leave US, military uncucks it.

We /darksouls/ now senpai. A new monarch will rise...
Ashes seek embers....

Armenian will become the most powerful nation in the WORLD


Gate to isekai opens this year.

The forth Reich will reveal itself at the end of this year

So close... how about me winning the powerball this year

I will win the powerball.


Canadians can't play the powerball, so I guess it's mine.

I hope you dont live in Illinois...



Hillary dies of natural causes July 17th 2018

Let's make it July 18th 2017 instead.

It's gonna happen in august




August 13


There was a thread a while ago saying august 13 SHTF but I don't know how reliable that was.
I say very.

Shuffle off that coil Soros