How has Sup Forums changed your habits?

How has Sup Forums changed your habits?

>dont go out anymore,dont drink do drugs or anything of that kind
>stopped watching porn & masturbating
>stopped playing vidya
>stopped watching tv or hollywood movies
>detect propaganda in everything I see
>look at faces of ppl on the street and mark them as white or non white

It must be pretty easy in argentina given everyone is pitch black

Found any white faces yet?

Has any of that improved your quality of life or level of happiness/satisfaction?

Personally I've been miserable ever since I broke the conditioning and started seeing the psychological tricks behind every type of media I am exposed to.

>stopped watching tv or hollywood movies
>detect propaganda in everything I see
>look at faces of ppl on the street and mark them as white or non white
These three no, the rest yes. Not allowing erections is one of the best decisions of my life.

Started working on my car more

likewise, i have lost faith in being truly happy ever again

i reckon its the same amount you'd see in a %56 white country, whereas only 40% or less has no native/nigger genes

After taking the red pill there is nothing left to do but redpill other people. Anyone who finds joy in this world doesn't truly understand how it works.

I try not to be vocal about it but the blank stares of people when I honestly act surprised about the superbowl and have no idea as to who is playing or about the latest shit movie.


>Being mentally weak enough to actually be significantly influenced by Sup Forums

i didnt ask for it, it just happened and we all know the pattern repeats itself everywhere. One can't simply ignore this right now. What do you suggest?

Spend less time on Sup Forums

well, you have to know

I stopped fapping and watching porn.
Then I started shooting nuts off in my pants every couple nights for months and whenever I did get laid it wouldn't be good sex for me because I would want to bust right away.
Now I'm back to fapping and can bone for hours, and have no night slips.


Reminder that anyone can post here and this place is mainstream now. The user you replying to is in the "Sup Forums is satire" meme group. That said, it's up to you to decided what the real information is.

volve a taringa mogolico

Being able to experience peace and joy while understanding the knowledge the redpill has given is what the greenpill is all about. Ascend. The redpill is just a stepping stone for newly evolved normies.
Not my list but it's a good start

>before Sup Forums
Wanted to kill myself fairly often

>after Sup Forums
Black pilled beyond repair have to talk myself out of blowing my brains out literally every day

Sup Forums is dangerous to overdose on

>dont go out anymore, dont drink do drugs or anything of that kind
Check, i don't have any friends and stay at home, it's a long story, my life story basically. I am 20 and really should straighten up but it is such a struggle. It is breaking my hart seeing years go by and i have not lived, life is passing me by and when i think about it i get upset. I don't know what to do, i got home schooled and just got the basic maths and english done. Don't think i am fit for a job yet, i am recovering from so many mental illnesses that i can't count them on one hand. Had them all my life and they just destroyed it, over the bulk of it all now due to practicing no-mind and solitude\non-stressful environment

>stopped watching porn & masturbating
No, but getting there slowly

>stopped playing vidya
Checked, have not done so since about 2 years

>stopped watching tv or hollywood movies
For the most part

>detect propaganda in everything I see
Checked, Can't help but not to

>look at faces of ppl on the street and mark them as white or non white
Doesn't everyone do that?

I was happier before. Going to try to un-redpill but I will probably be back.

There are more niggers in the USA.

you have to constantly improve yourself just to withstand this place

You need to give your life a purpose. Hang in there friend.

> Stopped watching porn
> Started caring about my look
> Encouraged me to begin reading political novels
> All gayness gone away
> Love my race now

I had been 1488 before I ever came here but coming here and realizing I wasn't alone and we still can't do anything about it really started to break me

No porn
Less vidya
More reading
More exercize
Made a routine for each day of the week
Started taking notes of things the media says or happenings or changes in politics (new appointed people and so on)
Was depressed at first but now that it's habit I'm much happier

Oh I also started eating healthier

Ignorance is bliss.

>stopped watching porn

So why are you posting porn?

As retarded as this might sound, this cesspool has given me a little hope.

I'm not alone in my thoughts and feelings, for what its worth.

The more racist i become the more i get turned on by cuck porn.

I don't want this feel.

I do things to improve my situation more like improving my home, into improving my business, and even started going to church again about once a month. I have done all the same bullet points plus i find i go to bed earlier now every night and wake early int he morning.

b-but this is the only way to victory

get rid of (((porn))) you faggot

no entro a sitios sudaca, sorry atahualpa si ofendi tus sentimientos mestizos
how can one experience peace and joy knowing western civilization is going extinct, it has happened in the past, civilizations have fallen and nothing seem to be going our way. when western civilization is ultimately destroyed then christ will return to earth and punish heretics and infidels, but it will be too late

Check, i don't have any friends and stay at home, it's a long story, my life story basically. I am 20 and really should straighten up but it is such a struggle. It is breaking my hart seeing years go by and i have not lived, life is passing me by and when i think about it i get upset. I don't know what to do, i got home schooled and just got the basic maths and english done. Don't think i am fit for a job yet, i am recovering from so many mental illnesses that i can't count them on one hand. Had them all my life and they just destroyed it, over the bulk of it all now due to practicing no-mind and solitude\non-stressful environment

i feel the exact same way, its like life goes on and i cant grasp it, it falls through my fingers, everything goes so quick and you see these bluepilled normies with all their lives planned etc i also believe im not fit for anything at the moment, its a weird feeling but theres nothing that just catches my fancy

idd, change seems so far off its ridiculous, to think this madness started decades before i was born an barely any people realised it, now its too late. we are dipped too far in, it just deppresses me as well

idd, i envy those normies with no worries whatsoever
jungmädelbund was formed by pure breed non degenerate maidens in breeding age, it is only you seeing eroticism in this picture.

You get miserable for a while at first then youre more ok.

I've become much happier. I feel like my life has purpose. Granted, I think I'm something of an oddity among the population of Sup Forums.

I've started to feel like it's not cool to have casual sex so I'm proud to be a good Christian virgin

>western civilization is going extinct

Its already dead. Clutching to a past you've never really known will neither help you nor in the future.

As an act of retaliation i stopped pooing in the loo.

Stop it.

Leave Sup Forums. Go outside. Make new friends. Go to a concert. Travel to a new place. Paint. Learn a new insteument. Read a book. Leave Sup Forums.

I don't get the people who are depressed because of it. Learning about this shit has given me a fiery dose of inspiration to better myself.
>Started lifting.
>Started reading Greek canon.
>Started self teaching math.
>Planning on learning how to draw and write properly soon.

Before I spent all my time playing worthless video games like League of Legends and World of Warcraft, that sounds fucking absurd to me now. I recommend developing a decent attention span, going to other boards and reading all the way through their stickies and just doing whatever the fuck is recomended.

Wrong move faggo.

Sup Forums didn't do that
refusing to refill your prescription did

It hasn't.

>Leave Sup Forums.

fuck you, whats in this world is not for me. only place where i can meet likeminded ppl

Is this how German women look even today? Because I may need to get me a plane ticket asap.

Jesus you're a cuck

I never did drugs or alcohol, still fap and play vydia, never really enjoyed jewlywood, and I've seen propaganda on everything since I was in middle school...

I used to mark people by culture/subculture more than race, now I do race too.

Biggers difference is that now I'm just a little happier now that I found a lot of people think like me...

tl;dr I've always been a "paranoid" Sup Forumsack

Too late man

It's turned me into a racist and a monster. I HATE YOU

All of that but
>still take edibles
>play only BF1 because im a WW1 fanboy
>masterbate a shitload because all the women around here are fucking trash

lonely as fuck desu yesterday was my birthday and I didnt do shit!

I cringe at coal burners now. That's about it

> i also believe im not fit for anything
That is just low motivation maybe? Myself i meant i am not mentally fit and a job would set my recovery back and probably reverse it, can not afford that, i have been recovering half of my teenage years.

> its like life goes on and i cant grasp it, it falls through my fingers, everything goes so quick and you see these bluepilled normies with all their lives planned etc
It is a really fucking horrible feeling. I have thought about this feeling though.
I think it is best not to take life seriously, the more you try to grasp it the more it slips through your fingers. The more you live in the present moment the better you feel, and motivates you more. All the normies are chasing the ratrace and are not happy either because they keep living in the future rather than appreciating the now.

Sometimes i realise how simple life really is, but this frustration comes up here and there still.

>keeps coming here everyday

Okay bub

Little more race-realists outwardly than before.

Other than that, coming here was like finding the home I'd never been to, but always missed.


>unreleased photo of the final SS battle against Moloch, winter 1944


>Stopped having fun
>became a paranoid schizophrenic
Congratulations, you're a tryhard faggot.

You're pathetic

how i feel about niggers and jews desu

Same stuff but I took the vegan redpill and it changed my life a lot.
Too many idiots on pol think its a sjw movement

I won't date a girl unless they're pure blood Italian

>muh heritage

Thanks /pol. Do you know how fucking hard it is to find an Italian Catholic in the South?

You sound like a cultish ideologue without any original thoughts, you also seem boring. Horrendous.

It's okay, you're not white, so it doesn't matter as much.

With your habits changed, do you think you have a chance of becoming first successful black man in your family?

At least you have standards my man

That's because nothing has changed and your depression is only getting worse. Ideology can't save you bro. Being "red pilled" is pointless if your life is shit and unfulfilling. If being "red pilled" has only made you depressed it probably means you have a lot of deeper issues you need to sort out.

hang out at italian restaurants

I guess it's shown me how dumb and gullible people are. No not the liberals, I already knew that, I'm talking about you guys.

So you've given yourself an additional thing to get bitter and depressed about for the rest of your life? Without any realistic solution? Nice one bro.

You all sound seriously depressed and part of a cult, looking to "follow the rules"

Rescue your father, stop being angry neurotic pussies.

Currently at 7.

why on earth would you not want erections? not bullshitting... redpill me.

>eating healthier
>quit porn
>no fapping for weeks at a time

Sup Forums has been a good spot to motivate me to start cleaning up the remaining bad habits of life. Ive been seeing the propaganda in all media for years so Sup Forums has been no help except for great infographics.


It made me realize that right-wing ideology is based on a perception that the self is inherently perfect and all else is flawed and must be destroyed. Anything that does not confirm one's own superiority is a hostile attempt to undermine that superiority, and everything that one does not identify with is an immediate threat to everything one does identify with. It's mostly a reaction to sexual and social insecurity.

>stopped watching porn
Good luck blending in with the normies

You're talking complete horseshit.


OP should "a hero" himself for the sake of his own humanity.

Happiness is a choice. The antidote to depression is action:

Fascism is the theology of action, it is whatever is necessary, it is a book and a rifle, it is the cold hills outside of Madrid, it is the people’s state, and it is, above all, thought and action. It is the complete organization of society, the organic unification of state and nation. It gives Rousseau’s general will actual manifestation through the unity of the nation, making the people spiritually, economically, racially and culturally one. In modern society, which is to say Enlightenment society, civilization is atomized to the level of the individual, and then further quarkified as every individual is demanded to keep each aspect of his existence distinct and separate from each other. The modern man is political, but does not allow his religious or racial feelings to influence his political side, and vice versa. He is obsessed with money, the sole object of value in the modern world, but refrains from speaking outwardly of his earnings for fear of social alienation. He knows he too must grow old and die one day, but pushes away his dying parents because his reflection in them scares him.

In other words, the modern man exists primarily as a dismembered corpse.

Deep down my habits haven't changed.I'll never be happy but memeing Donald into the White House made me feel like I have a small purpose.

I'm 25 so I don't think I can change my circumstances very much.

Fascism builds upon Marxist economic analysis, following that capitalism is the most developed form of slavery yet devised for the poor by the rich. But rather than accepting that all non-material things in the world are the inventions of a millenia spanning bourgeoisie looking to give the poor reasons to hate each other, fascists believe that race, religion, and culture can be used in a positive way, to unite the nation against international capitalism, rather than all the workers of the world, in a phrase. Fascism treats individual men wholly, as people who only achieve true person-hood when interpolated as citizens in a greater body, a trans-generational unity of tradition.

So remember, lf, that our place is out in the clear air, beneath a moonlit sky, cradling a rifle, and the stars overhead. Let the others party on. We—outside—in tense vigil; earnest and self-confident, we divine the sunrise in the joy of our hearts. Death to America.

Sup Forums inspired me to get more in shape and lift, with great improvements. Anyone who is a degenerate slob and is okay with is is just as bad as any "bluepilled" normie

Sup Forums also made me be way more picky with women. Not just in looks, but in virtue and morals. I would say that outlook pays off

>Lost my job cause I call 'nigger' everyone that looks different.
>Stopped taking showers, basic hygiene, so girlfriend left me.
>Cause of lost job, started living with parents.
>Hate myself every morning I wake up.
>Keeping a gun under a bed for that day when I'll have balls to finish it all.

you gave up porn?
and jacking?

how do you get thru a day?

A lot of people can't handle acknowledging their weaknesses, so they project their problems onto enemies which they can hate, when really they just hate themselves.

>dont go out anymore,dont drink do drugs or anything of that kind

I've never really gone out. Never did drugs nor alcohol. :)
>stopped watching porn & masturbating

I'm working on that.

>stopped playing vidya

The one thing I can't really do.

>stopped watching tv or hollywood movies

Easily said and done.

>detect propaganda in everything I see


>look at faces of ppl on the street and mark them as white or non white

Yea, sadly I'm non-white though (Asian).

Read the Bible. It truly helps.

All the above except the jewlywood
I cant get myself to stop watching tv shows because i like it, and because i justify watching mainstream shit by thinking to myself, "its good to be informed on what agendas and meme magics ((((they)))) are trying to push.

bible is evil
read ayn rand

>Became dumber
>Gained 300 lbs
>Lost all friends
>Still no gf
>Still bitter

>Sup Forums is satire!!

How about try reading something that isnt Jewish

do you think that is the plan, to keep them stupid and happy , it will keep them in line

to many of them seeing the real picture will become a problem

>I'm 25 so I don't think I can change my circumstances very much.
yeah you only have 60+ years left on Earth