Canada sets new world record for Sniper kill

Top that one world faggots

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Day of the r-
World leading sniper by a LONG SHOT


did he hard scope though?

flag still checks out

360 no scoped him

fug no more bullying canadians then

>curvature of the earth
You know how I know this is fake?

you couldnt set a record op you're canadian

you killed your enemies so they won

hey now leafy, when you kill your enemies they win

JTF2 doesn't fuck around

who made the graph, this is bullshit

Pretty soon you won't even be in the Top 5, I can't say I feel you bro cause we've never been that bad at sniping


earth proven flat

Nice job, Leaf Ninja! I wish we had the kill cam.

I pray the Anglo Sphere can create a competitive rivalry for long distance roach stomping.


this is a fucking lie the numbers don't add up.

Justin Fudge Packer Trudeau is bawling like a teenage girl right now...

*not to scale

>the curvature of the earth had to be accounted for

Try harder globeshills.

I can own that.

There was a 2nd sniper that did it
to make the kid feel like a champ
cause... I can't say it guys...

>curvature of the earth
I know what you do to shrimp, leaf. We all know about the shrimp now.

You arent fooling any of us.

Thats because it is globeshill propaganda.

Nerf the Tac 50

good call leaf, this is the 1% of your society you should seek to emulate

Not surprised, I'm always pwning burgers in Battlefield and COD sniping



That's because we're too poor to get aircraft to do the killing like our neighbours to the South.

>pwning the noobs


what a fucking lie

USA number 5


Couldn't do it without an American rifle


Drones nigga, drones

Bet he didn't even 360

3.45km is certainly impressive.

did the rifle set the record? no? then shut up

That's more than two miles.

large bore ammo is pretty expensive, partly due to regulations on lead handling, I think.

I'll fucking snipe you from Vancouver bitch, watch your mouth

2.16 to be exact

Canada is weird at times, Canadians usually don't own guns but the ones that do are crazy good at shooting them. Same goes for military, the quality of our soldiers is immaculate but our numbers come nowhere close to the top armies in other nations even if JTF2 is badass.

quality over quantity

It's called the coriolis effect retard
Google it.

Just remember, our equipment is so old that when the Ukraine conflict started we offered to give them some planes for free and they said "lolno too old"

Something good about Canada on Sup Forums


We are #1 at decimating entire cities with 1 bomb and precision drone strikes as well as invading Pakistan with stealth helicopters to kill the worlds top terrorist

meanwhile people can film 31 miles without curvature. Proof:

And when Vancouver offered a water bomber to support the Fort McMurray fire fight, we said pic related

We can do that with one bullet... from 2 miles away

you're #1 in spending 6 trillion +2 trillion we lost somewhere on bombing farmers in pickups, and they STILL lose. LOL. burgers are the ultracucks when it comes to war.

What was Kyle's record? And I didn't know we had our own forces in Iraq, did Trudeau said he was pulling out forces?

>used US made rifle
>used US 50cal duplex loaded ammo
>used US made range finders
Fuck off leaf, lets see your maple warrior compete at Camp Perry

Its more exotic, shit they even turn some larger target bullets by lathe.

Oh Jesus you just made me remember the whole failure of the African work program with their "firefighters" who had to be taught that in North America we usually use water for that instead of using sticks to beat out the fire.

Top that one? My poor good leaf you don't even realize your situation, do you?

If you kill your enemies, they win.

You've just untopped yourself, bravo.

Also, it was a democrat who dropped the A-Bomb. Nice flag though

Funny thing is, that both the TAC-50 and Timberwolf (the .338LM) rifles are perfectly legal for us to own.
Can't have AK's, and AR-15 platforms are heavily restricted.. but multi-kilometer range rifles, non-restricted.
This is why we have the best snipers, our shooting population works more on their accurate shots because of mag size restrictions and no giggle switch.

>nazi flag
>being dumb
like poetry

But didn't your PM say if you kill them they win? So if they are killed with a record setting shot, do they win even more???

I'm dropping the Gadsden flag just long enough to say:


>used US made rifle

Your point? What we'll get out of weapon manufacturing business since you guys are dominating the market?

Sgt Maplebacon Leafcuck has patiently waited in his position for almost 24 hours to get the perfect shot. A slight grease comes in from the south east then dies down as soon as the target waits in the open. He checks his adjustments one last time and whispers "sorry" as he lets the .50BMG projectile fly almost 3500 meters to its target. Abdul Muhammad khamim al durka never even heard it coming. The Canadian sniper packs up and heads back to camp for the night, thinking of his life at home.

*American designed
We build our own rifles. PGW in Winnipeg makes the sniper rifles. Colt Canada (might be a different name now, DIMACO or something) makes our M-16 and M-4 improved copies.

Canada also invented a self shooting rifle :)

Try setting a record for not being a nigger trying pot shots from far away. Leafs are cowards. Through and through.

Hi homer

>curvature of the earth

I know a whole lot of libtards that would disagree and say the the rifle takes full responsibility.

Chris Kyle btfo

says he used a McMillan

Thank God JTF-2 are world class, distracts from the rest of our military being a fucking joke

>Coriolis effect is about the curvature of the earth and not it's rotation.
Canadian/poo in loo education.

I've been europosting since this all began. It's pretty fun.

>Leaf makes good shot with US made rifle
My point is burgers did all the years of progress and development building a market to design and create these rifles that give the best shot possible. Leaf sniper is good but he is standing on the shoulders of Burger Legends.

This leaf has a point...

Didn't you guys were hailing Chris Kyle as a hero for doing the same shit?

>High quality, immaculate soldiers.
>Have never had a positive impact on any war
Canadian education

McMillan TAC-50.....made in Phoenix, Arizona

We own guns. It's actually very easy to get a license to acquire and own long guns and handguns. What we can't do is walk around with them like in some states in the US.

Megh I would say about half...Im just suprised that Leaf was able to keep his heart rate down with all the maple syrup running threw his veins

>Why do you need a license? Just go down to the store and buy one.
I went to a Wal-Mart in the northeast a few years ago and the gun aisle was all chained off and you needed an employee and a background check just to browse. I'm assuming it's similar up there?

Doesn't make up the fact you fired one of the last longest shooters for pissing on a fellow officer

Ahh, so it does. Well they are allowed to pick their rifle, so he went to the source i guess.
Our normal Canadian Army marksman use the Winnipeg guns.

The Canadian govt was literally given land in France as thanks for our impact in WW1. We were essential in supporting the brits in both world wars

canadians are the tau of real life, they cant into melee


fake news

How many fucking people did we lose in WW1

The screwdriver was a Canadian invention. At one point or another in the process of researching and building that gun, a screwdriver was used.

You fags make this easy. Fuck off.

According to this faggot. That makes this sniper the biggest loser of all time.

Fake hologram n sheit

What a fuckup, don't they know this means ISIS wins?

I believe it was just the Philips screwdriver. Torx aficionado here.

>If you kill your enemies, they win.

Looks like your sniper lost

Didn't they just blow up their own mosque?

60k, or 0.75% of the population

>when you lose from 3.4klicks away
god bless