Wanna expose Islam Sup Forums?
Start promoting lgbt Muslims and get the "moderate" Muslims to show their true colours.
Showcase lesbian Muslims or lesbian Muslim x white girl, they won't be able to handle it.
Wanna expose Islam Sup Forums?
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That might actually be a nice idea.
Yes, pol. Promote degeneracy to counter your enemies.
Hey Rabbi...
> promote lgbt goyim
gotta do the same with the men too.
Promoting degeneracy in Islam will bring down Islam. Just like it has with everything else.
I have another idea. We can make and distribute a pamphlet entitled "Islam: The Redpilled Religion." Talk about slavery, rape, pedophilia, and so on but talk about how awesome it is and how white people specifically should totally convert/revert/whatever-the-preferred-term-is. Also claim that Mohamed was a ginger.
Authorities can't call it hate speech because it says nothing negative.
This will happen naturally in Europe. It already is with the liberal mosques. Then they'll start blowing each other up.
No muzzies are low on empathy they will just bloody you if you try that crap.
Why do you want to bring down a potential anti-dote to your degeneracy?
We.... might be getting a few people executed by doing this m8s... is this okay?
Let's do this for Judaism.
Muslims have an alien morality, they see you bitching about how bad Islam is and go "lol is this guy crazy"?
And once again /pol becomes the Jew
hello bb
Shills already trying to shut down a good idea. If we produce enough gay Muslim memes we'll see terror attacks on pride parades.
wtf I'm 'Gay for Islam' now?
Those headscarves make them look like uncircumcised dick
based leaf, although i feel you just want to promote the lgbt agenda. This plan will work and will cause infighting among muslims
> Be American
> Promote degeneracy
About what I expected desu.
Kek, several layers of cringe involved, but not a terrible idea.
Infighting and dead queers/weirdos, seems like a win win.
If they know their Bible they won't care. Not even anybody else tends to do this right though. And no I won't elaborate
>Showcase lesbian Muslims
That shit isn't even prohibited in the old testament. You got a 100 strong harem? They're gonna start fucking each other, and that shit's just gonna turn Mohammed on more. You need to show pictures of checkerheads kissing each other to piss them off, garbage bags twisting against each other in the wind only turns them on more.
A jew would be in favor of degenerating muslims.
You have no fucking clue, leaf.
No they wouldn't, they want them, that is why they are showing up you fucking kike. They are a needed tool for now for jews to get their kike bullshit pushed.
>They are a needed tool for now for jews to get their kike bullshit pushed.
lgtb is kike bullshit. so you'll combat kike bullshit by... pushing kike bullshit.
only an American could be so stupid.
>Posting gay Muslim memes on the internet to expose a contradiction among leftists means I'm "promoting degeneracy"
Whatever you say, France.
Checked and great Idea destroying degenerate
and making the Muzzie show
there true nature
How can the chaos of kek not
want this
I'm talking about targeting non-Muslims.
Normies think Muslims are all for LGBTOMGWTFBBBQ stuff because the party that has the most gibmedats is the one pushing that kind of crap. If you start talking about how culturally conservative Muslims are normies, at least the ones in the cities, will start to hate it.
Thats my fetish, so lets definitely go with this idea
>we can become the jews without using jewish tactics
You're a retard
In order to beat the jew we must become the jew, and we can only beat him with his own tactics. Whoever shills more wins.
Pic related will happen in time.
Isn't that sort of the point? Just like watching our stupid hippy faggots here infight and tear themselves apart. They didn't expect them to fight one another, they thought they would just band together and fight us. Now it is backfiring and we should push it more, besides the lulz, it is a great way to collapse things.
Muzzies dont care if you hate them they will torture you until you convert.
Start pushing LGBTQIM(uslim), I really really really want to see the faggot movement co-opt muslims since they're an "oppressed group"
It will make muslims freak out
Do it then, this can also play against the left's "Tolerance" as they would have to choose between Islam and the LGBTQRST+
>be mudshit
>pretend to be European in an attempt to stop the long con
>help the Jews subvert Islam like they subverted Chistianity
no thanks kike, I'd rather take you down with me
Ask any OIF/OEF veteran dude, that hajis are fucking faggots
Moar muslim lesbos pls
This is giving me a habbening boner.
lgbt + cf (camel fuckers, gay sand-negro's and traditional muslim lesbians)
Do trap muslims athletes also have to wear burkas when they race against women muslim athletes?
Why do you faggots think average jews aren't being pulled down into nihilism like christians? Why do you see them as somehow resilient?
This is low resolution because its becoming Too Late, with goatfuckers flooding into every European country. Turning the left against them is one thing but good luck convincing the left to boot residents of countries out.
Cause he is a shill
Immigrants taking jobs
This is what most of you dumb ass faggots think happened to our middle class. You actually believe, with your shitstained minds, immigrants have ANYTHING to do with your almost complete loss of decent paying factory work and work you don't have to spend 4-6 years learning bullshit about.
The idea is simple and you're all so fucking brainwashed by rich republifucks lying to you.
The loss of our lower-middle class is simply due to greed. It's so simple and so many will disagree with this it makes my mind fuck.
Owners of our richest, American-made billionaires would rather spend cents on the dollar, manufacture in China and other third world countries, and the minimum wage laws have absolutely nothing to do with it. If minimum wage was 5.00/hr they'd still do it, because it still would yield more profit.
Every single day, you dumb fat fucks shovel out your shitty money to literally destroy your own economy.
Will you retards EVER do anything about this? Will you ever do the easiest thing imaginable and boycott anything made or assembled NOT in America, that can be made here?
This subject hurts me so much and makes me mad beyond comprehension.
And there will be at least 5 morons who think it's something else. Not this very simple, very greedy ideology.
Fuckyou/pol/ I fucking hate you. Keep buying your foreign shit.
I even have a simple solution to restore our middle class, but won't mention unless I get 5 intelligent anons who agree with me.
Yeah, I know. But this can switch people from left to right and if pushed enough, to take up arms and boot the moon worshipping goatshaggers out themselves
What does it matter if it is a bunch of subhuman sand monkeys? Sometimes you have to break a few eggs to make an omelette. Besides, I dont really mind faggots and dykes as long as they keep to themselves and dont go "over the top" with their faggotry.
Yes Muslims, you are gays. gtfo of Europe, btw
to long did not read lol
Goddamn.. its actually a good idea user
i can feel his presence
didnt even bother reading one line
tl;dr please
>This is what most of you dumb ass faggots think happened to our middle class.
No one thinks this, we just hate subhuman shit skin mudslimes.
>The idea is simple and you're all so fucking brainwashed by rich republifucks lying to you
Ever think that maybe you're brainwashed by King Nigger and the DNC?
>The loss of our lower-middle class is simply due to greed.
Yes, the greed of the democucks who sold us out to mexico and china. See shitty democrat championed trade deals like NAFTA and TPP.
>Owners of our richest, American-made billionaires would rather spend cents on the dollar, manufacture in China and other third world countries
Exactly. This is because of shitty trade deals manufactured by the corrupt globalist democrats.
>Every single day, you dumb fat fucks shovel out your shitty money to literally destroy your own economy
I know this is B8, but come on. The consumer isnt at fault here, the ones at fault are the globalists and their democrat puppets.
>Will you ever do the easiest thing imaginable and boycott anything made or assembled NOT in America
I already do this as much as I can, but im not going to go without staple food items or pay $300 for a pair of jeans just because it was made in america.
>This subject hurts me so much and makes me mad beyond comprehension.
Just ask your gf to loosen up your cuck cage.
>I even have a simple solution to restore our middle class
That isn't happening until the Globalist elites and their demcuck puppets stop impeding the expansion of American supremacy
I really hope this is b8
When the gloves come all the way off, I think white people will eventually start out-Jewing the Jews.
Dr. Shekel and Mr. Hyde
It's about jewing the Jew, retard.
>reddit spacing
You have to go back, also democrats are no less corrupt
I like it. Libshits literally can't decide which pet minority group to root for L O L
>Hurr durr I'll just insult people who disagree with me
>That'll show them how intelligent I am
I don't even hate immigrants; if we could keep track of illegals better, I'd be all for making legitimate immigration easier and quicker.
But don't argue like a faggot.
Not that I agree with him, but...
>believing reddit spacing is a thing
People have been double spacing their comments on Sup Forums as long as its been around. It's not unique to reddit, and it's not uncommon on Sup Forums. Get fucked with that bullshit.
We know how politically involved leftists will react. They'll just ignore the contradiction and say nothing, so it's not about convincing them. It's not even about persuading normies, because even normies are somewhat aware already that Islam and gays don't mix. The important thing here is getting Muslims to chimp out, in a specific direction. We need Muslims to understand that western leftists are trying to make them gay. What happens after that is the will of Kek. Memes for the Chaos God, Chaos for the Meme God.
Reform Islam!
>make and distribute a pamphlet entitled "Islam: The Redpilled Religion." Talk about slavery, rape, pedophilia, and so on but talk about how awesome it is
DO you want to be put on a watch list? Because that's how you get on a watch list.
I think we can completely invert Islamic sexual mores by touting hijab porn. Those goatfuckers will go crazy if the hijab itself is sexualized.
sand niggers cant love they only love allah
Has potential
>but muhammad was caught sucking a boy's tongue
So some sects do it to this day... easy to find material
>can promote pedophilia as well, but that would backfire
The numbers check out
Best idea I've seen in a while tbqhf
Kinda makes me want to resurrect my election account.
holy shit thats genius. fire it up. thank gawd there canadians on this site, someone has to drag up the mean iq.
I was watching a livestream of some gay Muslim who left Islam and he was telling Swedish men & American men to stand up to Islam but in the stream it was nothing but Muslims, both men and female calling him a faggot and a bunch of other derogatory words. It was actually pretty funny cuz the dude was all fucked on drugs or drunk and dancing and signing some Nikki Menaj bullshit. But yeah, Muslims hate gays but fuck little boys. Strange group of people.
This. Reddit spacing isn't a real thing, it's just a meme. It's like when new people try to act like they've been here forever and call people a newfag.
Suddenly I'm having homosexual urges and a desire to join the US army and fight for Israel's lebensraum. Is that normal?
Roman Catholic God I love this idea....... gear up boys
Since Democrats are dragging the rest of the west down
lesbianism is allowed in Islam between wives.
Even gay sex between men is allowed during jihad.
so basically, they only kill flamboyant men and trannies, thats the only way your plan will work. Good luck finding them.
it's really a test of faith.
are they actually muslim extremists or are the LARPing mercenary shills who all happen to believe in islam and it was all a plan by (((globalists)))?
either way its a pretty large redpill