>tfw we will never have another president thats as cool as Obama
Tfw we will never have another president thats as cool as Obama
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4 u
can drumpf even reach his leg that high
I'll take an unliked effective president over your cool empty suit.
>ywn another black man disrespect the Resolute desk with the bottom of his disgusting, unworthy, nigger shoe
Feels bad.
Good. the position is meant to be taken seriously not used for fame
>zero policy accomplishments with house and senate majorities
Funny, I remember when openly came out against gay marriage. And on MTV, no less.
you're kidding, right?
>Zero policy accomplishments with house and senate majorities
he did the same thing friendo
I certainly fucking hope not. That useless coon did nothing for the US.
That nigga has no respect for history?
And anything he did get done turned out to be a disaster.
life of the fucking party
>zero policy accomplishments with house and senate majorities
I sound like my mom when I say this, but I can't stand to look at him. useless, america-hating, commie somehow became president. look at the company he kept: bill ayers and reverend wright. unbelievable.
>I sound like my mom when I say this, but I can't stand to look at him.
Your mom sounds awesome bro
Should've lynched the nigger for putting his foot on that desk.
Fucking americucks.
disrespectful to the office. there are so many shots of this faggot with his feet on the desk,
you didn't care when it was Bush?
So cool you pose for a photo of you talking on the phone like a cool guy while your staff photographer stages it.
Its astounding to me that people were gullible enough to mistake this shit for reality.
see this post:
As if if if if if if if
what about carter? you fucking hypocrites
Yeah because having an orange pussygrabbing real-estate mogul who doesn't give a shit about professionalism is nice and respectful to the presidency
How can any president even match up...
i liked when he dodged the shoe
He isn't creative enough to find a new pose for every single photo. what does this prove?
you think I like bush? why would you think that?
That's fucking creepy. Isn't there also one of Lindsay Lohan or Kristen Stewart where their face never fucking changes in all of their pictures?
he's not a bad artist too
>ITT People hatting the greatest president in the last 100 years
Saved auto industry
Stopped banking financial crash
Overhauled healthcare
Improved overall safety standards
Cash for clunkers lower pollution, saved money, and boosted the economy
Creation of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to reign in big banks screwing us, looking at you Wells Fargo
Path to amnesty setup
Pulled us out of two wars and balanced the worlds conflicts with the rise of Chinese and Russian aggression
World unified in climate agreement
Ended Cuba policy of fuck-em
Did his best to close Gitmo and end Americas history of torture
Hate all you want but history will prove him one of the greats.
He's actually very professional to others he respects. Just cause he shits on losers don't make him unprofessional.
And he loves baseball.
>He isn't creative enough to find a new pose for every single photo. what does this pro
Its not about the pose, its about his unflinching robotic face. Being able to do make that same artificial expression with perfect accuracy over and over and over and over again is quite a talent. You have to be really fucking fake to pull something like that off. Look at Michelle, she's all over the place, different expressions in different photos; but not Barack, the man is like a living wax statue.
Is that a beer in his hand? I thought he was a recovering alcoholic.
Nigger, please.
and bunnies
>>ywn another black man disrespect the Resolute desk with the bottom of his disgusting, unworthy, nigger shoe
Typical Obama way of saying fuck you whitey and everything this country stands for. I just don't understand why he took the job to represent something he resents so much. Sounds like a psychopath to me.
1/5th of the people in America live in poverty... real fucking nice.
probably just ice tea or water
>Did his best to close Gitmo
>Did his best
Why are you trying to summon Obamaleaf?
Based Barry didn't even shit on the racists who were calling for his hanging because the idea of a nonwhite POTUS had them frothing at the mouth
Drumpf goes full aspie every time someone says something mean on Twitter
Fucking Nigger, get your foot off the fucking desk.
Get that foot off the desk you mongrel
but gay people could get married, they just had to marry a female...
As a muslim he knows the bottoms of his shoes are completely haram. He's showing disrespect for the office by putting his shoe on the desk.
>puts his foot on the desk
You can put the nigger in the white house, but he'll still be a nigger.
Not sure why Republicans want a known torture site opened so bad. Just jail them in US prisons so they can get gang raped like the other shits in our society.
>Killed Bin Ladin
his therapist told him to paint something that had meaning to him.
Paints pictures of soldiers injured in a war he sent them off to.
it just doesn't sit right with me.
Ah yes Obama, the president whose only true accomplishments include being black and being situated between Bush and President Trump
Obama was pretty cool I give him that, but as an actual president was pretty bad. Economy got worse, caused huge division among left/right/republican/democrat/black/white and made America look like a weak European country.
what a fucking house nigger
if only a hood brother would cap him
He had been dead for years due to natural causes.
Get your simian foot-claw off the Presidential desk you subversive jiving jigaboo.
lel pick one
Come on, you're kidding right?
Even in my country the news was your pathetic left group are the one who cries and screeches all the time
>uh oh
>Fag flag checks out.
Based leaf.
>send them to prison
>they start converting the niggers
you know Clinton, and probably Kennedy got blown under that desk right?
It was really cool how he targeted conservatives in the IRS scandal and AP scandal, or how he gave weapons to the drug cartels in the fast and furious scandal, or how he gave 5 terrorists over to the Middle East for a deserter I. Return, or how he let Americans die in Benghazi, or how he screwed the country over in the Iran deal, or how he created isis by pulling out of Iraq too soon. Such a cool president. Now we have drumpf, Who's isn't cool with Hollywood, and is probably racist or homophobic or sexist, even though I can't prove it.
I don't think Dubya actually wanted to be president, nor do I think he had any real say in his presidency or most of the decisions made
Let's be real, 9/11 and the war were going to happen regardless of who became president.
He isn't unliked. When's the last time a liberal poll was accurate?
Look at this fucking bitch, with his feet on the desk.
Lohan never changing facial expression was huge like 10 years ago
I dont want a cool president, I want a good one.
The president can be as abrasive as sand paper for all I care as long as he improves america's economic and political supremacy from when he took office.
Obama was a president? hmmm could hardly remember anything he did desu senpai. His legacy is already nonexistent less then 6 months in. Trump literally rekt him life.
Trump is cool because he's a voice for the people, and the people want the establishment to go fuck themselves. He has the power to say that.
>Burial at sea
>No images of the corpse were released to the media or public
>Everyone who was on the team that (((captured))) him was dead within 4 years of the mission
>His capture should have been a massive blow to Islamic Terrorism, but it barely made a ripple and Al Queda still exists today
Good job user, you deepthroated the propaganda machine and it dumped its fat globalist load into your stomach.
Show some respect nigger, that's the desk Bill got his dick sucked at
>"Well, @realdonaldtrump, at least I will go down as President of the United States"
"Directed by Robert B. Weide"
don't bother, this entire website has been subverted
no wonder Sup Forums's seen as an extremely diluted shithole- a shadow of it's former glory.
That is a different kind of cool than being the "cool" down to earth president who reads tweets on Jimmy Kimmel, does fun photo ops playing basket ball with White House staff, and takes fun pictures with minority flags.
>Let's place our dirty shoes on the several centuries old antiques in the office that I had no part in paying for or decorating
I honestly wonder sometimes how many of the posters here are genuinely to be on Sup Forums, or are paid shills or trolls.
I did notice this "subversion shift" some time early spring after the inauguration. I took like a two month break because I was banned and when I returned the entire board had shifted left.
What was once a pro-Trump, pro-conservative, anti communist/degeneracy board was suddenly full of anti conservative and anti trump posters who were pro gay and pro communism.
Im sure a good portion of them were just trolls getting people worked up, but i wonder how many are actually paid shills pushing a narrative?
Typical nigger behavior
what a disgusting president and precedent. I am absolutely furious at the audacity of that monkey nigger. that we had to endure 8 years of that coconut brained simpleton porch spook boondoggle fuck is evidence of the sins our society commits that we're still paying for.
i just.....
just literally cant understand this....
ive been here for almost a month now and how do you people do it?
always being racist, anti-semitic, islamophobic, and hating women
is it satire?
or are you "people" literally this ignorant and jaded....
Real Americans don't want that shit. Obama spending his time with all these celebs and trying to appeal to the American people reminds me of Steve Buscemi trying too hard (pic related)
>implying that people who still live in the dark ages are ok to live with
Fuck that fat orange cheeto
obama was so based
Presidents aren't meant to be cool.
being "cool" doesn't run a country
>omg why can't people see the world through rose colored glasses like I do
>why can't people ignore the hundreds of not really Islamic terror attacks?
Get fucked, go back to Tumblr.
>posing for the cameras
>not narcissistic and faggoty
I know you're just shitposting but
Fuck niggers
I've been around them my whole life, I don't like them. They make me uncomfortable and are the #1 reason I think the right to bear arms needs to be enforced. I'm less worried about my tyrannical government than I am niggers, because at least the government wants me alive to rob me.
dirty nigger putting his feet on that historical table, how dare he
this nigger is so fucking disrespectful