We need Christianity as a spiritual counter to Islam. But because of free speech, the Jew keeps making fun of Christianity and renders it impotent. Blasphemy laws would solve this.
Blasphemy should be a crime
fuck off bible kike
the jew created Christianity as a control for dumb ass sociopathic morons with no will to live to keep populations from plummeting
take your church whores elsewere
source on this literal semon demon?
Varg is a larping faggot, he'd burn down a church but never say nigger or kike.
What a fed.
>blasphemy should be a crime
>posts blasphemous photo
It's all we have. What alternative do you propose? Back to paganism? That will not happen.
they'll never happen in america
"Get thee behind me Satan: thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men."
"My kingdom is not of this world."
The battle we fight is not for this world. Our fight is within ourselves. And for that which rests within all men.
All of this will pass away. But His word will not pass away. Love the Lord with all your heart. Honor Him in all you do.
That is all you can do.
I'd jizya those titties
Adolf was much more pro-Islam than Christianity.
>We say with confidence that they will never be restored to their former condition.
How can Cuckoldics ever recover?
Restricting freedom of speech is a communist goal you cuck. kys.
This is false. He admired Islam, but was a deout Christian.
>inb4 hitler is a pagan
I know himmler and hitler are similar sounding words but try your hardest.
>Oh look, another larping faggot, probably Trump supporter who never EVER read Hitler
Fuck off.
>What alternative do you propose?
None, all religion is shit. Civilized peoples should not hold to superstition, especially not universalist garbage like christianity.
Yes, the Soviet Union already try that beautiful Atheist state, such a wonderfull succes
as someone who didnt what does he say anything actually noteworthy?
Depend, if you're interested in Nat-Soc or what Hitler believe, yes, 100%. If you are not but just wanna read some book, then no because Hitler wasn't such a great writter.
Honestly, if the sisters at Catholic churches looked like this, there would be a 1000% increase in attendance within a year.
>jesus came back to destroy jewish scheming ways
>thats a good thing for the jews
oh great, yet another idiot who ate the propaganda that atheism was somehow a central trait of the state theory in the soviet bloc.
atheism is correct, even if you react to this like a screeching sjw who was just told sexes aren't equal.
Paganism is the right path, Christianity is too jewed and cucked
>the jews
What's the difference?
What the fuck are you talking about retard? Atheist are the biggest SJW right now and is not surprising considering that Atheist become more popular thanks to the Marxist philosophers.
Are you fucking stupid????
If you apply Blasphemy Laws for Christianity then the shit burgers are gonna say "they got them We want ours"
NO Dumbfuck!
Who cares, Hitler was a fucking retard anyway
if you believe this op you're just as bad as the akbars
Nah. Just make sure that secularism is enforced. Nobody gets any special treatment.
fuck you and god
>Civilized peoples should not hold to superstition
Civilization would not exist without superstition.
Freedom is bad. Freedom is what allows the Jew to make Christianity into a running gag on Family Guy.
Every time Muslims were pushed back in the world. It was by Christians.
Who could possibly want to make Christianity fail?
is that why your "ancestors" converted
is wrong, actual gallery is here