Tommy Sotomayor

Anyone heard of this you tuber? He's black and saying what whites have been called racist and ignant for saying for decades.

Other urls found in this thread:

He pisses off the black community in ways that is only matched by George Zimmerman. It's just harder to see because the news is never going to give him coverage. I don't agree or even care about a lot of what he says but it is entertaining to listen to.

I can imagine why. The left cuddles blacks like crazy. When the person who you claim to protect the most calls you out on your bs, it just shows how low you are.

Tommy Sotomayor is basically the redpill on altruism made specifically for liberals.

He's okay bu I heard he's a sellout or a scammer now.

Like he did fundraising for something but didn't deliver? I forget.

But I like the way he talks (cooning) and his insults are top tier... The episode about three murderers in court, the way he describes them as chimps is great.

Remember when he said teenage mutant nigga turtles? I nearly died

Did he file down the edge on that thing? No one is bleeding.

Got the link? I can't find it, he has too many channels.
I think she's dead on the ground besides the building? it's not in focus for long.

>Tommy Sotomayor
never heard of him before, but i'm glad I have now!

Goddamned genius of a man.

He's a hypocrite I'm glad he is saying these things but he is a complete hypocrite.

Care to explain why

He has kids that he doesn't take care of I heard he doesn't even pay child support

Hates black women and niggers. Based Tommy, would go to baseball game with.

He can lead the african peoples back to africa

is he the guy that hates niggers

But it still doesn't make what he says any less true.

He's not a hypocrite. He hates niggers and hates white nigger apologists. Also it pisses him off when he sees black bitches with white boys. And rightfully so.

It saddens me to see them on the streets of Illinois, and very leftist state. I'm glad I have an sjw teacher, otherwise I never would have discovered white power music and become a national socialist.

Woa le epic based black man hates niggers? I guess I'll check him out.

That's a complete lie. Leftist BLM crazies are constantly making up lies about Tommy and threatening him with violence. Last I counted, he has about 5 or 6 Youtube channels. BLM lynch mobs keep knocking down his Youtube and Twitter accounts.

he's a nigger himself though

> deadbeat dad to 4 kids, while taking care of 1
> worships white women
> jailed for abuse towards women

if he wasn't regurgitating white talking points for profit, none of you would like him.

He is a hypocrite he's been charged with failure to pay child support, battery, and violation of protective order. Just look it up all his shit is out there. I still agree with what he says though.

where is his Fatherless America documentary? he's been crowdfunding for almost 4 yrs now.

i never watch youtube faggots ive only heard that he hates niggers

He had a go fund me for a movie called "Fatherless America" r/t blacks and their single mother problem. He raised like 35k but never put the movie out. I found him a couple of years ago but his obsession with white women was too repulsive so I quit watching. I'm still a subscriber and will watch an occasional video of his if he has niggly bears or hair-hatted hooligan in the title.

>That time this nigger got butthurt and chimped out because The Amazing fatass and his faggot friends made fun of him.

He makes valid points now and then but he's also a ridiculous hypocrite.

He cant keep his act together. He tries to float the line between Koon Tom and causes disruptions in his chat. This in return causes him to react to his chat emotionally.

Runs off half his viewers per show. He could have had a much larger viewing base if he would just say fuk the chat, and choose his side.

Tommy Sotomayor did nothing wrong.

Shit actually takes time in the real world when doing it right, when you're inexperienced at filmmaking. The time trap happens to a lot of indies in films and video games. He made a video addressing it a week ago, even offering to refund anyone who's upset and still give them the movie once it's ready.

Any links to funny videos of his? I remember him having some top tier insults.

Just go to YouTube and search tnn raw.

Tommy either be a Coon or a Tom Quit Get a grip on your Chat MODS. Quit running off our dam audience.

Pro- gun , pro- law & order, pro- religion, pro- family. Anti- blm\ new blk panther, anti- feminist. Almost not a nigger, almost....

He wants to muh-dick white women but does not tolerate white men fucking black women. The chimp comes out of him when he sees that.

dont care about your based black man

Because, as ice cube so eloquently put it, "bitches aint shit"

Look at any video where the topic is WMBW and how much he bitches about it.

He's also not afraid of talking about Jews

Our women are better. Saying all people are equal is like saying a prius is equal to a Lamborghini.

And the one where 2 niggly bears kill each other over kfc. Yes, its real.

I watched a few of his vids quite some time ago, they seemed to be all about the same. Cliffs:

>1) black women are the worst because they only chase after black thugs instead of responsible black men
>2) btw I only chase white women lol
>3) shall not infringe
>4) leftists/handouts are one of the causes of lack of improvement in black communities

Self-hating black women and reddit cucks craving to clean his out of their gf's pussy like the first two statements, Sup Forums hopefully latches only onto 3 and 4

I've seen a clip where he admitted he never intended to make the film at all and originally made the fundraiser to get money for his child support payments.


He has a weird obsession with hating black women and a history of using fraudulent DMCA takedowns to silence criticism.

>weird obsession with hating black women
You should like a shill. There's nothing weird about it. There's a constant stream of source material where he showcases the insanity of BT-1000s.


Go fuck yourself niggerlover.

I hate niggers, but I respect black men like him who respect whites and know the truth about their kind.

>Anyone heard of this you tuber?
Yes I've watched his stuff occasionally for years now. He names the nigger.

Don't worry, I'm not a shill. I just watch a lot of the Drunken Peasants Podcast, and they hosted a two-hour-long episode where they went through the two false DMCAs they got from Tommy because they were criticizing him. During that episode, they showed one of Tommy's videos where he cut off a driver and got into a crash. He got out of the car and started going apeshit on the black woman driving and going on and on about how she's a piece of shit just because she's a black woman even though it was clearly Tommy's fault based on where the damage was on each car. It really showed how his hatred of black women dominates so much of his life.

His You Tube Videos are good.

stop being a dick sucker, it's a documentary, not a AAA video game

yep, one of his baby mommas found him online and sued him for child support.

Colin Flaherty You Tubes are better. Author of "White Girls Bleed" and "Don't make the Black Kids Mad."

That second to last paragraph truth though!



He's basically the MRA for black guys. I think they refer to these guys as Hoteps.

This is literally the same shit /r/asianmasculinity deals with. And they're right.

Exactly. He is right wing because he wants to cater to white women. People cant over see the fact that hes "muh based" and the consequences.

Civic nationalism still leads to white genocide.

I like Tommy, but I'm pretty much convinced at this point that he only does his show for the money. what happened to the Fatherless America movie? He spent the money on other shit.

Again, I like Tommy, but he scammed a bunch of people, plain and simple.

Theres no point in allying with Tommy with thousands thousands of white people are already being redpilled daily. Tommy is still tribal at the end of the say.

He encourages black men to date and mate with white women