Is the (((Invisible Hand))) of the Free Market Real?

It's as rediculous as communism and completely ignores human nature.

Also, trolley memes.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Asking a question
>Giving the answer


>not knowing who adam smith is

Wow so deep bro
Fuck off
The general consumer is fallible. You can have a government with strong morally sound leaders even if the populace has a tendency toward immorality.

How? In a democracy, that government would be elected by the populace, and staffed by members of the populace.

That's why I don't support democracy

>You can have a government with strong morally sound leaders even if the populace has a tendency toward immorality.
lol name one government were that is the case

This is old shit. Argued and refuted for at least 200 years. Get new material or get bent

>What is fascism?

Name one government then

Nazi Germany

Yes it is, it's called JP Morgan Chase

Libertarianism is the mentally ill idea that you can live in a society while contributing nothing to it. It is the abandonment of man's responsibility to his tribe.


Not even libertarian and that picture is fucking retarded. Like legit fucking retarded, doesn't even ask a question and criticizes libertarianism in a funny way. It's just a bad strawman and you can feel that the author just wanted to vent against something she doesn't understand, fucking stupid.

Also, Fedoras --> atheist pseudointellectuals, not Fedoras/Atheism = Libertarians.

>Strong morally sound leaders who fuck little boys, do lots of drugs, murder people in the streets, and chimp out and attack other nations, allying with their arch enemies the Judeo-Bolsheviks to do so.

Such morally uptight people. Totally distinguishable from say, a sub-Saharan nigger country.

I'm just here for the trolley parodies

Estado Novo

I don't really see evidence that they were all that more strong or morally sound but even assuming that top Nazi leadership were all moral that doesn't ensure that the rest of the state would be. I'm sure every state throughout history has been full of corrupt and lazy bureaucrats whether they were in Nazi Germany or ancient Sumeria. Fallibility is a constant throughout public and private life because both are composed of human beings. Giving the state more power won't address the moral failings of private citizens.