Sup Forums is smart enough to know the South were the good guys and we'd all be better off if they'd won at Gettysburg
Just a reminder, Sup Forums is a Confederate sympathizer board
Other urls found in this thread:
>south imports tons of niggers
>north says lets stop that
>south says fuck you and imports more niggers
>north says fuck off if youre not going to stop we will make you
>south fights to continue importing niggers
>gets salty
The best litmus test you can give a potential friend:
"Which side would you have fought for in the Civil War?"
All the good ones that end up being reliable always answer The Confederacy. Try it, you will be surprised.
Importing niggers stopped long before the war. The slaves that were left were the descendants of those imported. On top of this you had northern slave states like Delaware.
>Tried to make Cuba a state by fighting a war and making the North pay for it
>So they could get more niggers in the country
Rebel Internet Defense Force fuck off
the south is still the cause of all the niggers in this country. without rebel cucks we would still be a majority white
And the north passed tariffs to the benefit of the northern industrialists at the cost of the south. Congrats you figured out both sides liked fucking each other.
Slavery in it's prime in the US was strongest in the north. The only reason the north was beginning to abolish slavery was due to industrialization.
yes but northern slaves were irish, not niggers
>time passes
>technological innovation comes around
>nigger slaves no longer needed
>CSA govt sends many of them to caribbean island nations
>many slave owners just slaughter the rest
>aside from female house nigger sex slaves
>North America is spared the brown scourge
>becomes a bastion of hope and prosperity
>North and South develop good trade relations
>1000 years of peace
>South: let's keep blacks as farm equipment
>North: let's free the blacks and flood our cities with them. Also let's kill our fellow white men
Why are Yankees such cucks?
You can thank that one on autismo JWB putting a bullet in the head of the only man who could and would have shipped the niggers back.
>rebelcucks actually believe this
There were black slaves in the north and the only reason black slaves were popular in the south was due to Irish slaves and Native American slaves dying from the intense sun. If you had your choice between a car that constantly breaks down or a car that will last you a long time obviously you'll pick the one that lasts a long time.
banned in over there?
whats your point? the reason we have niggers and are onl 54% white today is because the south could get enough bbc
Booth shouldn't have shot Lincoln but Lincoln was already pulling out of sending them back. The costs to send them to the established colonies like Panama and Liberia was astronomical and the colonies were already beginning to fall into chaos. At best Lincoln could've reversed his decision on only allowing whites to colonize the west and could've shoved them there on reservations like Native Americans.
The point is the south isn't the only reason niggers were here and Lincoln wasn't this racial realist hero Sup Forums thinks he was. The Union wasn't solving shit. The Union wanted to preserve the Union and nothing more. Slaves the federal government half assed helped after the war then just shrugged and left them to do whatever which usually ended up being lazing around doing nothing or stealing from locals which is why groups like the Ku Klux Klan, White League, and Red Shirts formed in order to restore order to the south. The best option to deal with slavery was to leave the south alone and let industrialization make slavery outdated there as it did in the north.
you realize that the entire reason most of the north was against slavery was that it was economically cucking people everywhere, especially in the South, like Zuckerberg and the H1Bs today
northern evangelical protestants and southern richfags who loved cheap labor are the most to blame
And how has freeing them worked out for you?
Da fuck?
You guys were the ones who built your society around having a steady supply of niggers. Stop projecting.
It was about money. They also killed a ton of good white men.
Fucking masons on both sides...
>dodging the nigger question all together
youre a slippery one, are you a kike?
the point is that without southern slavery there would be no niggers in this country
Many southerners were against slavery for the same exact reason. It was a common complaint in the south that poor rural white farmers couldn't compete against slaves when slaves worked for free. That doesn't mean the federal government was going to fix the problem and obviously it didn't. Even if you want to blame Booth for killing Lincoln and Johnson for being sympathetic to the south Grant was very much a believer in Lincoln's goals yet obviously the niggers aren't back in Africa yet.
You gotta be a bluepilled dumbass to not think the South was 100% right. I have so many Union soldier ancestors I can't keep track, and even I know the South was right.
The South was completely red pilled on race and civilization.
>You guys were the ones who built your society around having a steady supply of niggers.
As forced labor, little better than cattle.
And you freed them.
So, how has that worked out?
The problem was when Lincoln died the Republicans got taken over by the Berniebros of the era.
Read a book sometime nigger. The South was built by whites. Some 2% of rich kikes and faggots had slaves and big plantations. Aristocrats weren't the average southerner.
The North got fucking owned by the banks and then turned the country to shit by killing all the strongest most nationalist people in war for money.
Point is you guys created a timebomb that probably couldn't have resulted in anything but our present situation without a massive intervention like shipping them back immediately after the war.
Shut up, traitor.
No you're avoiding my answers. The south weren't the only slave states. Nigger slaves weren't unique to the south. Grant and Sherman both owned black slaves. Lincoln wasn't going to send the slaves back to Africa because the union couldn't afford it. Grant was the closest to a Lincoln disciple that the Presidency ever got yet it still didn't happen. The federal government had plenty of opportunities to remedy the issue in some way and didn't. The Union didn't fix anything. It only broke something that time was going to fix. All of America is to blame for slavery and all of America is to blame for our modern population demographics.
He's right but most Confederates were just cucks for the slave aristocracy and in those days we still had to be wary for our survival because the UK and France were still intervening in our shit.
Pretty much, the 14th Amendment came just a couple years after his death, and was held over the Southern states as a bargaining chip for their rejoining the Union. That was the beginning of the decline, in 1868.
Whats all this traitor talk
How were they going to realistically remedy it?
The forbearing use of power does not only form a touchstone, but the manner in which an individual enjoys certain advantages over others is a test of a true gentleman.
The power which the strong have over the weak, the employer over the employed, the educated over the unlettered, the experienced over the confiding, even the clever over the silly--the forbearing or inoffensive use of all this power or authority, or a total abstinence from it when the case admits it, will show the gentleman in a plain light
The gentleman does not needlessly and unnecessarily remind an offender of a wrong he may have committed against him. He cannot only forgive, he can forget; and he strives for that nobleness of self and mildness of character which impart sufficient strength to let the past be but the past. A true man of honor feels humbled himself when he cannot help humbling others.
>without southern slavery there would be no niggers in this country
And without bleeding heart Yankees, those niggers would be slaves, or dead.
youre wrong
Literally doesn't understand the concept of the end of the Atlantic slave trade prior to civil war.
Don't read any historical accounts either, you might learn that slavery was a generally minor deal of the war only capitalized upon after a series of blows to union morale.
What's he hiding in his jacket?
Or, you know, keeping them enslaved. Or just killing them.
Literally anything besides freeing them would have been a good choice
>South wins
>continues importing niggers for cheap labor
>just like tech companies and rich fags now
>America is now Brazil
desu I love you guys, but its better that you lost
>southerns actually think slavery would exist today
stop please, youre fullfilling every southern stereotype
doesnt change the fact that southerns literally imported niggers 300 years before sweden. Literally the hipsters of cuckoldry
You don't actually believe that do you?
Political cartoons of the era reveal the real passions.
As I said before the best they could've done is force the blacks into reservations out west like they did the Native Americans. Allow them to build their own societies and try to keep them contained in the reservations. Funny enough modern black nationalists would be fine with this.
Oh no you sure got me. A population graph sure does go against what I said except wait it doesn't. Look at that Delaware has a high black population due to being a slave state. Areas such as New York do not due to being heavily industrial not to mention later European immigration later on. On top of this many northerners sent their former slaves south and during the war many blacks actually decided to return south because they'd rather deal with the wrath of the slave masters than with yanks who made sure to let them know they weren't welcome.
>What, can dey be?
Thanks for the laugh user
checked, and white supremacy is unquestioned. WHITE POWER!
Slavery does actually exist today; it exists in Africa. It is the nigger's natural state of being.
There is simply no way for Yankees to justify the 13th amendment, unless they are willingly naive to the damage it has caused
But the niggers were kept in chains or confined, away from white folk. How is that cuckoldry?
I truly believe the South would have eventually sent the niggers back, even if they had won the same Abolitionist crap would have started again, increasing pressure against slavery in the West and improved technology would have made it feasible to send them back and switch to industrial agriculture.
The role and the fate of the niggers in America was an important topic but not the only one, it was intertwined with economic and other political issues. No one denies there were Abolitionists and there were Southerners who remained pro-slavery.
Having slavery means you have to live with slaves.
13th amendment fully justified. 14th and 15th not.
>south imports tons of niggers
it was Rhode Island
The first slave auction.
Created by Jews
Closed on Jewish Holidays
Your little attempt at deception was cute, but ultimately failed on the first line- a LIE
300 years? Are you fucking on drugs?
The south had only loosely existed for 200, tops. Even then, "the south" were French colonies and Spanish colonies. Not the "south" you are thinking of. The south inherited an economic structure from the French and Spanish.
At the onset of the war, Lincoln was attempting to preserve the union. No mention of slavery till after Fredericksburg, which was a union loss but it was good enough for him to make his proclamation.
Anyone who knows history knows that Emancipation Proc did not apply to: Kentucky, Missouri, Maryland, union occupied Louisiana, and union occupied Tennessee. Because, again, it wasn't about freeing slaves. It was about breaking down the southern economy, way of life, and ultimately the confederate war machine.
>8 posts
All of them BTFO by me in one line. What a poor liar.
delaware is south of the mason dixen lad, not sure what you are on about it being a northern state
>southern logic
stop your embarrasing yourself
all african americans have significant white mixture due to massive inbreeding by both white southern males and females. Southern were oil drillers and coal burners and killed white americans to continue doing it. literal cucks
jews had no power and werent allowed to hold public office or even join the police until teddy roosevelt (a southern) allowed them too
not an arguement sven
I'm a good ol' rebel
that's just what I am
And for this yankee nation
I do not give a damn
I'm glad we fought against her
I only wish we'd won
I ain't askin for a pardon
for anything I've done
I hate the yankee nation
and everything they do
I hates the declaration
of independence too
I hate the fuckin union
It's dripping with our blood
I hate the striped banner
and fought it all I could
Three hundred thousand yankees
are stiff in southern dust
We got three hundred thousand
before they conquered us
They died of southern fever
and southern steel and shot
I wish they was three million
instead of what we got
I can't take up my musket
and fight 'em down no more
But I ain't gonna love them
now that is certain sure
Oh, I'm a good ol' rebel
Now that's just what I am
And for this Yankee nation
I do not give a damn
No doubt the war from the North's perspective was about the Union, the North wouldn't have fought over slavery alone. Most Northerners absolutely hated slaves.
From a grand strategy perspective, the US had to maintain its integrity in order to keep out the influence of the European great powers in an age when the US was just coming into power and the Europeans were considering trying to quash us.
The slavery aspect was just the culmination of the drama that could have been averted if the South went along with the intent of the founders...
This. The Emancipation Proclamation was all part of the union war strategy. Capture and kill guerrillas, burn farms, destroy supplies, blockade the oceans and rivers, keep the CSA from gaining European allies, and with the Proclamation create slave revolts so Confederate forces are so busy trying to put down slave rebellions they couldn't stop Union forces. The Union's goal was to create so much chaos in the south the CSA would be forced to surrender.
sorry you got BTFO
read my post, every word you write is a lie
The real issue is if the CSA succeeded we probably never would have become the world's only superpower--despite niggers.
What percentage white would the south be if it became it's own country right now? Today. Honest question.
>he says making no arguement or providing a shread of evidence
i know rebel cucks are uneducated, backwoods losers, but come on youre taught how to debate in the 3rd grade, you did make it to the 3rd grade didnt you?
There was no one concept from the founders.
The two visions of America were Hamiltonian and Jeffersonian.
North Hamiltonian, South Jeffersonian.
Industrialized v. Agrarian.
>arguing with no premise
you said the south imported niggers
that was a lie.
you're BTFO
Sorry friend but I believe you need a map. The Mason-Dixon line clearly shows Delaware is not part of the south. On top of this Delaware declared it's loyalty to the USA not the CSA.
I meant their vision on getting rid of slavery, to which we can attribute the import ban.
Hell you say. The south was stacked militarily and we continue to be to this very day.
Lot of what-ifs though.
What if Belgium never split, what if Italy never unified, etc. split of north and south we'd never know a difference anyways
it would be 38.2% white*
*including latinos
they did, this is a fact whether ur teachin' ladi saed so rrr nut
>literally south of the line
>still says its north
how embarrasing
If Booth had never shot Lincoln, the more Radical Republicans would have never gotten the harsher Reconstruction laws passed. The South STILL hasn't recovered from Reconstruction. And you can thank fucking Booth's retarded autistic ass for that
Not retrospectively, but in that time the US still had to aggressively play the grand strategy game against Europe and Europe wanted the CSA to succeed, no doubt.
>jews had no power and werent allowed to hold public office or even join the police until teddy roosevelt (a southern) allowed them too
not true (((friendo)))
>Washington Bartlett
In that regard I agree. If we were still two (or more) nations we probably wouldn't have gained superpower status. Of course at the same time we only really became a superpower because Europe and Asia was bombed to hell and back and took decades and decades to truly recover.
This 100%
During reconstruction, the union banned French in public schools and enforced English be taught in my state.
The union mocks southerners for being dumb hicks, but forgets that they turned a largely bilingual and sometimes even trilingual society into a monolinguistic society because they wanted to be assholes.
I'm speaking from perspective of Louisiana.
Mate you arent even trying anymore
No you're clearly blind or you can't read a map. Delaware is running beside the line with a touch of it north of the line. None of it is south of the line.
>not religous
>had a christian funeral
try again
whats to try? its a fact southerns wanted bbc and were the sweden of the 1800s
you really dont get it do you? you must be thick, like most southerners
this is true.
that fucken fence...
They lost the war at Chancellorsville where Stonewall Jackson was killed
I agree. I definitely don't support Booth by any means. Even Confederate leaders thought Booth was an idiot because they knew the south would get kinder treatment under Lincoln than they would with the radicals. Especially when Booth's goal was to reignite the war when the huge majority of the Confederate army was done and ready to go home.
>tfw she'd still be alive and flourishing in a Dixie-dominated world if only the 15th Alabama had won the race up Little Round Top
I get that you can't read a map.
this is what happened
>Just a reminder, Sup Forums is a Confederate sympathizer board
Damn straight
>he still thinks its about a little horizontal line on a map
delaware is a part of the south
im not watching your cuck porn sven
Stonewall Jackson was one of the most remarkable men pious men this country has ever seen. No modern day military leaders even pale in comparison to him. He was a true gentleman of both duty and the Lord. When I read a historical account of his actions in the Shenandoah Valley Campaign, I knew I was reading the story of a tactical genius.
He toiled with his men, he was stern with them, but by the grace of God he beat impossible odds against well equipped wellfed union troops.
May the Lord rest his soul.
lincoln got off easy. he was a tyramt and starvation was his preferred weapon. he imprisoned journalists and dissedents alike. he ordered the starvation of 40,000 POWs
Fun fact: Sherman gave my university the 2 cannons that fired on Ft. Sumter after the war.
I get to walk past them everyday on my way to class and acknowledge one of the best days this nation has ever seen.
I love 1860s political cartoon, they don't even try to hide their power level.
>it would be 38.2% white*
>*including latinos
You're just making shit up but Texas is fucked.
The South is the ones that brought all the niggers here rather than innovate creative ways of expanding the economy. Fuck the south.
we have niggers today because elites make us support them because they are perpetually useful idiots.
otherwise theyd die out quickly.
Haha, I wouldn't canonize ol' Stonewall just yet. Idealizing individuals can often border on idolatry.