Islamic terrorism

Will terrorism of the Islamic variety go away once ISIS is destroyed, or at least decrease drastically?

Not even a little bit. The problem isn't ISIS or Saudi Arabia or Iran. It's Arab people as a whole. It's in their genetics to destroy everything. Islam isn't the problem. It's a symptom of the scourge that are Semites.

"Islamic Terrorism" is in fact anti kike terrorism. You will join the Islamofascist Caliphate

No. Muslims are the niggers of religion.

Not until Islam is destroyed

Convert or die mentality is their self destruction

unlikely, will probably just continue to manifest differently. Saudis have been funding Salafists for decades.

fine with me desu, just means we get to kill more brown people. our KDR is bretty good

You cannot destroy an ideology in that sense, you can supress it with superior knowledge, shame the governments are too cucked to realise anything.

Isis is an ideology
You cannot kill it
Also Isis is regrouping in Libya, Africa and Southeast asia where there are less resources and willpower to combat terrorism.
Isis fighters are also so damn dangerous. A few soldiers buddies I talked to who just came back from fighting an Isis cell in my country said without air support a single jihadist is equal to a dozen men
. Conventionall warfare without artillery and airpower is a sure loss.

>Niggers of religion
They're usually just niggers, period.

>or at least decrease drastically?
Read their own koran stuff:
Quran (2:191-193) - "And kill them wherever you find them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out. And Al-Fitnah [disbelief or unrest] is worse than killing.

Ibn Ishaq/Hisham 992: - "Fight everyone in the way of Allah and kill those who disbelieve in Allah." Muhammad's instructions to his men prior to a military raid.

Tabari 9:69 "Killing Unbelievers is a small matter to us"

Someone with a braincell, salute.

>self destruction

Islam is spreading like wildfire, it's the fastest growing religion both in the west and globally. Islam is winning because of the cancer of leftism

What is the most reliable source of news in your opinion?

>without air support a single jihadist is equal to a dozen men
>checks flag

yeah, for bastardized Spanish island rats, sounds about right

Shh burger
You fuckers started this shit in the modern world

>a single jihadist is equal to a dozen men

How can they be that deadly?

Being a martyr, simple.

they fucking aren't you idiot, some untrained jihadist with an SKS might be equal to some broke ass Filipino farmer but pretty much any Western regulars stomp the shit out of them

If you wanna kill brown people and keep perpetuating global White European hegemony, you gotta be prepared to crack a couple eggs. You want me on that wall. You NEED me on that wall.

they aren't more deadly, they just know the land better and are more determined, quite literally happy to die for their cause. Arabs make shit soldiers, but since the west is cucked by war crime treaties you also can't just kill all people you find in a war zone.

Fair point, we need you as much as you need us at this point.

Islamic terrorism benefits the White Race. Islam has done more to cleanse the West of degeneracy than any of you Pepe worshipers and mongrels. Sure, there's the occasional goat shag or child bride, but each truck of peace claims a weak urban European, jew or subhuman immigrant unfit to live. Thank you Mohammedans!

I don't know. What I don't understand is that it's the opposite of Japs and Vietnamese who relied on numbers and brute numbers. These jihadist are less than a thousand but manage to repel soldiers who number in thousands and have tanks, helicopters and artillery.

Mudslimes are easily out-breeding Whites.
If the trend doesn't stop we're looking at some Dune-tier shit World-Caliphate.
At least there are salvageable aspects to the religion. They are red-pilled on the woman, Jewish and fag questions.(Ironic since it's these "people" who want Muslims in White countries in the first place) they also hate sexual degeneracy. If shit goes down I guess I'll convert and slay some Arabian pussy while I'm slaughtering Jews.

lol, no. A team of NSW or SOTF from any Western country slaughters these kids.

I mean the pretty simple answer is that the Philippines have shit training and low-tier equipment. That's really all there is to it.

Immigrants taking jobs

This is what most of you dumb ass faggots think happened to our middle class. You actually believe, with your shitstained minds, immigrants have ANYTHING to do with your almost complete loss of decent paying factory work and work you don't have to spend 4-6 years learning bullshit about.

The idea is simple and you're all so fucking brainwashed by rich republifucks lying to you.

The loss of our lower-middle class is simply due to greed. It's so simple and so many will disagree with this it makes my mind fuck.

Owners of our richest, American-made billionaires would rather spend cents on the dollar, manufacture in China and other third world countries, and the minimum wage laws have absolutely nothing to do with it. If minimum wage was 5.00/hr they'd still do it, because it still would yield more profit.

Every single day, you dumb fat fucks shovel out your shitty money to literally destroy your own economy.

Will you retards EVER do anything about this? Will you ever do the easiest thing imaginable and boycott anything made or assembled NOT in America, that can be made here?

This subject hurts me so much and makes me mad beyond comprehension.

And there will be at least 5 morons who think it's something else. Not this very simple, very greedy ideology.

Fuckyou/pol/ I fucking hate you. Keep buying your foreign shit.

I even have a simple solution to restore our middle class, but won't mention unless I get 5 intelligent anons who agree with me.

I thought orcs were black in the Lords of The Rings ? Thats what they are like according to the books atleast..

Probably not. The muslims have been inbreeding for so long, they're proned to mental illness.

Look at their countries. They're total shit holes. They can't keep their shit together on their own.

What completely baffles me is this desire to import these nut jobs into white societies. It's suicidal insanity by the left

But the soldiers were trained by the Americans

Means jack shit, the Afghan National Army and the Iraqi Defense Forces were "trained by Americans" too

Maybe it just means Americans suck at teaching

you can't kill an ideology but you sure can kill everyone who supports it and burn every book that exspouses it


I mean considering that we spend just as much time teaching NATO partners in the Baltic states and Europe who don't seem to have a problem I'd say the differences aren't so much in the quality of instruction as much as they are in the quality of the organization we're teaching

Unless you're implying that Estonians and Afghans are simply identical or something vapid, must be the Filipino education