Looks like you lost trumpkins
Reddit admins are lazy shills
>Tens of millions of people voted for Obama
>Half the country is democrats
>Not understanding that even if 60 million people said they missed Obama, that's still just the democratic voting base and means nothing
I know you're not that stupid, so saged
>ANOTHER shariablue bot
Ever been to leddit?
A couple times back in the day but not really no
Only 21.8k people miss Obama. That's just sad.
>Current Users: 205,153
>Sup Forums is the most active board, with something like 50% of the traffic
>100,000 users
Meanwhile 27.4k miss Duck Cunt.
>he thinks Sup Forums supports drumpf
this is a hilldawg board
>how to take a screenshot
This is a Sup Forumsack.
Haha the arrow is just pointing at Obama.
That Hockey post is actually great he doesn't even have a picture he just goes "hey this arena is looking great!"
quality shitpost
>This is a hilldawg board
Lol, Reddit is for faggotry of the lowest calibur
Did you even read the post?
Fuck you Jeb 2020
Fuck off HBO marketing team.
>implying this isn't what caught everyone's eyes
>Use the snipping tool or CTRL+PRTSCN
Dumb nigger
Nobody here cares
Also you have to go back
That is why I stopped using that site years ago. I noticed that shit long ago
Two tabs open to look up how to take screenshots. Lol.
I'm looking forward to it. Sure as shit won't give HBO my sheckles, though. Titties and torture, plus I just want to know how it ends before that fat jew keels over.
>Wake up
>Trump is the president
>Sleep in peace
Looks like you libtards are still crying... make more threads like this I like laughing.
OP you're so cool brewster!
Meanwhile 27.4k miss Duck Cunt.
He's just fishing for (you)s, the screenshot searching for screenshots was a nice touch though. Learn how to spot them.