What are your thoughts on his performance?
Six months after Drumfy became president
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No one can fix the political system from the inside. Only blood can correct the path now.
my life has changed for the better so id say hes doing great
pissed of lots of little libs, but couldn't work with Congress to pass stuff. I expect improvements next semester.
Useless fuck hasn't done anything
they lifted the cap
>Muslim ban
got cucked by some city council judge, how pathetic
no wall
>deport illegals
he gave a bunch of them amnesty because "muh poor anchor babies"
not only that but he kiked up the White House more than any other politician before
plz deposit into my account
>What are your thoughts on his performance?
Excellent, he is still triggering twats like you. Still winning.
Doing great considering obstacles the fucking commies are throwing at him and a fucking majority in both house who are a bunch of whining sandy vaginas.
Best President of my lifetime.
>no muslim ban
>mexico isn't paying for the wall
>can't repeal obamacare
>no plan to defeat ISIS in 30 days
>fucks around in the middle east
>escalates situation with Russia
>escalates situation with North Korea
>tax plan disproportionately benefits the rich & big business, not the middle-class or small business
>no aid cutoff to sanctuary cities
>hillary IS NOT in prison
>is ok with arresting Assange
>anti net neutrality
>signed bill to let ISPs sell user data
>anti Assad
>said DACA should stay because it's a "case of heart"
>hasn't done anything about BLM, black violence, antifa or any cultural issues (especially in colleges)
>calls himself a "nationalist-globalist"
>doesn't want to get out of NAFTA, even though he claimed he would
>constantly sucks Jew cock, Israel cock, commemorated the Holocaust 3 times since he tooks office and whined about "Holocaust deniers"
>Ivanka said she wanted to take in more reufgees
>isn't even politically incorrect anymore
>What are your thoughts on his performance?
Best prez since Reagan. Cultural marxism needs to be killed w/fire.
10/10 president.
very cozy.
he's actually going after the pedophiles
Foreign policy looks like the same as with every president by that I mean Israel is the best ally.
He's causing the biggest blue upswing seen in decades in all five past special elections. Most of those shouldn't have been anywhere near where they were, especially not single digits. If this trend continues (and is obvious, imagine if California suddenly next election was almost an even split, libs would be shitting their fucking pants) 2020 will be a fucking slaughter for Red and their down ballets everywhere. Imagine all those 15% upswings applied across all of US. Unless Trump actually does more than status quo and neocon shit and "it's coming folks, believe me" we're going to have a full-blown commie elected with 360 seats in congress.
Still alive/10
Hes doing a shitty job of getting anything done, but at least we are moving in the right direction
Doing the best he can under the circumstances, which is actually pretty good.
he is a retard thats why i didnt vote for him
I give him a B-
You sorta need a better reason than librul tears. Trump is doing a terrible job. Zero worthwhile campaign promises fulfilled.
Is there no trend? Do you pretend it doesn't exist and celebrate what was once a 20 point lead for decades into a 5 point lead is alarming?
fuck off shill this board is for constructive discussions. get the fuck out of here with your slide threads and weak baits. How much are they paying you, shill?
miserable failure.
He did not mention the terror attack in Michigan today.
And he did not mention DACA or anything related to getting rid of illegal immigrants.
And he still has not fired Kushner or Ivanka.
>What are your thoughts on his performance?
Donald Trump Is Proving Too Stupid to Be President
The entire right agenda is to sell off the public wealth (sometimes even just give it away, after all there is a career to think about after 'public service'). They are for selling away our public schools, our public lands, our universities, our power, our water. All of this wealth leaves the public and goes into the hands of the top .05%. How is this good for us? I'm fairly left but I love my fucking guns. I can barely go anywhere to shoot them in private anymore because the right wingers in my state have given away most of our public lands to private industry. Our schools are declining. Our roads and bridges are falling apart. The right's solution is to slash budgets of regulatory agencies that stop this and to take away all funding so that they can make the case to sell it off from underneath us. It's like bad lady in Major League trying to move the Indians. Wake the fuck up. This is our shit that they are stealing from us.
scrumpy humble dumpf
ablooby poopy durple durple burp
gurblo darpin doofer doodie
eeeaaay bbbooooooooo