Only countries in the top 5 can post. ://
Congrats Leaf: Longest Sniper Kill
>Americans think they'll be able to invade us for day of the rake
>We can just shoot them 30 minutes before they even reach the border
I had a Canadian boyfriend that could shoot his load really far too
rest of the world are you even trying? not surprising at all, the american in charge of the joint special operations in afghanistan preferred canadian jtf2 over american special forces
Fucking great. Not save from the eternal leaf anywhere. Cunts
Take your Sup Forums tier thread back to rebbit
>assblasted amerifat
Sgt Maplebacon Leafcuck has patiently waited in his position for almost 24 hours to get the perfect shot. A slight grease comes in from the south east then dies down as soon as the target waits in the open. He checks his adjustments one last time and whispers "sorry" as he lets the .50BMG projectile fly almost 3500 meters to its target. Abdul Muhammad khamim al durka never even heard it coming. The Canadian sniper packs up and heads back to camp for the night, thinking of his life at home.
Little does everyone know that Americans gave that Canadian sniper one of their bullets to make that kill. They admit that the Americans had superior bullet design
Trudeau would prefer the sniper fired flowers and rainbows.
>shoot muzzie from 2 miles away
>his brother travels 6k miles to shoot into your wife
Who's the better shot?
Green text please
Anglosphere are straight up murderers
For someone who is a borderline sociopath like myself, I could see how killing enemies precisely from long distances would bring great satisfaction. But I also think bragging about it, even in a non personal sense like this list is still somehow not honourable.
>curvature of the Earth
Finally, something useful the leafs can do.
Is whitney houston's star spangled banner better than this? I don't know...
Canadians = Archers
Australians = Rogues?
British = Knights/Paladin
USA = Brawler/Warrior?
NZ = ????
>NZ = ????
Lord of the Rings / Elves
Don't say "like myself". It's grammatically incorrect. Use "like me" or "like I am".
>be Canadian Joint Task Force 2 sniper
>in Iraq
>onna sniping mission
>about to take the shot
>my wife is calling me
>can't answer now
>take the shot
>the man is dead, at 3.45km
>I feel sorry
>walk all the way down there to say sorry to his friends
>walk back up to my phone
>"Hello honey?"
>it's not my wife
>it's her lover Jamal
>he's on speaker phone
>and live streaming it on my wifes webpage
>my wife is orgasming
>he just fired a shot too
>inside of her
>my shot was heard around the valley
>his shot was heard around the world
I love it when this happens
>white """""""""""""culture"""""""""""""
God Save the Queen!
Good job canuks
If I remember correctly, he actually fired twice.
The first shot went through one of their backpacks, he fired again immediately with a minor correction.
The towelheads didn't even attempt to take cover and 9 seconds later one of them exploded slightly. Everyone with legs still attached to their torsos ran after that.
>be a fucking leaf
>kill a Muslim 3.45km away
>walk 3.45km to congratulate him on his victory
>mfw people keep making fun of JTF2
casualties: Canadian - 0 Muslim - 1
victory: Muslim
>if you kill your enemies they win
>Be Amerifat
>Known for War, Freedom & Muh DemocraCy
>Have less skilled soldiers, be less free (4th Vs 48th or 7th Vs 17th depends on index), & be less democratic (6 Vs 21) than Canada
Multicultural master race
Why are Burgers so obsessed with cuckoldry?
>muh shit freedumb and democracy stats
oy vey good job on redefining fredom
so its true, Canadians are hiding their flags in masses
Neat how it's all anglos in the top spots.
>The first shot went through one of their backpacks, he fired again immediately with a minor correction.
>The towelheads didn't even attempt to take cover and 9 seconds later one of them exploded slightly.
Bullets aren't fucking quiet on impact. Sounds like bullshit.
You have to take into consideration the incompetence of Arab armies.
> Canadian sniper kills guy in Iraq
> Guy in Iraq wins
> trudeau and canada btfo
>be Canadian
>go to prison for """""hate speech""""
>3450 m
That's insane.
I'd like to know what optic he used. Probably an SB or US Optics?
>Congrats Leaf: Longest Sniper Kill
Pic related is old now. Congrats, leaf Sniper guy.
canine or a horse?
>Burger freedumb
>Free to die of easily curable disease
>Free to die from drinking tap water
>Free to die from free bullets during movie
>Free to die from free bullets when shopping
>Free to die from free bullets when in school
>Free to not be able to afford post secondary education
>Poor are free from dignity and food
>Free to vote for muh 2 ultra right wing parties but so stupid to believe Wall Street's party is "socialist"
>Free to accuse Canadian of tampering with every definition of freedom & democracy because muh freedumbs
You're not even proud enough as a Canadian to show you're true flag.
See You are more right than you know.
Well yeah. We are the best at war no question
>Neat how it's all anglos in the top spots.
rest of the world just cant compete with the angloshpere
fake and gay everyone knows the earth is flat stop shitposting fucking leaf and hiding behind crappy flags
besides if that were true it means that the terrorists won because according to your leader if you kill your enemy they win
>tfw your grandfather was a sniper fighting against Nazi Germany in WW2
He told me that if he knew the world would become what it is that he would have joined the Nazi's.
RIP Opa 1924 - 2013
Flat earthers btfo
Number 14
Mind blowing
Using American Ammo in an American made McMillan Tac 50.
Not even fair to be honest. Sucks about the 3rd world invasion tho
leaf propaganda
>Leaf on gadsden
Well that explains it. Every faggot with that flag has regularly turned out to be a mega cuck. Now it makes sense...
I shot my Glock 20 at a target 1/4 mile away. The bullet drops about 15 feet. I'll try a 2 mile shot.
this is the gun the brit guy used
yeah, dumb people aren't coddled here
It's pretty easy to see the smart ones from the dumb ones
>Canadian protections for muh feelings if someone disrespects my race/religion
>Canadian protections for muh feelings if someone uses my wrong pronoun
we are nearly 90% white and immigration is being clamped down on now and it a VERY hot topic
welfare has been totally reformed..its simply not worth it for them when europe is far more generous now
we might just make it user
>a slight grease comes in from the south east
>a slight grease
One in a million shot, damn impressive.
congrats leafs, you are the most dishonorable/pussified soldiers
Fake news
This is leaf propaganda to brainwash us in to believing that the earth is round.
>can't take the bants
Leafs confirmed unfit for Sup Forums. Go back to red dit please.
This has to be fake. Seriously what are the odds of making a shot at that distance under the most ideal controlled conditions? I'd have to assume one in thousands.
What a great day for Canada and therefore the world.
This song is dedicated to the awesome leaf sniper.
greatness is in their blood user
snipers are the most cowardly of armed forces. they hide and are of little risk. leafs confirmed shattering records for cowardice.
>not storming enemy positions naked
>not eviscerating their jugular with your teeth
>not breaking their necks with your bare hands
>anyone who doesn't punch themselves in the balls daily is a pussy
>tactical advantage is for ninja gooks with small penii
it's cheating
Leafs have natural camouflage.
I mean, how could you possibly spot a single leaf in a treeline?
>keep firing at those bare hills you eventually going to hit something
i had nigerian bf who could do the same but i always forced him to cum in my womb
>shoots you from 3.4km away
psht, nothing' personal kid
#5 on that list is a legend. Using a fucking HMG instead of a rifle.
how many shots fired to get the dope ? How many misses before ? Stop larping.Thats just a lucky hit on a opportunity target.
yeah Hathcock was the man
he figured out the M2 had a slow enough rate of fire he could easily fire one round at a time so he made a mount that let him put a scope on top of it and picked off some gook from his MG nest at the fire base on the top of some random hill
Held the record for almost 30 years with that too.
Real greasy
Settle down. No one is saying Canadian forces arent good. US, Canadian, Aussie, British special operations train and work together constantly and there's no reason to try to claim one is better than any of the others. if you did, the SAS would be tops anyway.
>You're not even proud enough as a Canadian to show you're true flag
Why are sharts so obsessed with their shitty flag?
>Top five are all anglos
Let me guess so are most of the rest of the top ten?
this is really old news, isn't it?
Nice try faggot. Old news. This record was broken years ago.
>Longest Sniper Shot Record Broken! British Super Sniper Craig Harrison has uprooted the Canadians for the longest sniper shot on record, 1.54 miles!
>Not only did he beat the record by 150 ft., but took two shots that each killed a Taliban machine gunner.May 4, 2010
because they are non white kike-slaves
Canada has some of the best snipers in the world.
Amerifats spend trillions per year on their military and they don't even have the best training or personnel in the world.
How does it feel to be fat, stupid, and below expectations?
Burgers BTFO'd again
>1.54 miles
> 150 ft.
Consider sudoku.
What was Chris Kyle's record?
Do Canadian sniper teams to hide up in the mountains and take pod shots at distant muslims hoping to hit them?
Fucking aspie reading 7 year old articles thinking it's recent news.
thanks buddy
we'll go the distance to sack a shit skin
1920m. I don't know why people were saying he beat any sort of record, lots of Americans had longer shots than he made before his 1920m shot. Might have something to do with the type of rifle used though.
Muhammad won.