Would you consider the US government as it currently is as "tyrannical"?
Would you consider the US government as it currently is as "tyrannical"?
Its a first world country so hell no
Literally the complete opposite, as far as I can tell we're one of the few countries left with completely free speech and the ability to legally own firearms with fairly minimal effort.
In some ways sure, but they exert their tyranny abroad. Don't shit where you eat.
lol remember when dailykos was relevant?
He went to his office right before too
The UK and Germany are also first world and they are objectively tyrannical.
It's far from perfect, but far from tyranny either.
It was dumb when republicans said it under Obama and it's retarded when liberals are saying it under Trump.
Anyone who unironically calls the modern US government "tyrannical" needs the shit beat out of them by the ghosts of their great great grandparents.
Yes, but certainly not because a bunch of kike stooges wouldn't give free shit to the useful idiots
Its sort of getting there but its still not under dictatorship, nor is there 24/7 political unrest in every region in those countries. Only a few major cities.
It's literally the opposite of "tyrannical" by definition. I'm guessing you don't actually know what a tyranny is and just think it means "bad no-no man hurt my fee-fees".
Most every government on earth is tyrannical, some just more than others. The US is no more tyrannical at the moment than it was 2 years ago, when Trump was not the president.
>Would you consider the US government as it currently is as "tyrannical"?
Highly. Nobody wants mass immigration. We want a wall, infrastructure repairs, tariffs, and drug dealers put behind bars.
By modern standards? No.
By 18th century standards? Without a doubt. We'd be cucks in the eyes of the Founders.
I don't know about tyrannical, but they're certainly collaborators with the money men bleeding this country dry
>Would you consider the US government as it currently is as "tyrannical"?
since Trump won, n-n....n-no. if HRC won, probably. eventually for sure.
the shit we do under the guise of helping other countries is suspect as fuck but we're still armed and mouthy citizens, so... no.
my main worry is currently that so many city idiots are so unprepared for otherwise survivable disasters that I may end up having to shoot people over water. katrina fucked me up forever on that one.
Mate, even the ultralibs on the supreme courts joined in a unanimous decision that confirms hate speech is protected by the first amendment.
Nothing tyrannical about it. Stop being a faggot
Nice. So you're free to voice your displeasure as the federal government forces you to bake a faggot's wedding cake.
Rand Paul meant a big scale revolution not cowardly shotting some old unarmed men at a baseball game
no fucking way.
tell that to papal
This is starting to get eerie. Post the other cards?
Don't forget about us NATO
Yes, it has been a tyrannical ZOG since the mid 20th century.
>Would you consider the US government as it currently is as "tyrannical"?
Not for the same reasons liberals and progressives might.
whoever authorized this video is tyrannical
If tyranny is control by force, then all real governments are tyrannical. There are simply tyrannical governments the citizens enjoy, and ones the citizens do not. Given how one nonspecific group always holds a monopoly on power in the long run, tyranny can be said to be the unfortunate natural state of things.
jesus that's nauseating
how can anyone look at this and not see the fall of civilization
invite the third world you become the third world
It's blatant propaganda. It's exactly what you see in movies or TV when they depict propaganda.
It is not overtly tyranical yet, but its definitely on some down low shit waiting to catch us slippin
I swear to God these fucking niggers need to be hung by the neck.
Fuck, it even shifts into a thinly veiled threat.
It's fucking almost satirical.
yes but its not bad enough to die for
What do you think it really took to make up go to war during the civil war era? It cant just be slavery
These people are retarded
>libshits triggered
Friendly reminder that these people used the word "justice" in their social movement.
We're the least free Americans alive today in our history, but we're not quite tyrannical just yet.
Only if you change the definition of tyranny to right-wing, like they did with fascist.
Is there no sense of irony that they have to play dress up in order to convince themselves they're oppressed?
Is this like a really shitty Dark Souls cosplay event?
Oy vey!
I don't even understand this retard's logic.
Is he saying the shooter was justified to kill republicans because taking away Obamacare was a threat on his life?
>The UK and Germany are also first world
Nah, bro. They're second world at this point, bordering on third.
Yes. The constitution is ignored and defied every single minute of every single day. there is no hope for this country, and I pray for Yellowstone to erupt.
liberals in power
>stop gun violence
liberls out of power
the truth is the current American Government is more Authoritarian than the Nazi Regime.
But that stems from our bureaucrats, not from a tyrant, so it isn't "tyrannical" it's just retarded.
why cant somebody be anti-fascist and anti-semite
dont really understand their backwards shit
>your right to bear arms is infringed if you don't have "permits"
>your right to bear automatic weapons made after some date is infringed
No. Don't use other parts of the modern world as your standard of freedom, use our past going back to Germanic tribesmen.
yes, but likely not for the same reasons you would
It was, it was all about shekels.
>The Rebels didn't deserve Bobby Lee
No but it needs to be
Which is funny because these same people say the hijab is empowering
What a cuck
>Would you consider the US government as it currently is as "tyrannical"?
On what basis even lol? because dems lost? cmon dude
>cargo cult leader with no political experience elected only because of the lies he told and the anger he stoked at others
>massive and blatant nepotism and favoritism towards friends and campaign donors in his administration
>constant attempts to impede the legal system's work of finding his campaign and aids guilty or innocent of breaking the law
>one entire primary political party working more or less in lockstep to secretly pass unpopular laws that will be harmful to nation's population without any public debate or examination
>citizens being pushed to the point where exercising their second amendment rights against the ruling elite feels like the only option they have left
you tell me
>muh guns
Burger, the post. You Amerifats can be taken away pretty much all of your rights, but if your guns stay, you'll claim you still have your freedom. Furthermore, you and only you have actual freedom, everyone else is cucked.
Enjoy your guns faggot, you have nothing else.
Lol easy there schitzo
Enjoy being powerless when the day of the rope comes faggot
The government doing something you do not like != tyrannical
The government acting in a objectively cruel manner often employing a set of double standards = Tyrannical
I'll tell you this: you're gay.
Definitely. Boot licking nu/pol/ fags will of course say no, because they are pathetic 80 IQ'd retards who worship le Trump God Emeperrrer, but the US government which ignores the constitution and collects every person's data is tyrannical from every definition and possible explanation of the word.
i don't know. did you notice many people disappearing lately?
Are your people being rewarded for informing the authorities of politically active people expressing different views than the ruling party's?
Has any major company been seized by the government yet for being run by people with the wrong race, ideology or religion?
Did you hear of any major medical breakthroughs indicating a spike in human test subjects?
The answer is probably no. However, your lefties are approaching mental illness in their obsession, and if the trend continues i see some merit in that redpanels comic suggesting republicans would build internment camps just to stop the rioting
This. They absolutely shit on other countries.
With their own people they coddle them until they are piles of worthless shit.
Depends on which side of the border you are on.
It says "skilled" and "human" but it shows nothing but niggers...
What did they mean by this?
>i have no idea what NAFTA is
Fuck off spic
He wants to be a cuck, she wants to cuck him. Both prefer refugee(s) for this process.
Sad picture, really.
Of all the thousands of people who have publicly called for the assassination of President Trump on TV, in print, on the internet and social media, I do not know of any who have been taken out and shot or even imprisoned.
So no, if you are trying to suggest the US government is tyrannical with your "topical" question, I would say you are full of shit OP.
You don't know much about much
Yes, I would. The man who lost by 3 million votes is in the White House.
>i have no idea how US elections work
Eat shit faggot
It must be nice to blame your problems on someone else instead of admitting you live in a retarded nightmare society ruled by drug gangs who chop offf peoples heads. Its ok, its all the gringos fault. You are pathetic.
>people vote in a democracy
that would make you an idiot.
The exact opposite.
Too busy fighting itself (deepstate vs nationalists) to Fuck us over.
Longer it stays this way the better.
The cards have been reprinted various times even bringing out new editions every now and then
Sorry to burst the fun conspiracy bubble
Most of you dumb fucks don't know what tyranny is. Tyranny is the absence of the rule of law. Selective, non-enforcment, or reinterpretation of the law to meet your personal agenda is tyranny. The use of force in a way not prescribed by law would also be a form of tyranny.
So for example; selective enforcement of hate crime, regulatory, or immigration law is tyranny. The judicial doctrine of a living constitution is tyranny. Any unconstitutional act is a form of tyranny.
The Clinton and Bush administrations had slight tyrannical tendencies. Obama had significant tyrannical tendencies. Trump so far has none. I make a distinction though between the elected administration and the unelected bureaucracy. The later has significant tyrannical tendencies.
I hate this cuck
1) You're an idiot.
2) You're also an idiot.
3) Electoral college being there for a reason notwithstanding, the tally of illegal votes cast (illegals favor Hillary every time ) is up to 5.7 million.