Jews now pushing asian men on teenage white girls
Other urls found in this thread:
>High IQs
>Integrate successfully into white culture yet keep good aspects of old culture
>Strong on tradition and family
Not bad.
Anime is a jewish psy-op too, if you're not hypnotized by it you're not human
They really aren't that bad. Here's a taemin pic. I'd fuck him
i think it's more of a 'let's try to turn all the little asian boys gay' type episode
Works for me
Those girls are legal right? they look under age.
The only jew here is OP
I don't racemix and I hate Jewish-influenced white liberals as much as your average White Nationalist. I say Asian Nationalists should ally with White Nationalists and fight racemixing together. Also Hawaii and California and parts of western United States should have separate all Asian enclaves, especially in Socal where we can fight degenerate Jewish influence. How does that sound white man?
t. Mongoloid American
Yes, I too am posting from 2013
Asians are fine man. Even if you don't think they're as good as whites, they're really damn close. I would fight hardests against 1)kebabs 2)spics 3)poo-loos 4)africans
Wrong. Anime is one of the few art forms with little to no Jewish influence
Enjoy a long haired jeonghan from Seventeen
"invented beauty"
requires double-eye-lid-surgery. And doesnt like Black people, thinks they're filthy.
You're just mad nobody wants to touch a black sheboon.
Nazis and Hitler are revered, or at the very least, not villified?
you know, women and girls have something called instict
if you think those plastic pretty boy who look like 7 year old girls make them wet you are retarded
They're pushing Asian men as "Beauty Inspiration" you fucking retard. They might as well be other teenage girls
They've been doing this low-scale for years. Now it's coming into the main. My ex went full SJW, broke up with me, and is now dating an asian.
They try to destroy the white race by any means. It's a damn shame. And I'm more mad because it hit me personally, not abstractly.
So wouldn't you fuk a latina?
My black sister is obsessed with this band.
just how much money do those r/asianmasculinity fucks have? are they funded by chinese gangsters?
It is korean not chinese
Hapas will inherit the earth. There's no shame in marrying an Asian if you don't have blonde/blue genes. In fact, if you're pretty sure you're not a carrier of such genes, strongly consider it. They are a great and honorable race to mix with.
Turning hard left man, and quickly especially with our good for nothing generation
The reason why 17 is pushing this is that under-representation of asians is the new lefty meme
No fuck off whiteys
Asians are for Asians
Are those guys or girls?
Seriously, I really cannot tell.
Not as bad as nigs, but I still get irritated with the "anything but whites" policy that libs are defined by now.
>t. gook subhuman
Fuck off chang, your kind shit the streets like pajeet, smell gross, squat like slav trash, as autistic irl as canadian posters, pick through garbage daily, ruin media and city living standards like kikes, don't learn the language ever nor give a shit about culture, rude like a mute nigger, and have ZERO culture aside from cheap plastic bullshit and eating dog.
Did I mention you have NIGGER NOSES and GREASY BLACK HAIR. Disgusting.
Ye then u marry one of them and you have asian depressed kids and you have sex twice a year with your cold and robotic asian cultured wife.
t. SNAP recepient
those are fags
why are (((they))) pushing asian girls on white girls?
asians are the highest earners in the US tho
Thanks that was what I suspected. But they look like plastic dolls all smooth and worn but no genitalia.
they look like girls
Asians are girly faggots. Their women are attractive, but just thinking about what my kid would turn into is a mega boner-killer.
Those inhumane parasites rip people off. They are like kikes.
방탄소년단 오빠들 화이팅!!
That's why we'll annex Oregon and drive out the hippes and declare it the happa ethnic homeland where happas can live with a sense of belonging.
Kpop made me gay.
i was walking around oxford yesterday and the only street shitters i saw were white brits asking me for Pence.
Like I know Pence...
This is disgusting Duginist propaganda.
hi yp, bomiman here
What was I thinking. The Adams apples are a give away.
누나, 형!
uo are dugnist propaganda
Oh yeah I can totally see all the white girls totally wanting these bois to become their best gay friends
Then we must take their women!
k-pop has always been popular with teenage girls you mong
It depends on how successful they are. They don't really make a lot of money in our standards because the management company practically owns them. They sign them into multi-year contracts at a young age, train them, then sort them into bands. They live in dorms for their entire contract, and they are not allowed to date. The management company pays for their room and board, but when the band makes any kind of money, from sales of their music, to appearances in commercials, or variety shows, they management company takes a large percentage of the money to "pay back their training and for their upkeep". It's called a "slave contract" in Korean. The more successful the band, the more they get to keep because more of their fees get paid off. If you fail to make it, the company can actually go after the person they contracted or their family to pay off their debt to the company. It's pretty shitty. They don't live like celebrities in the west. It looks glamorous, but they get treated like shit, have no free will, and work very long hours, don't eat well, and are at the mercy of their fans, who are abusive and do some crazy fucked up obsessive stuff to them, especially if the fans get mad at them. They can literally ruin their idol's life.
t. got to meet some idols (and their managers) via the industry I worked in.
>tfw no qt korean bf
Don't you have some Chinks to Sink?
I wouldn't mind this if it wasn't for the fact I fucking hate chinks and want to genocide them all, and chinks will definitely benefit from this
This. They look at them like a cute puppy or something, not men they want to fuck.
The final redpill is fucking asian twinks
t. Civcuck "nationalist"
Anime has characters that glorify proper gender roles without thinly-veiled liberal propaganda. Kikes are scared shitless because they can't touch it, which is why all the western anime "news" sites pump out articles bitching about anime being sexist and fake news about the industry "dying" year after year.
So would why would anyone do it if it's so bad?
I hate race mixing but you're right, getting BLACKED is 10x worse than CHINKED
I have been CHINKED myself
>you will never make little girls orgasm a thousand miles away with your looks alone
How can White men even compete
lol they all got plastic surgery. Asians barely look like this.
Because of several reasons. One may be because they are from a poor family, with little opportunity (college or otherwise), two, being a kpop star can lead to other careers in entertainment (acting/tv/moveis), three, some do become famous and successful, (Big Bang, Super Junior, Girls Generation as an example) and are able to make a good living, can lead to solo careers, owning their own management company (members of TVXQ for example broke off and formed a company of their own). Others also may be naive to the whole thing and sign in ignorance thinking it will make their social/class status better, (most are minors and parents sign for them in order to benefit the family) then immediately regret it once they do start working. Contracts are taken VERY seriously in Korea, and it's very hard to break them. They can have serious legal, monetary, and social consequences. There are also those that know exactly what they are getting into and just really want to be a pop star/celebrity and are willing to risk the negatives for their dream, and those that do work VERY hard for what they achieve. Nothing like it is in the west.
>thinly veiled kpop thread
Thank you, now I can create hapa
They know asians love it when whites freak out. Its all for views.
Hard data shows white women will never go for Asian men. Their visual portrayal of a mate is not even an Asian to begin with.
Eating grapes.
Sitting in a classical western chair with exquisite batina.
Larping Iggy Pop.
I claim cultural appropriation.
This shit is getting out of control not only in white countries but even here in Mexico. They're bringing their bullshit gorillion gender propaganda here.
>nazi flags are kpop addicts
Wew what a shame lad
i will admit i am not the most manly guy but god why are these guys so feminie looking? estrogen in the water? food perhaps?
K-pop has been a positive for 3 years on pussy social media and you're only realizing it now because it's hit your own social media.
Tumblr is the main vessel for this degeneracy if you're curious
Concervacuck I dumped sisters are Obsessed with K-pop.
They dance to it in the living room all the time.
They had to give it up for let.
Scream and cry over hot K-pop boys.
All useless bitches who can't even heat up veggied and cook a basic meal. Trat their father like a slave.
in short, they feminine like pussy bitch boys like their brother that I dumped and their dad.
These K-Pop look like they belong in yaoishit
God dammit, why do I want to fuck these guys so bad? I-I blame the Jews for these degenerate thoughts!
At least fap to traps
Clever, but in the end they'll end up with a big hapa problem
Imagine a thousand of Elliot Rodgers running amok on the streets
Based civic nationalist MAGApede!1!1
Praise le keke Xdxdd
young females are the biggest consumers of kpop and they prefer boyish looking guys. manly men have no market over there.
i guess it makes sense now
plenty of little girls have been going down the obsessive weeb route for qiute a while now, senpai
>Integrate successfully into white culture
>votes overwhelmingly Democrat no matter what
Yeah traps are red-pilled af
i remember one korean-american kpop flipping his shit when trump one. fuck that faggot.
Just came back from a korea and japan trip. The pure asian girl is a meme, they are more degenerate than white women, refuse to set for a man so they can fornicate with strangers every night.
when trump won*
Korean-Americans voting Democrats?
>pictured are based korean-american defending their shops against negro looters during 1992 LA riots
But I thought we agreed AMWF was the optimal combination Sup Forums
Asians are now leftists deal with it
T. Chink
Wait i thought the latest craze was ugly deformed downies and such being the most beautiful
White girls are a lost cause.
started watching Jojos bizarre adventure, surprised by their depiction of a heroic nazi doing a selfless act for the Fatherland and main character acknowledges it in the 2nd part of first chapter