Young Black Man Helps Old White Man and The Internet lost their mind with praise

Young Black Man Helps Old White Man and The Internet lost their mind with praise. The Young black man is praised like he changed a life. WTF . Thoughts?

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stealing from old people is especially degenerate

Niggers are viewed so lowly by everyone that whenever they do something normal it's like WOW OMG LOOK AT THAT NIGGER, HE'S NOT LIKE THE REST OF THEM.

thank god there was a camera there to capture this stunning and brave display!

um, sweetie, you need help if you're finding any issue with that ispiring face book pose. quit being a freaking racist.

racism of low expectation, black people acting like humans is basically such a novelty for these people that it deserves to go viral the same way a video of goat driving a car does.


This will eventually be followed up by a story of him killing, raping, and murdering a woman

Pretty much the truth

You're suppose to you dumb MF!

Are you being sarcastic? In other breaking news I heard a black man picked up a piece of liter today!

White people like to fuck their younger innocent siblings if they dogs ain't around and they smell like camel cigarettes and steamed diarrhea and they fuck their close relatives and it smells like fish mixed with feces and the contents of the bottom of a port a potty tank with a strong smell of skunk toasted garbage with a hint of Mayo

Don't get caught up in this garbage. Don't think about it.

At the end of the day, It was a nice gesture from the black guy. Of course it doesn't 500k retweets, but the nig did a good job.


Why isn't this feat of mundanity going viral?

>Before leaving the mall, the old white man wearing a maga hat said "based black man"

was it really necessary?

ITT op gets triggered by a fb post

that's a good thing.

it won't be long until the feral nig brutes start calling him an 'uncle tom' for being 'white' though.


(((they))) are always up to something

This.It reminds me of that scene from the Boondocks where Huey gets congratulated for reading by a rapper

I give up my seat on the train/bus for elderly people all the time, also help them onto the bus and carry their luggage up the stairs of the train station

You have a point, whether people would readily admit it or not. I imagine that had someone of literally any other race done the same, it would not have garnered this reaction. Even thuggish Mexicans are regarded for respecting their elders, whereas niggers are regarded by everyone, to one extent or another, for their lack of respect for anyone.

There's so many of these folks looking to "help" themselves to the ten in your wallet with the guilt trip.

sad but true


I wonder if these people ever realise just how racist they are being?

>look at those niggers reading, they think they're people!


>when your race is so shit that an individual acting normal, politely, or with kindness is seen as something incredible
Death to niggers.

Just posted it on /The_Donald. Based black man

Desu there's nothing wrong with praising the Redguard. We need more of him and less of Kangz.

I gave my shopping cart to a mother that was carrying to much with her baby at the check out. Carried over 40lbs of shopping bags on my bear arms. I also opened up some shopping bags for an old lady that didn't have the dexterity to open them up.

Where are my news stories?


The old man was already dead.

BASED black man

see? the left are the real racists :*)

No one claims that 100% of blacks are bad people only that there are enough bad ones that would prevent us whites from wanting to live near them.

Is this guy now dare I say it, /ourguy/ now? This is so nice to see. ;)

I got railed on for pointing out that it's an obvious shoop
Look at his fucking arm

Low quality bait, try harder next time.

it could be the fact that im stoned but i think this is a multi million dollar psi-op

>black guy acts like a decent normal human beign
>showered with praise
This is how you know society and leftists hold niggers with absolute contempt. Like the Chris Rock bit they get praised for things they're supposed to do.

>inb4 this was just a way to make it harder to pin it on him

>Got stuck on an escalator once.
lolwut? How do you get stuck on an escalator? Did it stop moving? Its just stairs then grandpa!

Racism by low expectations

Your a white male, its expected of you.

Incredibly patronizing. Like they don't think that black guys are going to help an old-timer? Very telling. Racist.

Black Guy strong arms him to the ATM machine - proceeds to rob him
has he been arrested yet?
Is the old man still alive?

Based black
Based BRD


A nigga be READIN

i helped a midget hooker in Tijuana carry 3 bags of ice to her brothel, wheres my story

>82% of population a single ethnicity

Are you fucking stupid?

its true tho

Exactly, they think they are sub-human so they are surprised when they do something for the common good.

Dark times make bright lights shine brighter.

The fact that people exult in such a trivial act of kindness only goes to show how much society LACKS them.

Good on that negro, he did nothing wrong, but the /reaction/ to this is not a good thing.


>helping him

>as if every fucking person does have a phone with a camera in their hand at all fucking times

ice meth?

Good song! Nice beat ... haha

>Posting the emotional diarrhea of a woman on Sup Forums

OP proves yet again why he's the faggot of them all

>Praise for mundane crap

The bar is so fucking low, its like you think they're subhuman when you celebrate such a simple act, you're not being a racist are you?

>Thinking niggers are incapable of such acts a super majority of the time

I like this story better than the 4 blacks in chicago who kidnapped and tortured a retarded kid.

He's using the Jewish definition of diversity.

no, literal ice. Medal when?

He's clearly leading the old man to his car to rob him.

Or mocking the shit out of him.


Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

>Liberals will praise someone who is black for doing a normal thing

Oh yeah, how tolerant.

just goes to show how we still treat blacks like they;re retards/dogs who need special treats when they do some regular human being shit

He's helping him down a fucking escalator.

>this brave young man guided this elderly man down standing still

wtf i love niggers now

that's the thing it isn't being a decent human being. Being a decent human being might include assuaging the elderly's burden, not standing next to one and touching arms. That isn't anything

Leaving the bigotry of low expectations towards blacks aside, what really would deserve to go viral is a picture of a Chink helping *anyone* do something instead of jewing them over for money / status or skinning them alive and using their eyeballs for dumplings. Find me a picture of a Chinkbot being kind to another sentient being and then I'll be impressed.


animals acting like people is a special thing user

Actually, the jews are pushing pretty hard to blow open japanese borders.
So far the resisted, but if the female tokyo governor become PM、Japon will probably die.
Women are the greatest allies of the jew, after all.

Hopefully, the artificial womb come before all is lost.


sad but true.

Wow! Blacks not only have huge cocks but also huge hearts.

"God bless the mom that raised the nigger"

is it sad that i didn't even notice the reading and was simply impressed there was a father in that shot?

how does one get stuck on an escalator

It's like a monkey riding a bike. People love to see animals doing tricks.

I once helped a random old black lady carry some heavy stuff up a big set of concrete stairs. Never got any internet fame for it. In the UK, common decency isn't a big deal. I know America is a valueless individualistic shithole with everyone out for themselves, so seeing common decency is a big deal.


It's because niggers are such subhuman cop killing monkeys that they get praised for this. Not only that it's probably one of his SJW friends or nigger family members that uploaded it because they think he deserves praise for being a special caring guy when in reality this is something any decent folk would do.

I was thinking he must know the lady who uploaded it .... they already interviewed him

This is the same thought that made me realize just how different they really are.

>look at the comments
>they're literally all women
Female emancipation was a mistake.

Of course they went nuts, this is an astronomically rare event!

Exactly, shit like this is always so fishy as to why someone would upload it in the first place but of course people eat it up without question.


>OMG look at it! It acts like a human!

He was leading him to the nearest ATM lol

People in the comments are writing awesome job BOY ... like that is a compliment LOL ... WE WAZ MUTHA FUCKIN KANGZ AND SHEIT

>Young black man with double amputation below the elbows is scared to get on escalator. What happened next will amaze you!

>to which i reply fuck yes why not whos gonna try anything while im around
Right, because they're all already fucking her behind your back.