What's this guy's name again?
What's this guy's name again?
Mithel Thernovith?
Orangutan Outlook
simian sentiment
Monkeybrain AKA literally vibrates his atoms through walls
Marmoset Mindset
Bonobo Brain
Rhesus Thesis
Gibbon Gestalt
Nigger Lover McJew
mark serpentditch.
Mitho Sonobith
Monkey mentality
Mikhail Chernobyl
Jeffrey Epsteins bud
Alan Dershowitz main guy
Orangoutang Puntang
Turnpike sternostichfix
Dork of the Year
Male-to-Male Tranthimian
Tuck Buckford
You must have gotten that picture from before he started taking the supplements he is now selling
Capuchin Cranium
Fuck what is that guys name.... ok ok I got it its that guy who got a lot of heat for the recent syria war? um hes like on periscope sometimes always tweets, uh uh uh uh what is his name, uhh you know that guy who is friends with donald trump?? uhhhh um um um he always takes pictures of his dog and kid???
Oh yeah I remember now
Its Spike centrumniche
Simbian point of view
Proboscis Spirit
Kike Cernovich aka gorillian mindset, dangerplay.com
buy my books bls ned shekels
primate perspective
bonobo breakdown