I've just had a sudden epiphany

There may be fundamental differences between ethnicities that stem from countless generations of separate evolution, but that's no reason for hate. Discrimination on private property? Sure. Voluntary segregation? Sure. Violence to prevent the extinction or subjugation of one's own race?
Sure. But outright hatred? It's pointless. If we're going to move forward as a species, everyone should acknowledge and take pride in the differences between ethnicities, keep among our own kind where we are happiest, and hold everyone to the same standard. Pride in one's own race and one's own people is a healthy virtue, and one that should be encouraged, regardless of physiology or evolutionary history.

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Bumping so more see this.

Don't you hate it when everyone ignores your epiphany threads? Makes you wonder if it was a fucking epiphany at all!!

>I've just had a sudden epiphany
>names literally all the values of the identitarian movement
good going goy

But what if some races are inferior to us? Should I become an animal right's activist then?

You cant bump your own thread you fucking invalid, and no one gives a flying fuck about your Reddit garbage. Back to the_cuckold.


pretty sure neil degrasse tyson or jimi hendrix are superior to you the list goes on.


t. someone who grew up in a white society

listen buddy everybody on pol wishes niggers and spics were as good as white people but the real redpill is realizing that on average they aren't and that's why they should be kept out

pro tip: nobody actually hates black people and spics

we just dont want them to live amongst us. the reason people "hate" them is because jews force them onto us through their heavy pro immigration shill lobby in politics, the media, law and government

Pretty sure both those apes would be walking water on their head like the rest of the monkeys, and wouldnt have the wheel (or roads, because thats their excuse for not needing wheels) yet without whitey. Youd still be collecting fire from lightning like the niggers on sentinel island.


>ever blindly hating
You're retarded. Niggers are predictably criminal because they're stupid/inferior. That's as deep as it goes.

> Niggers are superior to Pure Whites

Nigger space man is a burnout and hendrix fiddled with string for a living

ok so what is the metric for defining how superior one human race is to another? empathy, athletic ability, intelligence?

if we're gonna look at it from the utilitarian mindset, asians are smarter. whites are the most ruthless (albeit organized), blacks are athletically superior.

No shit. You're a quick one retard.

Non-whites are not human and if you disagree you're a shitskin yourself or mentally retarded.

Skin tone. Fairness. Softness of hair.

so asians > whites?

>Peeskins who desperately want to be white



Nature already has this figured out

The one that survives to reproduce and outlast the others is the superior race/species.

only answer i can respect in this thread.

Yes. We humans are a mix of various species.


Those are the basic species's


Those are mix species's


I understand the idea of cultural identity and heritage, but these "LATINO" people speak less english than the vacationing gooks and it's infuriating. Working with the public is shit with mexicans. Communication just isn't happening with them if they aren't even slightly integrated.

When I visit countries I do my best to integrate because it's fun for me and easy on the locals. I can't imagine even visiting another country - white or not - and acting as they do, and they're permanent residents, regardless of citizenship status.

I thought this was a given.

It took you an epiphany to know this?


It's ruling elites that has each of us at each others throats. Just the way they've always done it since civilization began. They keep up busy going after each other to distract us from going after the real trouble makers and that's the.

>They keep us busy going after each other to distract us from going after the real trouble makers and that's them.


the ayy lmaos?

I fukken knew it

When I want a stronger dog, I mix one strong breed with another, and I do that until I have something new. If I want a stronger/smarter human, I STICK TO MUH OWN KIND CUZ RACEMIXING IS BAD?

Racist logic.

>tfw didn't hate niggers until I met them
>tfw didn't hate ragheads until I met them
>tfw didn't hate spics until I met them

Ignorance is bliss, OP. Some "people" aren't people.

I've grown in almost entirely white areas and somewhat heavy mixed areas.

I've slowly gone from loving all races to distaste of them except white. But I have also recently thought of race as irrelevant. The history, culture, genetics is obviously there, but raise a black family in a white environment for a generation or two and you'll see a man as respectable as a white man. A black man raised that way would be far superior to a white redneck in a trailer cooking meth and eating squirrel and food stamps funded mt dew.

If you want a more intelligent dog you don't breed it randomly with other dogs. lmao

Can you stop making race is a social construct flags? It's fucking shit, also stop hiding behind the flag. I bet you're a fucking leaf.