what is wrong with fucking another man in the ass? it is magnum opus of masculinity. it shows that you are dominant and alpha male. im not talking about lgbt shit im talking about a sexual action that humans do for thousands of year.
What is wrong with fucking another man in the ass? it is magnum opus of masculinity...
Cuz we aint all niggas like you
Because it's not "God's design" or some shit.
Nothing. Man has a g spot. Woman has a bladder
Makes sense.
>what is wrong with fucking another man in the ass?
it's degeneracy
Who cares for pop-culture "masculinity"? The only objective criterion is reproductive fitness.
If you want to fuck men in the ass, fuck men in the ass, but don't try to say it's not gay.
It's mentally ill behavior.
You do know that's a woman he's fucking right?
Look at the way the man's breast sticks out and the way the woman who's taking it sticks out.
That's a woman you dumb cockroach see how she has tits and no beard?
Trust a Turk to think it's gay sex
>pussystank calms me
Meh. Insert for x
>That flag
>That post
A better question is: whats wrong with liking boys?
That's a woman he's fucking.
becuase only faggot nigger turks like you think that homosexual way. Over 50% of people in turkey take part in incest. Your gene pool is literally autistic. You have no care for Eugenics and your race is a muslim cancer in the world. Fuck your race you faggot
faggot fuck off
>a fucking elephant shart
>gay sex
The blacks aren't into that. They go out of there way to make it known the're not into that and it's wrong if you are.
What about Mwanga II of Buganda?
That's where poop comes from. Anal sex is disgusting, even with a woman
that is a man with a women in ur pic op.
>muh god
>what is AIDS
Nope. Doesnt store that low. Everybody has TWO sphincters in their ass. A pussy is a loose bag and how does it feel to know ive never smelled a damn thing. You have. And women will fuck up anything you hand them?
What is truvada
Same as liking little girls. They cant consent and it is abusive. Don't be a pedo
>It does not cure HIV/AIDS
They woluld probably explain it way as whiteplaining or something. It doesn't change the fact the black people are quite anti-LGBT.
Youre an idiot. Round earth globe-oh stooge fuck
>doesnt work on women
>is 99.97% effective any other time
>MULTIPLY this by the 99.9% effective condoms you dont wear aaaand
Because getting poop inside your dick can't be healthy
Doesnt happen
I'm sorry that you've never smelled a damn thing. One day your time will come, don't give up
How come?
Because we are the number one lied about group. Always have been. Thanks jews
Yeah who wants to interact with males
>doesn't work on women
...and why is that a problem?
literally nothing.
especially if that man is 16
user. Its treatment. Not a cure. By definition.
Ill let your zika and fungus and gonorrhea and lab experiments work their own charlie sheen ways out
Stop wasting my time. I hate cringing. Stop fucking lying. It's so simple and easy to check, I don't even need to type out reactions to your horse shit
I don't know man going out of your way to make it known your not into something is suspect.
Poop looks pretty close to where the penis will be
>They cant consent and it is abusive.
Nonsense, read Rind et al. Why make silly irrational pronouncements? The only way it would be if its an actual abusive relation.
Bokunu cikarma, milletce ibneyiz iste
Whatever you think dude. Lol. Go ahead and let niggers fuck you in the ass there's a lot of them to go around. If you think it's manly to get buttfucked your about to get out-done by more manly men
It's not. Are you 3,000 pounds? You will feel it and you wont have sex if not a drunken womany slob. If you are skinny and have been a normal person. You can cum nicely with probes. Never one little fuck all on there. All lies
What the fuck are you trying to say, retarded fag?
I've seen a lot of gay black people. Almost equally as much as I've seen gay white people
Look at what happened in Japan. In their pre-edo military, getting fucked by your superior was normal. You were only supposed to do it until 30, but some fags continued it their whole lives, threatening the trad family. Eventually, Japan had to crack down on thos gay shit and gay porn. I used to think being anti-gay was a religious thing, but it really starts to make sense, they way gays have been shunned, when you look back at how less uptight countries, ones that have been selling hardcore porn books in the street since the 16th century, viewed the threat of fags to a normal society.
Not surprised that a pedo is that far detached from rational thought. But the point is because the part of the brain the processes long term decision making is no where near fully developed until you are in your 20's. Thats why teens get addicted easier than adults. This is also why we have a age limit to other things as well.
I heard this about the samurai, the shogun would rape their samurai. They would also rape western men.
>his hand is grabbing boobs
thats a picture of hetero sex
this unironically looks pretty fun minus the ass-fucking
It's exploitation. All pedos should be castrated for their degeneracy.
Needs to read the thread rather than going blind OD'ing on cheap viagra
did some pedo raped ur boipucci when you were little?
>honorary aryans
Fucking feminine men is the most masculine thing you can do
Aren't you the one detached from rational thought? Can you offer an argument with evidence that sex itself is bad for kids? They engage in it willfully with each other, I'd like to know how an adult being involved is somehow automatically bad. Abuse and rape is bad, mutually pleasurable relations are not. You can read Rind et al., or for a more widespread analysis, The Trauma Myth, or if you prefer I can give you studies showing sexual relations are only shown to be bad when a group of people convince the kid that it is.
Stop fucking lying you retard.
I've literally tried anal fucking my GF and it was fucking gross. Instant poopdick, badsmell, and let me get this out of the way:
It feels crap. It's really really tight around the base of your dick where the pleasure ISNT and it just feels like your dick is losing feeling and goes numb.
Not good.
Ass fucking is literally nigger teir I play with poopoo shit. Never again.
Pussy smell alone can sometimes turn me off sex during it, but assfuck smell? Jesus christ.
No. Its still being evolutionary failure. Cultural norms of masculinity are arbitrary. Do you also think, that alpha male drinks, smokes, and have primitive sense of humor?
The true final redpill.
>it is magnum opus of masculinity.
It's really not. It's gay shit that grew up in military training camps and on long marches where there were no women. Kind of like prison sex.
It will change your wiring and not in a healthy way. It will also expose you and your future partners to weaponized STDs.
Niggers are by far oodles gayer than whites. This is a fact. Gay niggers dude.
Truly. I pity gay men because there is nothing so amazing in this world as a well tuned pussy gripping and squeezing every inch. I only fuck girls in the ass for dominance reasons, or when their husbands won't.
Rupaul lol
>mfw this thread
>"A mental disorder, also called a mental illness or psychiatric disorder, is a behavioral or mental pattern that may cause suffering or a poor ability to function in life"
Pedos fuck kids even if they are "willing" then the kids grow up and obtain the same mental illness their abuser had. There is a reason gays and pedos have over 10x higher rates of suicide/depression/addiction/etc. Because they have mental illnesses, their brain is being altered in a detrimental manner. I wouldn't expect you to understand the neuroplasticity and genetics of the subject. But at least understand that deviant sexual behaviors is a mental illness.
No, I just believe that those who exploit children in such a perverted and degenerate way should at least be stoned to death.
None of them deserve to live, with the exception of those that are willing tp receive reconditoning by a mental facility.
I have seen some shit that has went on in the "little" networks that these pedofags create. They want to brainwash our children into accepting this kind of behavior without the consent of society. The only viable solution to stop these savages is the kill all of them and destroy their vast web.
No problem as long as it is masculine.
Actually, pussy is tighter than anus. Women can control muscles in their pussy and milk your dick without moving.
Pussy is designed for fucking and pleasure, anus is designed for pooping.
I buttfuck bitches only for novelty, but pussy is 100 times better.
That's cute, but we have actual studies showing that people who had sex with adults as kids if it was consensual were not harmed. It supposedly behooves you to ignore evidence that contradicts your personal emotional beliefs, but evidence and facts should be the actual measure of reality, not opinion.
The measure of mental illness is culturally defined: people whose "symptoms" give them personal inability to function in society, and actually more simplistically, if their symptoms make them personally feel that society is out of step with them. Its SJW nonsense. Actual mental illness is a medical issue, its when brain chemistry is noticeably different, as in schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. You are acting like an SJW because you personally find something distasteful.
people like you deserve to be shot. you are a lost cause
>Pussy smell alone can sometimes turn me off sex during it
Fuck off, pedos are worst of the worst. And every pedo should be killed.
>Actual mental illness is a medical issue, its when brain chemistry is noticeably different
As expected, you have no understanding of neuroplasticity and how the brain works. I would recommend you use read some wikipedia or watch some educational youtube videos, but you are so entrenched in defending your own mental illness of pedophilia that you refuse to acknowledge any information that deems your group as being lower in society. You do you kid, I can only hope one day you'll get the help you need from some kind of professional.
only predator and homosexual ones
Do you actually think you have some kind of mind reading device to see who is like me? Its not going to happen, and probably someone you love is that way. If the day of the rope happens, people like me will have as much guns and ammo as you. Why can't we be allies?
Excellent logic. I would go one further. It takes a real man to fuck a goat. Islam YES!
What does neuroplasticity have to do with the argument? I've given you studies which show kids aren't harmed by mutual relations. You realize its as if you made an argument about mathematics and I randomly brought up chaos math, saying that chaos mathematics disproves your theory for absolutely no reason. Try using basic reasoning abilities.
It's not gay if you pretend he has a feminine penis
Arr, off yourself, matey.
Oh jeeze. Are you 10 years old?
You present a single, old, low data, under supported study as your argument for accepting pedos. When the rest of psychology and the scientific community goes against it. I fail to see that you have basic reasoning abilities.
>You present a single, old, low data, under supported study as your argument for accepting pedos.
I presented two studies. The one you are referring two had a followup study, Ulrich et al., which corrected for any methodological errors.
>When the rest of psychology and the scientific community goes against it.
Argument from authority. Science is not a democracy.
>I fail to see that you have basic reasoning abilities.
Can you show a single instance where I have not used reason as a basis for argument?
Gengis talks the truth. Pussy is for pleasure, ass is to show dominance.
Western Civilization would not exist if not for "pedos". Try reading your Plato. Why are you angry?
No senpai, I doubt you'd be that into me.