When did you realise that men are shit and should be severely reduced in number? That is the true redpill.
It's hardly an exaggeration to say that without men, there would be zero problems in the world.
When did you realise that men are shit and should be severely reduced in number? That is the true redpill.
It's hardly an exaggeration to say that without men, there would be zero problems in the world.
Other urls found in this thread:
More women for men then.
Nice thumbnail pic retard
I thought I posted it before and it wasn't a thumbnail
Anyway this thread isn't going well
I will retreat
Agreed. We need institutionalized femdom in our society. Make men into little bitches who serve us.
Don't come back here ever again
Women should be completely exte4minated and replaced with Gurley Pets.
women are incapable of creating beauty without a man to teach them what beauty is. All a woman sees is blood and death until a man shows her how to create life and see beauty.
It's just that not many are needed. Remember the curve where women have the long middle, meaning that more of them are more intelligent than most men, but that men have a small contingent of outliers who are really smart?
We only need the smart ones, the people who are socially together enough to be upper middle class and some toilers for the mills and telephone poles, which will soon enough be a thing of the past because robots.
What we have now is so many unexceptional men just languishing around, spinning their wheels with no real place to put their energy, except to make trouble. I think a thinning is definitely a red pill. By and large, we have a surplus of men.
>chicanas are not whi-
Without men there would be no world. Could you imagine women in charge of planning, building, and maintaining infrastructure? Don't make me laugh.
Who is thus qt
>tfw ywn get a nipple job
Honestly as a man I agree. Especially those who talk about being "redpilled" are usually bottom of the barrel men who think hating women because they're not attracted to them is cool. They go through all these mental gymnastics as to why girls are repulsed by them. They're the typical "swag is for boys, class is for men" type of guys who think they're quite the catch despite the fact that they're just unfit, ugly, ungroomed, uncultured, uncharismatic, and boring.
Reducing the number of men will only cause the value of your pussy to plummet further. Can you really take the loss?
Crispy Alterhacker
I submit to women. Put me in the semen extraction camp.
>Could you imagine women in charge of planning, building, and maintaining infrastructure?
Why are you back OP?
I'ma send this crazy naked Indian after you.
Woman are petty, and less empathetic then man to out groups. They are tribal small heddas who can't lead because of their inherent capricious nature. They're the shortsighted and self involved and easily conned by anyone who appeals their emotions. That is why right now they buy into to shit like feminism which convinces them to freely give out what makes them valuable.
TL;DR Men are the compassionate sex, men do the grunt work, men self-sacrifice, men are practical. Women are convoluted, unstable, mentally weak and become really ugly inside if their ego is not checked.
"If civilization had been left in female hands, we would still be living in grass huts"
-Camille Paglia
I was lurking
Tyrants love women.
Total annihilation of non-Europeans + female favoring eugenic male culling
we need to range ban canadian IPs
What's wrong with women of color? Okay some can be bad but men do more damage
You have to go
Non-Europeans are the literal feces of human genetics. Our technology and advancement should not be shared with that animalistic garbage
>The ultimate in supplication and submission - we will kill the men who displease you oh qween.
>any man you reject, is a failure now and will be a failure forever. We know the future, because we are time travellers IN OUR MINDS.
the ultimate redpill is that bangs + shorter length hair make women godtier
Eh, fuck off. I'm about actually improving the welfare of humanity, not about your ridiculous ideological drivel.
wtf is that webm!?
>Our god civilisation demands we destroy the innocent to please him. Let the ends justify the means.
Just some basic,everyday activities done by the citizens of the People's Republic of China.
Welfare of humanity correlates with extermination of non-Europeans
hmmm, interesting. I genuinely would like to here more on that.
Oh God!
heartless subhumans
Chinese dogs arn't human
>It's hardly an exaggeration to say that without men, there would be zero problems in the world.
Wrong. Women would ALWAYS find something to bitch about. Most men are pretty easily satisfied.
China. Only white people are humans.
Wait wrong pic
Whites are the biggest cucks lol. Niggers and Arabs will take over you guys pretty soon. Sad I know.
>>It's hardly an exaggeration to say that without men, there would be zero problems in the world.
what about no sperm to fertilize eggs, thus not allowing procreation. checkmate, op.
wtf is wrong with the chinese?!
Whites are not limited to the United Kingdom, France and Germany, subhuman aboriginal admixed gook
>5 years later
Why do 1% of the women own 90% of the men? As a mother of 43 pets, I can't afford a $500 fee every time I need a jar opened. #occupyslavemarket
Your country is so shit they build houses on stilts. Europeans will always be your betters
>run over
>set on fire
that poor guy on the bike "HAHA, I'll just turn right out of the path of the tru-"
i tried to slow it down to see where the guy got hit by the sign but it's moving so quick it's a single frame from fine to sign
You are comparing a thid world shithole with one of the GREATEST nations in the world. At least be greatful for the shirt I made for you.
There are non-man made problems that exist.
Without men there would be no SOLUTIONS.
stop being a retard.
>It's hardly an exaggeration to say that without men, there would be zero problems in the world.
Yeah because humanity would perish.
>no pic
oh they are now user, they are now.
How can nipples be real when tits aren't even real?
what do you think your post is ?
Reducing the number of men would cause society to devolve into a genuine patriarchy that women would fucking hate.
You would see sky-high female suicide because in the west, only the average man is a net taxpayer.
working women are on average literally a drain on the state. They deflate wages, reduce the value of labour (so easy layoffs) and the don't have time to fucking look after their kids, shoving them in day-care where they become socialised into a communist system.
Women literally depend on men, even when they are "liberated".
I am of this opinion for a while and hereby agree to reduce the male population to whatever is deemed necessary.
However, kindly be advised that I can't be everywhere at once and I need a few breaks from time to time.
Looking forward to work with you femanon
>implying you wouldn't be one of the men they choose to get rid of
Pretty sure every man on Sup Forums is fugged if that ever happens.
Regardless, I wouldn't mind a switch in gender roles. Women can go work their asses off and we can stay home and make their lives miserable. :^)
thats a turkroach you retard
>thumbnail pic
opinion discarded you Twitter normie
No, not me. My superior gene pool would make it through the merciless selection.
Unfortunately the marvelous plan has failed already, as OP displayed the signature female determination by leaving the thread early after one objection or two, so I won't bump this sad slide thread.
Get them next time.
She's actually right.
Civilization requires male scarcity to function properly.
When you reach a 1 to 1 ratio of men to women, women can misbehave, and take control of society, because they know, no matter what, there will always be some poor schlub who will take care of her.
It's no coincidence the 50s were considered the golden age. We just lost some 700,000 men from one single generation to WWII and another 40,000 to Korea.
That means, that even in a best case scenario, there would be 1 million single women who will never find a man unless they agree to be a side bitch. So they had to behave, be the perfect little home-making angels, or their ass would be replaced so easily.
Now imagine, if you lived in a land where the wars never stopped. And on top of that, a lot of your men were running off to blow up foreign shopping malls. Can you imagine how submissive and powerless women would have to be in order to not starve. having to wear burkas, not be allowed outside without a chapperone, being property in a harem... yeh. that's why.
Mars requires his sacrifice.
WTF I love Israel now!
Without men, women would still be living in caves. Fuck off.
gas yourself
You wouldn't last two seconds without us.
the whole human race is shit. even you OP.what good is your existence compared to all else on earth? even same sex or opposite sex
>Civilization requires male scarcity to function properly.
Civilizations has an incredible amount of labor in order to function. This means the necessity for more men. That fact that this is your primary argument proves that everything else in your post is nonsense.
You should read a book.
You ever hear of the Age of Enlightenment? You know, that time when a bunch of manly men started a war to form a new nation (that you live in) and they just straight up said "No bitch you cant vote, make me a sammich." We just came out of 150 years of the wars of Reformation. Coupled with colonialism. The lady folk were getting mighty lonely. So they took a back seat and let men do man things, And they created the world we know today.
Ever hear of the Renaissance? See that happened because we just had the Black Death, 25% of the population died, mostly men. So what happened? Men started doing manly things because women stopped misbehaving.
Ignore it if you want... but maybe your blue-pill ass should go back to 9gag.
All of you "the jews are doing it!" morons just dont get it.
When you let the irrational people have power, they do irrational things. You dont need some crazy illuminati conspiracy to explain women being irrational and stupid. Occam's razor says always take the simplest answer.
Even Isreal is in the shitter with the rest of the west. They have the feminist cancer too.
It's not (((the jews))) it's simply women.
Millions of you retards need to die if you want to save civilization,
Nobody needs to read a book to understand that a man shortage is good for men
...b-but, but, but ...
Can there possibly be a more cucked ideology?
>without men there would be zero problems in the world
except for there being no sperm to repopulate the world
Men are disposable, true, but they're necessary.
I orbited her for a few months and spoke to her regularly. She's from Mexico, she's actually an illegal.
Well not really. Those "civilizations" you talk about are polygamous hence why you have lots of low value men in constant conflict. You tell those low value men that they'll get pussy in the afterlife so they go fight your enemies, meanwhile you have seven wives. The one man to one woman model for civilization has created the most stable and prosperous conditions for existance.
The only somewhat redeemable aspects of unreformed Christianity is its syncretic elements with native European religion. Otherwise it's a proto-Marxist sand cult exported from Judaea.
Edgy trad nats who are Christian are the most laughably ignorant people ever.
Men are disposable, but one high value man is worth a batallion of baby incubators. Where would we be without Tesla, for example?
Well. That is forever burned into my memory. Time to go die.
The image is wrong BTW. The cost of an M1A1 is 4 million. Not 40 million.
There's a small problem with your idea. If all the men are gone, who pays for all the crap you want?
>The state
Nope. Cause where does the state get its money from?
>That's a fucking child.
Orientals act like insects.
I will give my stone to anyone who can name one war Hillary Clinton had the opportunity to vote against but didn't. HINT: Hillary Clinton voted for every war she cold have ever vored for.
There would be less violence but it would be a worthless world because women would let everything rot from their neglect.
The number of female geniuses is not even a tenth the number of male ones.
>It's hardly an exaggeration to say that without men, there would be zero problems in the world.
most of the scientific inventions and theories are and still are done by men.
women also dont take up the jobs like builder and carpenting because sexual dimorphism the prefer less taxing jobs since the have less upper body strength.
also are you realy that retarded that you think theres no fighting between women?
chinese are fucking disgusting
read up on organ harvesting from falun gong practitioners
i´m convinced that the larger part of the chinese population has no soul whatsoever
come on, you cant post that without a source or at least an explanation. thats jav isnti t.
Subhuman chinks