how many people does shareblue have working for them . I am going to lose it can't the mods ban obvious shills?
Why are there so many anti Trump cucks on this board
They finally woke out of their alcoholic stuper from last night.
Why do we still have trump redditor s here?
No u. Many anti-Trump people are simply people that hate how he fucking did a 180 and many of his promises.
1)Hillary is not in jail
2)He sold Saudis weapons even though he called them terrorists
3)He shot down a Syrian jet that was bombing kurds that were trying to take his territory and still has allowed US special forces to operate there even though he said "no boots on ground:
4)the muslim ban isnt even a muslim ban and is for some reason banning a country that has done a very good job at not producing terrorists or having terrorist attacks (Iran)
5)He is supporting gays now
6)He recruited jews into his cabinet
7)At the same time of siding with Saudi Arabia, he is calling Qatar out for doing the same thing Saudi Arabia is doing (but a lot less of course) which is just downright hypocrisy
fuck you shills do you just wait for pro trump threads or are you a bot wtf happened to pol
There has always been liberals on this board.
Wasn't a long time ago when the board was mostly left leaning or sucking Ron Paul's cock
>wtf happened to pol
You /r/summerfags started losing interest post election.
You're the cuck drumpfnigger
And fuck that wolf girl piece of shit
Reminder that
Trump got the muslim ban going (not his fault it was cancled) like he promised
he cracked down harder on illegal immigration like he promised and instalt a website to report them
he reissued funding of enviromental protection agencies like he promised and even puled out of that climate act the EU wanted him to sign
he redesigned obamacare (even though he said to repeal it, but still a step in the right direction).
he fired comey that hillshill (even though not a promise it was in the interest of most of his supporters)
in his first month more pedos and their sexrings were busted and more childs saved from those than under obama in a full year. (for me the most important )
Canceled TPP
He did kiss some jewass but I would let kiss him some jew ass to not get JFKd. So far he didnt do anything majorly bad, just some virtue signaling
no matter how you look at it, he did more already to fullfill his promises than all the recent presidents before him
>1)Hillary is not in jail
becauseit would be seen as supressing opposition. he has to first swing the public oppinion of her
>2)He sold Saudis weapons even though he called them terrorists
US is deeply dependend on the saudis oil. even if they just decide to sell oil in another currency but the dollar it would cause a collapse for the US economy. better to not piss them off
>3)He shot down a Syrian jet that was bombing kurds that were trying to take his territory and still has allowed US special forces to operate there even though he said "no boots on ground:
agreed, a cuck move, but you still have to realize there are forces behind the scenes pushing for this shit. he has to choose his battles.
>5)He is supporting gays now
he did so already during the campange you idiot. he never was anti gay. he just didnt support flaming faggotry which is better than the rest (aside from ron paul maybe)
>6)He recruited jews into his cabinet
easier to infiltrate other jews with jews. still a cuck move agreed, but there are barely any nonjews in the business to begin with
>7)At the same time of siding with Saudi Arabia, he is calling Qatar out for doing the same thing Saudi Arabia is doing (but a lot less of course) which is just downright hypocrisy
same reason as number 2
no one liked paul but he was a dank meme
so is trump. also i like ron paul. i believe objectively he would have been the best choice. but he just didnt have a chance to win which is why we had to settle for trump
>no one liked paul
fuck off newfag
66D chess, amirite?
no, just not attacking all fronts at the same time and starting battles you cant win.
either way even with those points that guy made he is pretty much the best president in the last 2-3 decades so far. of course he can screw us over big time any time, but so far he has yet to do that
Keep looking for excuses. And please, do so in reddit, where you belong. GTFO newfag!
>cant come up with any counterargument
>"i know, i just tell him to go to reddit, GENIUS"
We've broadened our campaign hiring not so professional groups who've been in this atmosphere for years. Old fags you call them. Pol has been hard to gage and manipulate. But we will succeed. rush rush rush.
>anyone who disagrees with me is a paid agitator and most assuredly not here shitposting on a mongolian basket weaving forum of their own volition to watch a bunch of thin-skinned idiots crawl up their own assholes constantly
Shills and liberals.
I found a lot of new topics about Poland, mostly by some proxies or lolflags. We dont really like to talk about ourselfs, so I do feel like some jew shit is going on.
Were getting raided boys.
Because unlike you r/The_Dildo cultists, we are not lemming shills.
Medias got to control the mood
Sup Forums, especially Sup Forums is seen as the meeting and (more importantly) the breeding ground for right wing independent thinkers and anti-government, anti-authority, anti-group think movements. All if which are highly problematic for the Globalist state the elites are carving out.
First step is to errode the nation state to the point of irrepair. Easy enough, teach children their country is a racist, oppressive hellhole. Tell them the power weilders (white men) have rigged the system against them and that the notion of the American dream is a conspiracy to keep minorities in a state of dissolusion.
Make everyone hate everyone - pit all races and religions against eachother. Prevent any groups from uniting under a particular common goal of good by convincing all if them that everyone other group is siding with evil or is detrimental in some way.
Create a massive crisis - war, climate change, mass immigration. Anyone who opposes the rationale behind them are racist or idiots. Mock them, and move forward with radical legislation bordering on martial law - after all, it's a life or death situation, right?
Combine nations into groups. Use multiculturalism to remove the idea of ethnic traditions and sovereignty. Their children will be easily subdued.
Get rid of the family. No more church, it's fake science. Having children is bad for the environment. Watch porn, eat shit. Become sterile. Have abortions. Live a single life. Be a manchild, be a slut. You're easy to manipulate that way.
Democracy is a ruse at this point, just a formality. Technocrats and elite families are secure in their hedgemony. They Wade in pools of decadence and perform the most sinful acts with no supervision, truly a Devils playground
nigger wtf area you talking about, Ron Paul was fucking respected and adored even by people that weren't lolbertarians. You're talking out of your ass.
take a fucking guess.
heres a hint: we the people voted for shillry cuntin. but, the college voted for d.r.u.m.f. (dumb retarded ugly mother fucker.)
>Can we please have more threads of Donald on Donald dick sucking action?
>Can we change Sup Forumss name to /Don/?
>Can my you cuck me please?
T. You.
Trumpcucks are insufferable.
thread of interest
it tries to blend in
This desu. You don't go from having 50% approval to 36% (where hes at now) without picking up dissenters along the way.
If the majority of the country disapproves of his performance don't be surprised if Sup Forums stops being a hug box.
Go suck some more Israel cock faggot
>trusting any polls at all
shills never learn...
oh look, a shill.
>how many people does shareblue have working for them
and every other shill after this list
Trump 2020 we will not let them divide us lololol
this guy
>says the guy who uses the "people voted for hillary" meme
posting a hitler pic doesnt help you to blend in faggot
theres still plenty of room in the gas chamber.
i doubt there is enough and all of your kind though. i will gladly help building a bigger one for (((you))) guys
Why are you emotionally attached to a Screen Actor's Guild member?
im /comfy/ here
wouldnt you like to know