>the great gatsy
>to kill a mockingbird
>heart of darkness
>animal farm
>lord of the flies
>huckleberry finn
and so on
What are pols thoughts on the books american high school students are assigned to read read?
entry level bluepill
here is some harder shit to grasp before you even attempt red pilled literature
As long as animal farm and 1984 stay on there I don't give a shit what filth they make kids read.
>the great gatsy
Pretentious shit
>to kill a mockingbird
Didn't read
>heart of darkness
Didn't read
>animal farm
>lord of the flies
>huckleberry finn
Didn't read
Overall not a bad choice for high school, I'd assume Burgers read much more idiotic things
What's happening is part of a phenomenon I wrote about a couple of years ago when I was asked to comment on Rowling. I went to the Yale University bookstore and bought and read a copy of "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone." I suffered a great deal in the process. The writing was dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs." I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing.
But when I wrote that in a newspaper, I was denounced. I was told that children would now read only J.K. Rowling, and I was asked whether that wasn't, after all, better than reading nothing at all? If Rowling was what it took to make them pick up a book, wasn't that a good thing?
It is not. "Harry Potter" will not lead our children on to Kipling's "Just So Stories" or his "Jungle Book." It will not lead them to Thurber's "Thirteen Clocks" or Kenneth Grahame's "Wind in the Willows" or Lewis Carroll's "Alice."
Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.
Our society and our literature and our culture are being dumbed down, and the causes are very complex. I'm 73 years old. In a lifetime of teaching English, I've seen the study of literature debased. There's very little authentic study of the humanities remaining,
I fucking hated this so much
>hurr durr niggers fucking cows is literature
>muh colours r symbolisums
The worst part is the cat lady teacher pretending that some random negress is the new shakespeare
>>the great gatsy
Wasn't that interesting. Saw the movie too, same.
>>to kill a mockingbird
Didn't have to read this.
>>heart of darkness
Dense material. I didn't much care for it.
>>animal farm
Taught the rest of the class the word "allegory", now I cringe whenever I hear the word come up in the same breath as anything Orwell.
>>lord of the flies
Didn't have to read this.
>>huckleberry finn
Read this in middle school but don't much remember it.
Never heard of it.
Was never assigned it, read it myself. Enjoyed it.
Are they still assigned those? I thought that would have too much whitey writing for a multicultural education?
i had to read a few of those but also multicultural shit like house on mango street
>Posts entry level Nietzsche instead
Orwell was an avowed anti-communist you memespouting pleb. Points for posting the most obvious of Nietzsche's works by the way, you basic bitch.
huckleberry finn (which has been banned),lord of the flies , heart of darkness and animal farm is blue pilled?
What's wrong with Beyond Good and Evil?
song of Solomon, beloved, the bluest eye
the stranger
things fall apart
pride and prejeduce
to kill a mocking bird
house on mango street
these are also books taught in American highschools that are made by non white males
but yes, they definetly still teach HoD Huck Finn, Gatsby, orwells works etc
it's foucault's handbook
gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyy
There's absolutely nothing wrong with it. I'm just making fun of that guy for bitching about "entry level bluepill" lit while clearly not having read most of those works and posting an entry-level Nietzsche novel as though it makes him some profound intellectual.
Only had to do Lord of the Flies, To Kill.. Huck, and 1984. To Kill sucks but I liked the others.
Lord of the Flies is by far my favorite, always really loved survival stories.
>reading books
huck finn is being banned because of nigger jim
the word triggers people
no u
not everywhere in the country.
>Orwell was an avowed anti-communist
Try reading "Homage to Catalonia", you fucking uneducated swine pleb. Dude took a bullet through the throat from fascist pigs like the ones on this board, and fought with a Trotskyist militia
Also read Things Fall Apart. Other than that other black literature I remember from high school are Fences and The Invisible Man. Also remember reading the autobiography of a gay mexican, I think it was called Hunger of Memory.
Did anyone else have to read Romeo & Juliet and Oedipus Rex multiple times in different years? I think I had both three times each.
>every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."
that part of the pasta always makes me kek
We had the version that called him "Slave Jim".
I got drunk alot in school and so one day I got suspended for 5 days for the teacher making us take turns reading out loud and I called him nigger Jim instead.
I triggered the 3 real nigs, QT mixed girl next to me just chuckled.
The Road by Cormac McCarthy
That's it.
rEdDiT SpAcInG
Saw the movie with the LOTR guy, was very great need to read the book.
Definitely too redpilled for school but The Turner Diaries is just on its own level.
r8 my highschool
>growing up asian in Australia
>the chrysalids
>Wilfred Owen
>this piece of shit pic related please someone kill the author
>the longest goodbye
>black diggers
I want to die
I read Animal Farm for the first time recently...Just something that I was never assigned in high school, and then for years I just considered it kiddy/lit/ but eventually I was in the mood for an easy read.
Gotta say it made me laugh quite a bit and Orwell is a genius. It's a prime example of a book being written both for children and adults. I'm also surprised at it's popularity because the pigs obviously represent the Jewish political class in Russia/Europe at the time. Wouldn't take much effort to accuse him of anti-antisemitism (not saying that's the case). If you're familiar with Russian history/literature the book might be a little hamfisted but then you can enjoy the satire a bit more.
Anyway, I think Americans get a better literary education than we do here in Canada. We aren't given reading assignments over the summer holidays or anything like that. But I do think high-school literature is generally pretty good. Thematic elements are overt enough to make literary analysis rewarding for budding readers, and they get you familiar with the common parlance.
they'll always be niggers because they ever stop acting like niggers
Ive read all of these and desu, the only one i didnt read was the top. Animal Farm was good, Heart of darkness and LOF was good, beloved meh, huckleberry finn meh, 1984 Good
>only good books are british
Funny cuz it's not true, makes you wonder if it's a false flag
Trotsky's a kike
Don't hate the literature, hate on how they perceive it. Post modernism and critical theory, although intriguing and fun, can warp the mind into hurtful open mindedness.
>So user you and your group are assigned to feminist theory for your presentation project.
like salman rushdie
To add to the OP The Outsiders is probably my favorite book from school. Still watch the movie every year or 2.
Shit's pretty good but I wish we read half those titles in my HS.
Most of the books we read I never heard of for. Schools neglect classics far too much.
>Overall not a bad choice for high school, I'd assume Burgers read much more idiotic things
the big problem is that most kids in school only read them because it's part of an assignment and not because they're genuinely interested. sometimes teachers tell the students to read these books so I can teach you why they're wrong.
some are smart enough to understand the message the literature conveys, but sadly most of these student's cognitive dissonance is so severe once they reach that reading level that they don't absorb the true message.
leftism is a mental disorder, and all schools are liberal.
we need to homeschool our kids or find them a reputable private prep school and keep them away from social media.
in order for them to learn, they first have to WANT to learn, and that's rare.
Death of a Salesman was my favorite
not only was he the majority of the original politiboro of the soviets were
if you can find an english translation read it (((they))) have stopped it from being translated from russian
Mate, he distanced himself for the cringe tier left AFTER the civil war.
If I remember correctly he always pointed out the divisions in the left and how the division led to their defeat.
Why does that sound so familiar...
wtf Yank school reading looks way better than mine if that list is true
we shit like
>anne franks (((diary)))
>night by eile weisel
>maos last dancer (cant discuss the communism part tho, only dancing)
>various meh-teir Shakespeare
>other shit I cant remember
Needs more L.Ron Hubbard
I will say though I had a pretty based teacher who made us read both 1984 and Brave New World and I enjoyed those a lot.
Favorite book from high school was probably Brave New World. We also read Kite Runner which was pretty good.
some American HS read night and Shakespeare too
>written by a literal marxist
Also do americans not do any shakespeare?
he carried a gun on him for his last years in fear of an assassination from commies you dumb fuck
oh yeah, we had To Kill a Mockingbird too
We didn't even get a good reading list. We got of Mice and Men, and that's it.
graduated in 08
read to kill a mockingbird in 5th grade so I'm not sure when OP was doing reading it at 9th-12th
most of those books are pretty entry level though
Not saying I'm some sort of genius but most of those books are fairly easy to read but honestly most 'high school' level books are for children
There is literally nothing wrong with Huckleberry Finn. It's one of the greatest books ever written.
>my high school reading list
>the painted bird, i know my the caged bird sings, they're eyes were watching god, the stranger, the invisible man, gulliver's travels
thats all i remember
heart of darkness and beloved are for children?
>to Kill a mocking bird, The heart is a lonely hunter, various shakespeare
quite diverse if not a little american nigger heavy
>American literature
Top lol is what I think. Orwell for example is so much better he gets two books.
>to kill a mockingbird
book was pretty boring but it's a wicked film. If I was pro/pol/ for all views I'd say this book is probably the reason everyone is anti-racism today. Everyone cringed a bit when someone had to read the n word
>animal farm
(didn't have to read/study this, read it anyways) Orwell is really child friendly. I've found his books really easy to read and he kind of slaps you in the face with meanings and representations so it's hard not to be able to follow his writing.
>lord of the flies
Loved this book. When we studied it we didn't really look at the politics behind it- the furthest the class got was realising the island reprosented a microcosm. I think this one is good to study, mostly because it's such a great story.
I've never known anyone to study this book in high school, I read it anyways. This one is definitely the most like a red pill of those on this list. I think it would be good to study this. Maybe it's just my school who didn't study it- the mention of sex is enough for it to be banned from our library. I was at a strongly Christian school, they basically tried to push their evangelical ethos onto us.
Didn't read the rest on this list. Although we did study Journey's End and MacBeth which are both plays.
If you get a chance to read Journey's End I'd 100% reccomend it. It's still one of my favourite stories I've ever read. It's pretty anti-war but the characters are all very British :)
>Orwell was an avowed anti-communist
Road to Wigan Pier was devils advocate finding problems with socialism so he could prove that they weren't problems but just the perception of the lower class.
its blue pilled because the idiots who even decide to pick up a book thats isnt about faggot wizards think they are know it all ass holes. every lefty knows about 1984, animal farm, and lord of the flyes because their meanings are simple and don't really challenge the mind.
Graduated in 03, trying to remember what books I had to read in Jr High/High school now
Animal Farm
Ethan Frome
And Then There Were None (liked it so much I stole it)
Huckleberry Finn
Anne Frank
Of Mice and Men
To Kill a Mockingbird?
Hamlet? (We definitely watched it but I think we also read it first)
Cats (Watched)
Les Miserables (Watched)
Phantom of the Opera (Watched)
Maybe one or two I'm forgetting?
Not reading this at least once is a mistake.
not in high school
but yeah
Animal farm is "why communism always fail for dummies."
I don't know why people call this book bluepilled. They're probably communists.
I only was ever required to read two on that list.
>Great Gatsby
teacher made us read it, had to write essays on why it symbolizes how the American dream is totally dead and why we agree that it is(opinions are for chumps obviously). Pretentious and Bad read
>to Kill a Mockingbird
read it in freshman year, just had to find symbolisms and point out how it was a racist time. Good read
>Heart of Darkness
read it, had to write essays on why white colonialists fucked up Africa(which they claimed was the main takeaway from the book), and everyone white person in it, is racist. Descent read
>Animal farm
removed from curriculum, read it after high school. Great read
>Lord of the Flies
had a based sophmore teacher that let us free write our own opinions/take away from it. Great read
>Huckleberry Finn
read it outside of school in Junior High, removed from high school/junior high curriculum. Great read
removed from curriculum, have not yet read
removed from curriculum, I read it post high school. Great read
4 years of brainwashing in the sjw sleeper-cell training ground for the Peoples Republic of Commiefornia sure was fun.
>the great gatsby
'gilded age: the book'
unironically one of the top three in American lit.
>to kill a mockingbird
multiculti propaganda
>heart of darkness
imperialist escapade away from the light of civilization. glorious.
>animal farm
baby's first political allegory
>lord of the flies
>huckleberry finn
without america, this book doesn't exist; take that as you will
slavery bullshit, but bretty gud version of it
mandatory reading, most kids will just sparknote it though so it won't matter
lol literature is dead modern public schools probably spend more time on emojis
could be way better desu:
>mein kampf
>200 years together
>on the jews and their lies
>the camp of the saints
>the gospel according to john
i liked brave new world
but i hated all the nigger bullshit they made us read. "Their eyes were watching God" made my eyes bleed because it was written as if black people spoke, so it was written entirely in ebonics
it's good to know your country's literary canon. i'm surprised you don't get frontier literature like fenimore cooper.
just don't limit yourself to this. finish the canon, but move on to the real stuff. there was a good list somewhere, with what each pill reads: green had a lot of political, philosophical and economic stuff, red had nazi shit, purple had occult shit etc. I don't have it anymore, maybe some benevolent user will post it
>The Art of the Deal
one day god willing this all will be banned,
I doubt none of the americans read those if they are even assigned to them. That sounds IVY league level reading in comparison to what I've heard about your shit education system that's completely taken over by private school kikes.