Abolish illinois?

Since the fact that Illinois will become's America's #1 Venezuela-tier shithole, people came up with bold proposals to solve it's problems. Among those, this: Dissolve Illinois and give it's land to neighboring states.

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don't you ruin my fucking borders

I want to live in a glove, not a ghost

Iowa and Indiana can have Chicago or twinkle land or whatever you
want to call it.

indiana demands a port on the Mississippi, this is non-negotiable

also we are not taking chicago fuck off

I live in part of Illinois that would end up being Indiana... thats alright with me lets do this!

Same. Let's do this

This won't stop black [people] from killing each other.

why would we want to stop that?

Why else would you dissolve the state?

It's bankrupt and corrupt... i would much rather live in Indiana but i dont want to move this is the perfect solution.

If we could abolish Illinois and split California into two states we wouldn't have to change the flag either.

Indiana, and I call NOT IT for Chicago, Peoria, or Springfield.

How does the 6th most populated American state go bankrupt?

We could just add another state desu, PR has been trying to get statehood since the 1920s

Please annex Chicago and DuPage county in Indiana and not Wisconsin. Muh gun laws por favor

So much corruption, so many layers of bribes, kickbacks, favors, deals, backroom handshakes, nepotism, theft, graft, embezzlement, etc etc x 100000 plus infinity.
Plus the government pensions, and bloated budgets for failing schools, and borrowing against every fund and selling off anything and everything in privatization deals and spending all of that money, then having nothing come in because it's a city of 2 million niggers and 2 million spics, most of which are on some bloated entitlement programs....and...shit. It's just all so depressing.
We're taxed on everything, at insane rates, and the jews run this damn place and it's just a cesspool.

Does it really matter when Ohio is just gonna annex it all?


Not A bad Idea,

My plan for a new west coast

Annex Chicago say Aye

>ruin your state with niggers and democrats
>try to push those same niggers and democrats onto other nearby, actually successful white states

I moved from Florida to Chicago, words cannot describe how I hate nearly every person I see every day. Don't dissolve the state, just execute everyone in it.

I think we would have to kill off current Illinois politicians so they would not try to get into office and infect the states that absorbed IL. Never underestimate the stupidity of the Illinois voter!

Corruption is for non-Whites and Chicago apparently is full of niggers. No wonder Whites would leave.

Just make Chicago its own country and then nuke it.


I've seen this picture more then once. What's the story here?

Iowa is supposed to be the head of the chef, not some deformed, un-uniform shit. It's aesthetic if it's between the rivers.


>X is cancer.
>I know! Let's split X up and give a little bit of it to everyone else!
>Nothing could possibly go wrong with this plan!


and the answer is yes btw

Is it bad that I would be onboard with this sans how utterly ridiculous the new states would look like? Christ almighty.