He literally did not do anything illegal or wrong and he was shot and killed.
absolutely disgusting
He literally did not do anything illegal or wrong and he was shot and killed.
absolutely disgusting
Other urls found in this thread:
What a fucking fantastic week this has been lol
Sage, not political. Stop posting threads like this.
He didn't do anything morally that justified his execution, no. But he certainly could have avoided being shot by not reaching toward his gun after being specifically asked not to do so. Sometimes people die because they are stupid, not because they deserved to die
neither was the Zimmerman trial
He wasn't reaching for his gun, he was reaching for his wallet after being asked for his driver's license and registration. After hearing that he had a gun, the cop flipped out because he was stupid and scared. He gave conflicting orders and when the confused dude in the OP's pic didn't stop reaching for his wallet, he was shot. Don't try and spin this any other way, you just look like a god damn dumbass. Don't even talk about this shit when you haven't even seen the video or given this topic anything other than a moment's glance.
>reached in his pocket
>officer told him to stop
>kept reaching
How stupid are you fuckers?
"I have a firearm."
>"Don't touch it."
>"Don't pull it out."
"ima hafta pull it out doh."
>"Don't touch it."
Nog gets shot. What's the problem here? Seriously you liberals are the cancer that is destroying our society.
Fuck that nigger and fuck OP
Typical scared spic government welfare queen pig shooting a hard working gun carrying American. Law enforcement is trash... Bottom of the barrel just above the queens in the military.
>the 10th based nigger did nothing wrong thread today
are we being raided by leddit?
>op is a faggot again
>checks flag
Reveal youself leaf nigger
apologize racist crackers, you all smell like wet dogs anyway.
And you fucking white nationalist cucks fuck dogs too.
He didn't touch his gun. That's why the actual white officer who isn't a neurotic scared spic doesn't even budge or move his hand to his weapon. Just a stupid emotional beaner working a welfare job he's not smart or level headed enough for.
>pot head
>disobeyed orders
Literally nothing of value was lost.
We've had a good week fellas but lets look on to bigger and brighter things. Let this KANG be dust in the wind.
I happen to agree with you, it amazed me how
quickly that officer broke down in the situation.
>have ccw
>get pulled over
>tell cop i have ccw
>he gives fucked orders
>ask him to clarify, reiterate that i have ccw
>tell him he needs to let me out of the vehicle and needs to disarm me
>once disarmed, reach for wallet
>get pulled over
>tell cop about ccw
>he tells me not to reach for weapon, asks for wallet
>spastically reach for wallet, could be misconstrued as attempt for gun
The officer has the best chance of surviving if he doesn't allow the suspect to draw his weapon. ccw requires the ccwer to not be an idiot. Unfortunately, this dude was not having a good day.
He disobeyed orders? He was getting his license out and the scared piggy started shooting for nothing... Then got hyper emotional like a factor when he realized he fucked up. Unlike most of you factors I carry and live in MN. This guy was a shit police officer... A scared fucking beaner and if we only had white cops like the other one in the video nobody would have been shot. This guy is nothing more than a pussy bitch getting away with it because a sob story about how hard it is to be a piggy. Boohoo
>Mfw phone changes faggot into factor.
If the officer wasn't fucking retarded he would have known he wasn't in any danger, and that's the whole point of the thing. He should have been slapped with manslaughter and kicked off the force. He killed an innocent man for reaching for his wallet. It's not even about defending cops from retarded liberals anymore, it's about defending the occasional innocent person from retarded cops in this case.
Fuck you faggot. He's a dead nigger, that's a plus. They would be grovelling in Africa if it weren't for that faggot Lincoln. And you've obviously bought into Trumps anti-mexican rhetoric. White cops would have simply come up with a better excuse to remove this man and the other 2 niggers in the car, you just hate mexicans.
B.. But he's a nigger! S.. So its his fault! It can't happen to me!!!
I don't care.
>If the officer wasn't fucking retarded he would have known he wasn't in any danger, and that's the whole point of the thing.
How do you know that? In retrospect only.
>He should have been slapped with manslaughter and kicked off the force.
Maybe, maybe not.
>He killed an innocent man for reaching for his wallet.
How would the cop know? Is he clairvoyant? All he knew at the time was that this man said he was armed and started reaching in an area that could have a weapon. If cop backs off and suspect pulls a gun, cop has no cover and is fucked. In this case, the cop was wrong, but there was no real way to safely deescalate and preserve officer safety.
>It's not even about defending cops from retarded liberals anymore, it's about defending the occasional innocent person from retarded cops in this case.
You need to defend yourself from acting like an idiot in front of an armed person.
I know that because a fucking nigger that's about to pop a cap in your ass doesn't tell you he has a gun in a nonchalant voice you fucking mongoloid
>innocent man
No you stupid brain dead cuck. I hate pigs and I carry in MN and this guy did exactly what he's supposed to do and the emotional wreck Leo murdered him out of some irrational fear. He acts like a scared baby the entire video. Police training is a fucking joke and so are 90% of Leo retards.
>named philandro
Marked for death at birth blame the parents.
It is political because this affects all gun owners and people who want the black people or cops in their lives to stay safe. Fuck all of your mothers.
back to /leftypol/ faggot
Literally....do not care.
killed by a pic
What are you talking about "did nothing wrong?"
He had an illegal fire arm
> he had a permit
it was null and void due to having have moved and not updating address with local authorities.
He was transporting LOADED illegal firearm in is lap while driving
>No he wasn't
watch the video again
After he was shot it fell to the floor between his feet
it can be seen in the video
Now lets say he was not trying to grabit and with said firearm in his lap he reached for his wallet.
His hand moves in direction of firearm
officer having already seen firearm and drawn weapon sees him reach in direction of said firearm
Any reasonable officer would have fired.
I would have fired.
And being freaked the fuck out having just shot someone
i might have plugged the girlfriend when she started going all chimp too.
Still would have been justified.
>don't move
That's the end of the argument. You're a fucking idiot. Kill yourself
Which is why the white officer didn't even react. This spic pig was just another retard that didn't belong in this particular welfare profession
I've seen suspects get shot like this without the warning of a gun. They reach fast, cop reacts how they are trained. The ccwer needs to know how to act in the event of a fucked up traffic stop. You calmly tell the cop you are armed, keeping both hands in clear view. No sudden movements. No reaching. You need to remind the cop that you need to be allowed out of the vehicle and that the cop needs to disarm you for yours and his safety. Fucking concealed weapons 101.
You're retarded or didn't watch the video. Castile was talking to the cop calmly and the cop was losing his shit over literally nothing. The cop drew on him and still was too chickenshit scared to fire after seeing that there was a threat. It was a preemptive murder because whitey got the "heebie jeebies"
You should talk less shit on the internet you stupid fucking peasant your kids will be eating the shit from my kids' asses just to survive and I can't fucking waitm. Stay unhappy you pathetic retard rune.
Why is this still news? Another black guy dead? Cry about it
I'd finally have to agree. He literally dindu nuffin, I don't see the cop getting out of this one
Are you shitting me? There's a video where the girlfriend refers to the officer as "sir" as in, "you shot my boyfriend in the chest four times, sir."
The cop is the chimp in this situation. A mindless trigger happy brute that murdered a man. Your stupid racist internet bullshit is making you retarded.
>oinker gets paid vacation
>for murder
you and I know that that's how you deal with bad cops when shit goes south, but knowing how to properly react to a bad cop when you're armed does not make a bad cop not a bad cop. The dude should NOT have been scared. He was a retard. A dumby. He shot and killed a man reaching for his wallet without a VERY good reason for shooting him. He lied in his defense to cover his ass. Even in the video we can tell he knows he's fucked up. He should have been canned. There is no defense to this, and the harder you try the more desperate you seem.
T. Retarded mad nig.
A dead nigger is a plus in any situation.
One down
the cop was a spic though
You're wrong and you know it. He was armed and didn't follow an order to not move. He wasn't shot for being a nigger, he was shot for being a stupid nigger that doesn't know how to follow directions.
>defending police state cuz niggers
When they're gone, you're next. Let that sink in.
LEOs take on a job that puts them at risk to protect the public. American cops have lost their testicles because they'd rather LITERALLY SHOOT A GUY IN THE CHEST 4 TIMES IN FRONT OF HIS GIRLFRIEND AND KID instead of wait to see if there is any danger. There's no way you can spin this into not at least manslaughter. Just because you're scared doesn't mean you can open fire if there's no actual hazard. Moving isn't hazardous. Having a CCP typically means you're not a criminal and the cop knew there was a firearm in the car the second he ran the plates.
I'm whiter than you and come from a family worth 100s of millions which ice proven over a dozen times on Sup Forums you will literally never be as good as me no matter how hard you try so please cry elsewhere serf.
uh huh
you don't sound desperate at all
>That leap
Niggers get killed because they are violent.
Go to bed, Barron.
T. Nigger with shit b8
Nice cops die. Benefit of the doubt does not exist in their vocabulary. I don't disagree with the sentiment of your posts, but cops are trained that way for a reason. Give an inch and you could die. 99.99% of the time you won't, but that once in a blue moon shit will get you.
>that's not how you deal with bad cops
lol, how do you react? sovereign citizen bullshit?
Maybe to you because you are so desperate to find a flaw in what I'm saying. I'm exasperated, at worst, which you would be able to tell if you weren't dumb.
He did one thing
He was born a nigger
>>that's not how you deal with bad cops
>lol, how do you react? sovereign citizen bullshit?
ignore this, I'm tired and illiterate.
Suicide by cop
Project your own life failures onto some other person on this board you police state spic loving cuckold
What, exactly, was violent about the nigger in this video? Are you honestly that much of a bottlicker that you can't see when your precious schutzstaffel made a big mistake?
Except that didn't happen. Why don't you actually read the reports/officer testimony/etc.
He was asked for his ID, so he gave it to the cop. He informed him that he had a concealed weapon, the cop got nervous, told him to put his hands up, complied, shot anyway.
>I have a firearm
>OK, don't reach for it
>Don't reach for it!
>I-ima have to reach for it....
>bang bang bang
sufficient evidence there to convince any jury that the officer would have reasonably believed that his life was in danger and that Castile was indeed reaching for his weapon against the lawful orders of officers.
>shooting: justified
no he reached for his weapon
Op literally posted a Dindu nuffin thread
We need more black men like Philandro Castille in the world. By that I mean dead.
nope you're wrong
i'm not the same dude, bro
And the two blacks that were on the Jury weren't even the holdouts.
The officer was kicked out of the force
I think maybe YOU should watch both angles of the video. You can clearly hear the cop to tell him to stop reaching 3 or 4 times before he fires the shots into his torso.
Do you think the cop should've waited for the dindu to point the gun at him first before shooting him? I swear to fucking god, retarded Americans like you give the rest of us a bad reputation. Stop shitposting with your racially charged, moral high ground bullshit faggot.
Mhm, no cop should be scared - public opinion of cops is great right now! no way anyone would try to hurt one. He didn't listen to an order and was armed. Jumpy or not is irrelevant. CC holders should know better. Keep your hand visible, tell them you're carrying and where it is, then wait for instructions. Not oh yea I got a gun lemmie just reach then ignore you telling me to stop moving
what the video, fucker
>Castille made a mistake
>Cop made a mistake
You know they can both be idiots,?
Castille messed up by reaching into his pocket. A stupid mistake, but he certainly didn't deserve to die for it. Cop shouldn't have shot that quickly. It doesn't make him a bad person and it doesn't represent all cops, but it was a mistake nonetheless. He really doesn't be a cop if something that simple unnerves him. Still it was a mistake that killed a guy so he really should go to jail.
>He reached for it when he was told not to!!
A stupid thing yes, but not at all illegal. He didn't DESERVE to die fir reaching into his pocket. Even the most white supremacist nignog hater should understand that.
tldr: both made dumb mistakes, one died, and the other should face some punishment
We're not talking about nice cops and mean cops we're talking about retards who get jumpy and shoot innocent people when they should have known better, which is what the court is supposed to ascertain. They failed to do so in this case, undoubtedly because of the general political air in this country right now where fine cops are persecuted for no reason. This was not a fine cop. This was a bad cop. This cop deserves to be fired. They deserve to be in jail. There is no reasonable way for you to defend this man. It's starting to become obvious you have some personal ties to law enforcement and that's why you're trying to, but please, don't. There are good cops that react the way they are trained to where it saves their life. This isn't one of those cases. Maybe it's poor training, more likely the guy is a jumpy retard who fell for the "people are out to get cops this week" meme, but he reacted poorly and is the kind of man you don't want on the force. You should know that.
Four easy steps on how to be a stupid nigger at a traffic stop
1. I have a firearm
2. Move your hands
3. Ignore officers request to stop moving your hands
4. Die
You have to be a liberal or a fucking primate to not see how this is a logical progression
Who gives a fuck? The world isn't fair.
The color of his skin was offensive
so its no surprise that the police are triggered
Show me the law that says reaching for something is a crime.
>He gave conflicting orders
'I have a firearm'
"Don't reach for it"
"Don't pull it out"
"Don't pull it out"
really conflicts my cashews
You have to be a fucking idiot to think that what happened was a logical progression, yeah. That's because it wasn't. It was a panicky and confused progression taken to its worst conclusion by a bad panicky cop, and you have to willfully delude yourself to arrive at a different conclusion.
T. Nigger
This. You faggots need to stop hating on niggers for 2 seconds and think about how this dude was killed by the police. It could be you next time. Policing in this country needs some kind of change. Militarization of the police is not going to end well for the average person.
>Show me driver's license and registration please
*unzips bullets*
>cop was a nervous idiot
>castille was a dumb nigger
Both sides are equally responsible for what happened
Completely deviating from the point here.
Castille told the officer he had a gun. Castille then moved his hands toward said gun. The cop told him to stop moving his hands towards the gun about 3 or 4 times. Castille then grabbed something in his waist area that was about the width of a gun.
If you are at gun point why would you keep reaching towards the area that your weapon is in? Cops are NOT trained to wait until the barrel of the firearm is pointed at them in order to discharge.
wasn't reaching for his gun, how you idiots got this idea I'll never know
>carry gun in you pocket getting ready to do a drive by
dumbass should have kept his gun in the trunk
Blacks are monkeys with no self control.
Whites are fucking cucked authoritards with no sense of self worth.
Cops are faggots and assholes without exception.
Hispanics are baby raping dickheads.
Muslims are pig-fucking losers and Muhammad was a fag.
Natives are useless drunk pieces of shit.
Potheads are smelly lazy fucks.
Conservatives are dogooder faggots who suck cop dick.
Liberals are commie pieces of flaming faggot trash.
Immigrants should all be killed.
Libertarians are pussy-ass dumbasses who wanna get raped.
Socialists are pussy-ass dumbasses getting raped.
Anarchists have no balls.
Nazis have no brains.
Jews are batshit insane sexual deviants.
All of you deserve the hell you bring upon yourselves. You ASK for it. All of you.
And I exploit all of you. Because you ask for it.
Pleased to meet you. Won't you guess my name?
I have no ties to LE. No family in LE, no career in LE, just an understanding of what can come from someone reaching towards their waistline.
And forget about him mentioning the gun. The cop maybe was unholstered and aimed for that reason, but it is ultimately irrelevant. You can't spend the time to actively identify a gun in this situation. If he reaches abruptly and pulls out an object, it isn't just your life, but also your partner's life, and the guy on the street watching this shit go down's life. Mentioning gun or not, reaching for your waistline as a cop is already unholstered and aimed is a fucking bozo no-no. Doing so with speed is suicide. The cop, being drawn or not, would have shot him anyways. Him being already aimed probably saved the female from being caught in the mag dump.
>get told to stop reaching
He kept his gun next to his trunk
If he had purchased a gun holster instead of those Concord 11's he'd still be here.
>i-it could be you next
im not black, if cops are mowing down niggers left and right like blacks claim then its a racial issue focused solely with the blacks
>told him to put his hands up
kys faggot
3/5 of a death. dont worry about it.
conflicting orders buddy, given by a retard who suddenly changed his mind and perceived a moment's hesitation as a threat
not that I'd expect you to be able to grasp such a simple an obvious idea, because you're a fucking idiot