Who in the fuck is Laura Loomer? Why in the fuck am I seeing more of her? She looks like a fucking straight up kike
Who in the fuck is Laura Loomer? Why in the fuck am I seeing more of her? She looks like a fucking straight up kike
>implying you wouldn't
Ezra Levent's replacement for Lauren Southern at the Rebel Media.
Lauren turned out to not be such a good goy, so Ezra decided to sack the shiksa and promote a fellow member of the tribe to be the blonde eye candy headliner.
Unfortunately not being a shiksa means she's Jew """"pretty"""", not shiksa-standard pretty i.e. fucking ugly.
She has an eye for spectacle. Last Friday she set up freelaura.com and then several hours got herself arrested acting like a histrionic sjw by charging the stage at a play in New York. She went on to raise 12000 bucks on wesearchr. It was all coordinated ahead of time with Cernovich and man child Jack posobiec
how can anyone trust this kike? fucking 12k?
The infojewz have dropped all pre-text an uncloaked to reveal themselves as the zionist kikes we always knew them to be
>how can anyone trust this kike? fucking 12k?
JEWS, the fake white people who you can't trust.
Literally came out of nowhere. Someone put her out in front - purposefully. I'll let you reason why.
who the fuck lieks her though? everyone i see hates her
Donation scam. She set up a "legal defense fund" then did stupid shit to get herself arrested, hoping to make a bunch of money. Ignore her completely.
>Unfortunately not being a shiksa means she's Jew """"pretty"""", not shiksa-standard pretty i.e. fucking ugly.
True that !
Should have went with a mischling at the minimum.
Rebel Media has to pay a fine for the same amount she is raising.
Jewish Tricks
They r trying to turn her into the anita sarkeesian of the alt-right movement
ignore everything about her, better yet subvert her if you have the means or proximity
she is inconsequential
i knew rebel media was up to some shit I fucking unsubbed awhile ago i hope most of Sup Forums did
She's no Faith Goldy
That's exactly what she is. We are attracting the same kind of losers only the left used to appeal to. Folks willing to feign outrage for $$$$$. This kind of nonsense is why the left loses, if the right adopts these tactics, they're at parity with the left
chimp brain, her and that other guy are the fucking worst, literally just spouting memes and using counter sjw logic, i'll throw in baked alaska too for the cringy overuse of memes in real life. if these bottom feeders end up reprezenting the right it'll turn fast into what happened with the left last year.
>the right
i thought this shit was third position at least baked alaska
RABBi REBEL MEDIA is Controlled Jewish Opposition and Entryism at it's best.
Baked Alaska's body guard is besties with Joe (I Can't Breath) Biggs
remember hwndus ny, the giant nosed woman that we mocked for being an attention whote showed up with the semi redpilled burlesque? her.
yes. she even wore the red trump hat a lot and got crap for it.
I never subbed. Gavin Mcinnes was the only reason I ever even watched their channel and I already knew that he was some Montrealite hipster shitbag that drank his own piss and probably has been fucked by other men in the ass. These people are not conservatives and they don't care about muh Western civilisation, they're the type of people we should be dropping any association with completely because their shit behaviour is fucking bad for everyone involved. Now they've unveiled themselves as turbo Zionists who hate "white nationalists" and mock "white genocide", lol.
I'd seed her
They're starting to pander to the alt-right more because they have to:
Ezra must be sweating
Hilariously, she for bakedalaska shoahd on Twitter earlier
she is
holy fuck what a kike
Lauren is a Jew.
You 're desperate as fuck Mr. Beta Buck
This chick is the very definition of entryism and opportunism.
Rebel Media is controlled Jewish opposition to control the GOys if they ever do manage to turn things Jews have done around.
Gavin is the leader of faggots
His Beta goon squad should be called ProudKEKS.
She's a litteral Jew who is crying anti-semetism and ''no free speech for nahzees'' on twitter. @Lauraloomer, look her up. She even got baked alaska temp banned for a fucking gas meme.
>Should have went
ty for the quick rundown
My only point is that it might have actually worked if a mischling was used to replace Lauren ,but the tribe went full kike and it only redpills more people in this woke times.
There he is!
They are sorta usefull for now. They get the message spread to normies.
Let the movement grow, dont infight.
You cant just redpill people on the spot
People are fucking stupid and need to be eased into it.
First they see The rebels light right shit. Then people get more interested they look up more stuf and get more redpilled.
The kikes used us succesfully, lets apply the same tactics to them and reverse roles.
Use them for a while and then holocaust the fuckers with the rest of them.
the Jew -right?
I'm weary of her. After listening to her on molyneux she seems like she wants to lower people against the progressive left to their level.
Violence begets violence and all that, obviously the left will lose but right now we have the moral highground
Is it a surprise? The alt-right leaders/talking heads are kikes, fags, and civic nationalists. Useful idiots, but also destructive towards the main goal
Iberia is spain and portugal after the Reconquista the expelled the kikes and they went to northern Europe.
Her kike grandparents where from Denmark.
That northern Europe for you retards.
This case.....Is closed
She is a kike. These faggots stage stupid shit like her screeching about how liberals are the real Nazis at some stupid play.
You are going to see a lot more of her.
These people are absolutely pathetic. Her only claim at fame is autistically screeching at a play.
People on the right don't try to silence other people and scream about how speech is violence. We use our free speech to advocate violence where it is needed and we are honest about it.
not saying she's an leftist plant or anything, but you know, i'm not-not saying it either
the london guy who drove the van into the group of muslims is a sign, and if this shit gets worse I'm jumping ship. I won't be apart of a group who's the exact same as the ones they oppose
She timed this well. Saw her moment of glory for attention and get on the free publicity map.
>Is it a surprise? The alt-right leaders/talking heads are kikes, fags, and civic nationalists. Useful idiots, but also destructive towards the main goal
Hey look ^^^ it's one of Sinead's Renetard Flat-Earth buddies/fans/ sex partners.
Even us Hotep think you people are jokes.
Bullshit. They are alienating normies with the sjw shit and the pic related
That london guy was a drunk and the muslim died of a heart attack.
Its staged.
Just like you, you filthy kike!
>she looks like a kike
Well user...
This lol, fucking spot on.
Jews really can't compete
You notice how quiet it got. Where is he really and why hasn't he made more public statements.
Ancestry.com tests for Sephardic ancestry you moron. She didn't even have traces of it.
>Laura Loomer
>Alt right
How do you do fellow nazi.jpg
She didn't. Cernovich and Rebel Media did. These fucking jews on the '''''''''''''''''''right'''''''''''''''' are coordinating and trying to co-op the right.
This is fucking insane.
Jews feel the overton window changing so they try to control the new narrative. If these people win, in a few year ''right wing'' is going to be the mainstream, and the '''''''''right wing''''''''' is going to be just some jews indistinguishable from the left talking about how Nazis are evil and we need diversity.
Store brand Lauren Southern looking to cash in.
Thats the thing with anti-semitic white nationalism. Its really fucking hard to subvert as long as its members stick to the those tenents uncompromisingly.
>Jews feel the overton window changing so they try to control the new narrative. If these people win, in a few year ''right wing'' is going to be the mainstream, and the '''''''''right wing''''''''' is going to be just some jews indistinguishable from the left talking about how Nazis are evil and we need diversity.
r/ing the counter signal meme of the jew talking about the "new right"
Between him, George Webb and Jason Goodman they've pretty much almost killed any legit dialogue about Seth Rich.
days without jewish trick still zero
We should support her if she leaks n00ds.
She is hideously ugly and fat and doesn't even have big Jewish titties. Is this really the best Ezra can afford?
the best goy back at it again
enjoy your based racemixer lmao
>watering down attacks from crazies on our side
>calling me the kike
nice aversion tactic but when you don't cut the cancer it spreads
i got my eye on you, shlomo
Faith Goldy is my alt-light waifu
>Thats the thing with anti-semitic white nationalism
I agree.
Civic nationalism is for KEKS and don't trust Jews ever!!!
Anti-Semitic Racial nationalsim for all is the future!!
I would also add don't trust the Chinks/ slants or PAjeets/Indians.
Those are some manipulative crafty peoples.
I want to turn into a little boy and be molested by mummy Laura
she works for Rabbi Media
Cenovich needs to be destroyed that filthy kike huckster has a following of braindead goys. He is good at what he does I admit, he has managed to subvert as best as a kike can of one of the most difficult groups to subvert. Cerno is an elite kike, I don't doubt it with his ties to epstein and his magic easy rise to the white house press
Can anyone confirm this is her?
They should rename themselves as Kike Media.
That guy looks Caucasian as fuck. Maybe he has some Indian in him but certainly no Negroid.
They have sabotaged everything.
They hijacked all the memeys and made them cringy. They pushed the meme that alt-right is being hijacked by white nationalists. They spread misinfo about Pizzagate. Cernovich is personally friends with a Buzzfeed employee who infiltrated The Right Stuff and doxxed the fat guy with the kike wife.
Rebel media is the fucking worst. On one side they videos like this where they acknowledge white genocide
Then they make videos with the half-Somali half-jew hybrid talking about how white genocide isn't real and racists are stupid. That video was deleted now, but here's an analysis of the video
Jews control the narrative. These things aren't human. These are parasites.
She might be kike but she's /OurKike/
>those roots
she fucking dyes her hair blond?????? How fake is this bitch?
That Guy T was on Radical Agenda about a month ago and he said that he has never had sex with white wymyn, only niggers and spics.
i specifically said race mixer
and good damage control shlomo
>h-he caucasian as fug
enjoy your roastie
Yeah she sure is senpai
Hello Laura.
>can't tell the difference between real blonde hair and shitty dye
>has to look at the roots
How do you do fellow white people?
why did they promote dollar store lauren southern
Oh shit forgot to hide flag
Now better
this much
Jews aren't human
>rootless international Jew
Almost like we warned about this before
I'm all for destroying these guys. Seems like a great use of our energy tbqh. Which one of you ambitious bastards wants to lead the "destroy the stunt right" general?
Why do black guys always have long nails ?
I believe there is a picture floating out there of her before she dyed her hair in just a bra. I've seen it, not sure its her but really looks like lauren (lauren looks very generic). She looks like a jew without blonde hair honestly, although a very whitehwashed one
That the whole hwndu shit that was shilled here was nothing more than reality TV jew bullshit.
i want to suck the juice out of the sebaceous filaments on her big jew nose
aren't we in for a surprise
Any video of this cringeworthy attention whoring?
Fuck yeah cunt.
Literally textbook control opposition. Subversion 101.