

Come in goys, we need to pump up those glorious dislike numbers.

Other urls found in this thread:



Thank you for pointing out this degenerate video. Ein volk, ein dislike, ein fuhrer.

youtube is removing dislikes it doesn't matter

Hi YouTube.

>Not linking redpill vids in your comments, not posting everything about kalergi plan and violent rioting migrants raping women

So normies are gonna look and see LOL HITLER XD and think "Wow what a bunch of trolls"

Well done Sup Forums, you sure showed youtube and soros, le epic raid le pepe ftw pew pew! 1! 1!!

My OC is better

Reminder, if you rewatch that video to check dislike ratio, make shure that youre dislike is still active. Jewtube is not only deleting comments, but also slowly removing dislikes. I noticed that mine was removed and i have seen multiple comments about similar experiences.

Similar thing here. Had to re-dislike. Will check back on it to see if JewTube removes it again.

non-raiding thread here:

fuck jewtube tho

Daily reminder who heads the organization that produced this video. Also received funding from (((Borat man))) and is directly linked to (((George Soros)))

pakis OUT

>Canada jumps into the fray

me too

Borat man as in the borat movie?

>alergi plan and violent rioting migrants raping women

That was posted very often. JewTube deletes that stuff time and time again. Needs to be posted even more often.

(((Sacha Baron Cohen))) yes. donated 500k


That motherfucker.

I think they are manipulating with the like/dislike ratio. Both Like and Dislike has gone up 20k since I checked last night, that doesn't make sense. The Dislike should have gone up much more than that.

somebody that knows terms and conditions of jewtube should sue them if they remove your like or comment idk how that stuff works,but somebody who has idea should do that.

Possible. Surprised they didnt shut down the comments... Although they deleted hundreds, if not thousands by now.

Bump the Russian thread. Russian autists must join forces


>we shouldnt try to fight...look they removed comments...we lost...




They're deleting dislikes.
Normie's in my experience aren't huge YouTube fans anyway, only thick bitches are persuaded buy a video of muh based Moslems.


my dislike was removed, disliked it again

the refugees are all cute girls right

it's not just 95% 18-40 year old men right