1post by this retard hide and ignore all slide threads
Jason Cruz
>What is the reason behind millenial women having a great career but uninterested in having any children or be involved in a relationship?
because in 2017 marriage is a joke. most guys are not gonna stick their head in a bear trap to buy the cow when they already get the milk for free.
Carson Scott
Jews and Feminism
Gavin Butler
>she has no boyfriend is is childless
have you seen the beta losers she hangs out with?
Brayden Thomas
>great career >look pretty on camera
Hudson Evans
>What is the reason behind millenial women having a great career but uninterested in having any children or be involved in a relationship?
Cultural marxism and feminism. She's probably going to be bitter as hell and suicidal in about 10 more years.
Gavin Rivera
>What is the reason? They are given a choice between family and ephemerial self gratification.
She apparently works at Blizzard from Versailles. I come from there, it's a great, very white and catholic city, Honestly it seems she made it and you seem a little jelly.
Joseph Collins
If she is 30, she's probably been looking for a husband for 2 years already, but has problems finding one because she is successful.
Educated and successful women have way more problems than educated and successful men finding a mate, partly because they refuse to marry down, but also partly because our culture has change so much that men her age aren't as success-driven.
Justin Thomas
I will be it's bf
Nathan Hall
refuse to marry down, my wife is a straight up hardcore career women. Im a failed guy who did nothing with his life except enjoy it and fail at a career. I tend to the household, the garden and the animals while wifey cracks skulls in higher management.
Gavin Martinez
>cleanup on isle 12
Don't care, the conservative & family oriented will continue >also the retards who did't "pull out in time"
Gavin Morris
Because she has this image of a perfect partner in her head, that's actually several different persons depending on her mood, and everyone who doesn't suit that image gets discarded , because she "deserves better"
Jose Ross
how do you know she's educated and successful? she has a no-skill entertaining job at Blizzard
Samuel Davis
>30 years old next year.
Henry Adams
>children will hold me back from my true potential
And then ten years later after they've become barren, they struggle to hide their profound sense of emptiness.
Tyler Morales
She's a public gaming community whore. If she will start having a boyfriend then she becomes unattractive to virgin gamers who puts their hopes on someday reaching her titties to milk them. That`s a career thing to look like without having a boyfriend. Probably when when she comes home from gaming conferences she invites to her apartment few niggers and gets all her holes drilled.
Jaxon Hill
This and money. I've got a female friend who bought into the idea that she'll be doing all the things she wants because she doesn't have a kid. Nevermind that she very much uses her pets as child surrogates and even admits that she feels her biological clock ticking.
Benjamin Moore
Just because you can doesn't mean you should.
Ian Gutierrez
Because we live in a culture which teaches girls from an early age that they are all princesses and they should only marry/breed when they have met a male worthy of their standards (The handsome prince). Sexual needs can be fulfilled with Tinder/dating apps or simply going out to a club and grinding on a worthy specimen - of course this was all made possible with the introduction of universally available contraception/legalization of abortion. Affirmative action means that women can now build careers for themselves in fields they have no bushiness in (Engineering, business, finance, science etc.) and even though they contribute nothing to the field they will thrive as any attempts to call them out on it will be dismissed/punished as institutional sexism.
Males have no interest in marrying honest women and procreating either, for very much the same reasons as women today (Careerism, dating app/one night stand culture). Not only that but men are growing wise to the fact that if he holds off until his 30s his market value peaks and he gets the choice of the pussy/marriage material. In today's world marriage is an archaic principle, where you sign a legal contract to be with somebody and if it doesn't work out she gets to take half of your shit and demand money from you even after you have divorced. Men used to marry women because it meant sex and a well made home, both of those things are achievable without money in 2017 since most people can have casual sex with no risk of having children and the rise of wages meaning people can afford housekeepers etc.
tl;dr: Marriage is a bum deal for guys, women think they can get the best men and thus hold off until they are past the wall and nobody wants to be with them.
Anthony James
honestly the whole 30 yo childless doomsday scenario is completely autistic, people are marrying later, having kids later, it's just how it is now. Will it 'degredate our genes'? Maybe in some cases this isn't really even proven, there will still be intelligent people.
Jace Hughes
This. Shes basically an idol so if she got a standard issue chad her following would implode.
Adrian Green
What does she do? Have never bother to find out who this meme is. This is the first time I've seen her name. Is she just pretty with an attitude or does she say or do something notable?
Not giving views without having an idea what I'm gonna' be promoting. Saw some good advice earlier in this thread. sage
Noah Ramirez
My gf is asking me if we should have kids. She is 30 so it's now or never. We still don't own a house. It would hit her career as we would want to bring the kid up and not rely on timesavers such as kindergartens and television.
I have no idea what it's like to be a father. I guess it can be fulfilling but it could also just be a massive burden.
Should I?
Can any fathers tell me if it was worth it.
Justin Watson
>Should I?
Are you white? If so yes.
Jace Hall
Yes. Though she is only 3/4.
Logan Sanders
Ask her (((tribesmen)))
Levi James
I stopped there. By using Patreon she's basically doing what any relationship would invovled: getting money from other people because she has a vag.
Cooper Davis
Actually half of women born in the 90s are predicted to never marry. The marriage rate has been decreasing since the 60s
Brody Scott
Do it my man
Michael Morgan
>I guess it can be fulfilling but it could also just be a massive burden
You said it yourself, it's now or never. You'll regret it if you don't.
Parker Thompson
Lesbian, just like the Overwatch character that made her so famous.
James Myers
Because you fucked yourself... there's nothing left for real men. Have fun fucking niggers and pickers bitch.
Liam Adams
>Shes basically an idol so if she got a standard issue chad her following would implode.
Possibly implode. But then remember that beta orbiters are always circling to comfort her when her alpha dumps her, enabling her to play damsel and pretend she has no agency, even though she knew perfectly well why she gets the vag tingles in going out with the alpha in the first place.
as usual, she then rinses and repeats with the victimhood endlessly for cash, prizes and narcissistic supply/attention.
Nathaniel Nelson
1 post by this retard
Jordan Lewis
Soe is fucking hot. That is all.
Juan Harris
This guy gets it.
Gavin Perez
Do you prep her bull for her too? Also, she's fucking her boss and co-workers. Joke's on you, "man".
Gabriel Ramirez
stop posting this slut, she looks like my mum and it fucking creeps me out
Blake Bailey
she does look a bit minf mum i'd not fuck.
Alexander Johnson
Post pics of that milf right now
Jayden Scott
oi, I'd fuck your mum.
James James
1/8th is fucking nothing. Your kids will even be able to get uni gibs.
Camden Clark
William Parker
>Gschwind-Penski >obviously raised in a liberal household with her father being too much of a cuck to make her mother take his name
Gee, I wonder.
Brayden Edwards
Jokes on you she was raised as an orphan.
Gavin Peterson
Why didn't she just kill herself?
Jason Morales
Dump that old mutt roastie and find a young white woman instead.
Nathaniel Sanchez
Amazing. That means our options are now:
1. Raised in a liberal household by cucks who are similar to the ones outlined above, but in addition cucked enough to raise other peoples children. 2. Raised by the fucking government.
Sure seems like a real braintwister that one.
Angel Ward
The 1/4 isn't Maori. Maoris are so ugly
Dylan Allen
>Doing all the things she wants because she doesn't have a kid
Jewish lies. There's literally nothing worth doing after your 20's without kids.
I mean how long does it really take to go "see the world"? Not that fucking long.
Oliver Fisher
>30 years old >No husband >No kids >Trashy tattoos >Lesbo haircut >5 miles of dick >No domestic skills
This is literally the opposite of making it.
Angel Davis
>What is the reason behind millenial women having a great career but uninterested in having any children or be involved in a relationship?
Media tells them this is the cool thing to do.
So they do it.
Women are sheep.
Oliver Peterson
>It's yet another "why do millenials" thread You make these threads every fucking day and get the same answers Sage
Josiah Sanders
God hates her and wants her genes to be purged from mankind.
Carson Gonzalez
whats wrong with her face?
Owen Sanchez
she is already too old. the kinda guy she wants will not look in her direction
Chase Evans
Oh they will marry. First their cats and then lots of ice cream.
Matthew Cox
She's Swiss.
Camden Gray
If it was a guy, I'd say it's excess estrogen causing him to store fat/water in his cheeks.
Adrian Mitchell
$1,014 a month on her Patreon, what the fuck?
Brayden Peterson
This is Soe Gschwind-Penski your typical millennial woman who will be 30 years old next year. At 18, she found that she was suddenly treated like God's gift to the world. Everyone laughed at her jokes and followed her social media feeds. People hung on her every word, doors were held, drinks bought, and space was made for her.
But then, as she entered her late 20's, things started to change... Her youth began to fade and with it went the attention, the social priority, the sense of value. Desperately, she clung to what remained, resenting younger women and the men whose glances, little by little, stopped falling upon her. Like many women of her generation she had no boyfriend and was childless. So she doubled down and tried to maintain the carefree party that is being a 20-something girl in a big city.
But she's 30 now. And the drinks and the nights out aren't quite as exciting as they once were, so she nods off early. One by one, her BFFs got off the subway, so now she rides alone. Her tinder date never showed up, so she just got a pizza to share with herself, and like her gradually fading youth, it's slowly slipping away. While it hasn't quite touched the floor yet; still separated by some wax paper, an onlooker is forced to ask: "Is any of this actually worth saving?"
Michael Wright
Same. I've become a gigolo of sorts, bouncing from successful girl to successful girl. I'm kind of a lazy shit with no aspirations. Feels bad a little and I try to justify it by thinking I'm reversing the game on these ball busting bitches
Owen Kelly
dreamhack is dead
Jacob Jackson
Breaking news, women do not know what is good for them and what is in their best interest.
There's a study called The Paradox of declining female happiness, which is a meta study of self reported happiness by women from about 1940 onwards.
It shows that while women gain independence, as they gain freedoms, the ability to vote, become educated, enter the work place, etc. Their happiness steadily declines, because all the deeply fulfilling things in life are things like having a family and raising children, they get put off.
I can't help but feel that females view men and our independence as something inherently desirable in off itself. What they don't seem to get in the main, is that jobs, careers and the high stress, competitiveness and responsibility that come with it, are means to an end, the end is providing for a family and that's where you get the fullfilment.
The family unit is fucked anyway, I understand all this shit about what makes people satisfied and fulfilled, yet I'm a MGTOW anyway, because women have let government fuck with the family unit so much that it's a death sentence for men.
The best way to fix this mess is let the millennial generation crash and burn and then nurture what survives, that means a lot of cat ladies, a lot of men going their own way until it all self corrects.
Easton Ramirez
The Jews are smart. They taught our young women that all advances from men is wrong and borderline rape. Men can't talk to women any more. People only meet on the internet now which leads to the top 10% best looking men getting all the women. No real relationships, Chads just juggle 10 "girl friends" at the time.
Brody Morgan
>What is the reason behind millenial women having a great career
Most don't even have that. She's hardly typical of her generation
Cameron Howard
>While it hasn't quite touched the floor yet; still separated by some wax paper, an onlooker is forced to ask: "Is any of this actually worth saving?" Holy shit that is fucking great.
Lucas Parker
>millenial women having a great
What? This is the poorest generation since Baby Boomers.
Juan King
>great career
Carson Powell
she looks like an asshole. she might be hyperfeminist, bossy and unpleasant to be around with. probably addicted to alcohol and nicotine too and she fell for that inked skin jew. I'm thoroughly disgusted.
Jaxon Gonzalez
>She must be unhappy because Sup Forums says so
Maybe some people are happy not caring about the same stuff you care about? She has enough money to live the rest of her life comfortably without a care in the world if she so desires. Maybe she doesn't see the point of having kids or thinks she can pull off having kids somewhere around mid 30s. I know you autists live under the delusion that after 30 it's impossible to have children but that's because you're drumpfies. If you take care of your body you can have kids easily up until you're 40. I know this is a big news in America where you're supposed to have 5 heart attacks by the time you're 25 but she's European so there's that. Anyway the reason is because people are selfish that's all.
Lincoln Ortiz
>until it all self corrects. It never will due to behavioural sink effect (see crohn rat experiments), from here on in it's chaos until collapse.
Michael Gonzalez
Hudson Allen
>2k17 >having children
Joshua Kelly
Carter Robinson
I went on Tinder recently and so far it has been hilarious
>haha i'm a strong independent woman with wonderlust and a great HR career >here all the photos from my totally awesome wanderlust travels that i totally would remember even without these photos because i'm totally not a low empathy, low info bimbo >look at my tired E-classe my oligarch/gangster boyfriend gave me when i was 21 and i spent 40% of my very high paycheck to mantain! >other than that i have no assets because i actually took a mortgage out on a $30k/year paycheck and spend the rest on my rapidly fading high maintenance looks >SERIOUS RELATIONSHIPS ONLY I'M 29 YEARS OLD
pic related
Jaxon Foster
thought this was a trap thread at first
she's ugly for a woman but would make a qt trap
Colton White
i can tell you why she's not married
she's fucking disgusting, she's literally not cute at all, she has low quality degenerate tattoos, tom boy haircut for a 14 year old, and her skin is getting worse and worse with every picture you post. what man would WANT to marry this 'woman' besides a handful of neck beards from /r9k/
Lincoln Stewart
What. Nooo... DELET
Christopher Ramirez
finally some fucking clarity, but traps are gay btw
Christopher Brown
who wouldn't want to marry this ?
Jonathan Perry
i've always suspected women who ruin their bodies and feminine look of having been sexual abused.
Alexander Flores
>Anyway the reason is because people are selfish that's all.
Well at least you got one sentence right.
It's interesting how you think selfishness is a virtue.
Daniel Roberts
I am aware of the mouse utopia experiements. The difference is in that decline the issue was over population. For us the problem is value systems that influence and guide behaviour, this is something mice/rats do not have.
If there's an influence which prevents people from passing on their genes they also cannot pass on the values that lead to them being childless, which in this case tends to be taught from mother to daughter.
The same effect is why traditionalism has been around forever in one form or another, you can cull traditionalist religious families almost completely from the population, but if their values passed down can survive when all around them are failing, then it will always come back.
I think we'll see a wave of traditionalism at some point, it's all just part of the pendulum of the sociopolitical landscape.
Caleb James
>great career She's just a pretty face, her actual content is pretty bad from what I've seen.
Eli Richardson
Are you sure?
Jackson Russell
Lack of trust due to social media. Its not just women millennial men are just as bad.
Luke Wood
They don't want to spend their lives wiping the puke from your babyspawn off them and bleaching the shit stains from your drawers.
Benjamin Martin
Thank you for posting her name for once instead of just the why do millennial x formula. All these threads are cancer though
Hudson Myers
Why do you guys always post variations of that one trademarked posed look? She clearly spent ages in front of a mirror perfecting it, and that's fine.
But there have to be other photos worth looking at.
Justin Rogers
Because everyone sees themselves as the analog of an 18th century aristocrat making a Grand Tour of the Continent, even though they're just taking selfies in front of the Eiffel Tower like every other millennial
Jose Peterson
Lot of bitter single female voters there
Feminism/SJWs = single women
Politics will deteriorate further
James Martin
this is rage inducing af
women were a mistake
Brody Moore
Hello. I draw, paint, make mutant sculptures and have a short haircut. Give me money and someday I might become a titty streamer.
Jonathan Nguyen
I never said it's a virtue. I'm just saying it's not necessarily associated with happiness
Mason Nelson
>tattoo Every millennial woman I've seen inks her body. That shit is so unnatractive, it's like smoking, a deal breaker.