The elders

>the elders

What did he meant by that?

Other urls found in this thread:

Gay Jew pedophiles

Don't ask so many questions, nosy goy


proud boys is really just gavin's version of knights of columbus/masons shit.

the elders of the synagogue


Schlomo and friends

Gavin raised his alt-light army

hopefully Michael Malice can start working on an AnCap physical removal force. call it the Kakishibu Squad or something

I was in the group.

It doesnt mean anything. "The elders" is just his bullshit way of saying 'mods'.

And trust me, they're faggots. I know them.

Isnt there the leaked audio where gavin names the jew and shit talks ben shaprio?


>they're fags

I can see that being the case. Gavin seems to think he's pretty cool. Or "punk rock" as he would put it.

Why the fuck would you be with these faggots? And don't give me some "I was young and didn't know" bullshit. This group is like a year old.

>coming at a time when we need to distance ourselves from them


What's coming up? Are they gonna false flag them? Are they going to sweep them up because they've started to get out of hand?

This faggot needs his shit hacked into.
What the fuck are they up to?
Find the elders and expose them here.

>Proud Boys mods are faggots

At least they're keeping the tradition alive.

Because it was full of all people from the right wing at first, and everything went to shit after the 'nazis' got kicked out. It was a massive witchhunt.

The ideals were what i agreed with, then it disintegrated into degeneracy, cucking to blacks to make them feel comfortable and faggot mods abusing their power over a fucking facebook group, the values were completely lost within the year.

Not to mention Gavins bullshit way of controlling things.

Not him, but there aren't many options in Ausfailia.

You can go with Golden Dawn, but they're all wogs and speak Greek.

You can go with Sydney Trads, but they're all Patrick Bateman wannabes.

You can go with any number of "Patriot" movements, but you're confined to hanging out with the equivalent of your Klan, and go on "The List" for the Feds to raid whenever they're feeling bored.

No Identitarian types here.

Groups like Combat 18 or whatever has replaced them are just edgy drug addicts and thieves.

>paragons of the alt right

>L I T E R A L L Y jews
>telling stories of elders, fairy tales
>appeals to autistic groups like "proudboys" to get more money
>entire fan base is just autists and losers who dont care about politics and are just in it because of the sense of community and faux friendship
>fake community and friendships created by Jews who then exploit it

Did I mention they were Jews?

He can't name them outright. I respect his attempts to hint.

You did, but you didn't have to. It's like asking if the Kosher Hotel in Yom Kippur have Jewish guests.

That would be awesome.

Unite the Right? What is that?

Ah, thanks google

We're the Proud Boys! Don't talk about race!


One of you take one for the team and put a bullet in Ezra's jew skull. I disavow that comment NSA.