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>Early whites thought that the local aboriginals were a primitive race.
Proof that IQ is real.

And pure blood abos are sub 60 IQ and fail to use any whitey inventions

Did the early Aussies slaughter their savages, or are they the only ones to manage to get along with them? They were criminals so I assume there was the routine slaughter. White people do have a habit of genociding less advanced people and taking their land and resources.



>implying that a bunch of criminals were the best that the white race had to offer at that time.

>IQ concept in outdated

For a perfect example, look at the "educated" libfags in universities.

>Yet explorers in the outback died surrounded by food and water


Pic related. That's what white people did to the outback with their I.Q.'s

Aboriginals spent 40,000 years chasing water up and down a desert, while white people turned it into an Oasis within a generation.

Humans can't digest tree leaves. Abos can.

Standard PC psychology textbooks beg to differ.

>not primitive
>high IQ because they adapted to the environment they lived in for millenia
Here we go again

This confuses IQ with knowledge. You go to school to gain knowledge. No intervention, no matter how intensive, has yet managed to create sustainable increases in IQ.
Look up head start and its failures -

They will tell you we did, but it was mostly tit for tat violence. They would attack and steal, we'd attack back. Barely anyone got killed.

Except Tasmania. But that's a different story.

>Explorers in the outback died surrounded by food and water.


>IQ is outdated because apparently knowledge of the place matters more
>fuck technology, thriving and shit, it's outdated lol

Didn't abos also pretty much created those deserts? I've heard theit traditional method of hunting was to set a forest on fire to draw animals out.

Holy shit, by this logic, cockroaches and rats are cofirmed to be man's intellectual equals because they can survive in various invironments.

the early british settlers killed off the aboriginals nearly to the point of extinction mate

>It's another blogger completely misinterprets the concept of IQ episode

>white explorers can't survive in the Australian wilderness

And this fucker just does it for fun, the people of the time lived and breathed this stuff.
Mind you, they managed to cross HALF THE FUCKING WORLD on a fucking wooden sail ship, a journey that took countless months just to get there, and now that they were on the safety of land they couldn't survive? Get the hell outta here with that shit.

Ahh, the British, always up to kill brown people.

This true?

>Making it all about brown people

Name one race that has not felt the steel of the eternal Anglo

And how long did it take whitey to gain the technology to do that?

>experience and knowledge

Didn't Africans have a head start?

Lol, you can't seriously say that. Abos were literally animals legally up until like 40 years ago, they had the same legal protection as a fucking plant or a kangaroo

That has nothing to do with IQ.

Education, in its current form, maybe.

Why do people repeat this complete bullshit?

Yeah most crazy shit you read about abos is true. Shit cracks me up. Share some abo tales, aussies

John Oliver probably told them

This guy has thousands of years of survival knowledge that people didn't have access to 300 years ago

What do you respond with when people start going
>muh flynn effect
>muh IQ-tests designed for the generation

They sat on that desert rock for thousands of years and by the time the British came with their ships they were using to expand their empire, the abos didn't even invent the wheel yet. They sat there with their inbred tribes doing FUCKING NOTHING.

Even still today, abos have lower IQs than African blacks. What a shitty example to attempt to prove IQs as useless.

These are the kind of statements you make when you haven't even read a single book on genetics and IQ. You are a real faggot OP for even posting this here.

IQ tests are designed so that anybody from any continent, language, or culture can take them and it wont be disadvantaged for them. The reason why races test because of IQ.

Redditfaggot doesn't understand what IQ is, yet talks as if he does.

Most importantly, survival has nothing to do with IQ. Abos can be dumb as rocks (most of them are) and still live in the outback. Pity the modern world doesn't function like that.

New Zealand women...strangely turn me on....