The US should invade the soon-to-be Islamized European countries that hold nukes

Alright guys. Let's just be honest. The worst case scenario is possible. Europe fails in removing the Muslim horde. They fall to the muslims and now the Nukes within certain european countries belong to them. Now THAT is the worst case scenario. You do not want these people to gain weapons this destructive.

This is why I think that even if east Europe holds out and doesn't accept any muslims in, they'll still get fucked. With the threat of nuclear ass fucking, they might just throw in the towel and let themselves get conquered as well.

See where this just goes? It's bad all around. We've got problems with one antagonistic country with nukes(North Korea), why should we accept more antagonistic countries with nukes?

This is why I think, America needs to just invade western europe before the worst case scenario. We can't trust the western Euros to uncuck themselves. They don't even have any fucking weapons. What happens if they try to do something but it's too late?

Well fuck me, I think it's stupid to just try to wait for something to happen.

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This is a very real fear for me also.

Bravo! You've just discovered hot water.

Just to play devils advocate, why d'you think Pakistan hasn't gone full snackbar with its nukes?

post one-month-ban test.

They know it would be suicide. Even pakis aren't that retarded.

yeah cool :D

fucking CTR mods

they have to save them for india.
the french nukes, on the other hand, would be perfect to use against western targets.

you will soon be a cartel with nukes yourself bud

*gives 300 billion in Arms to Saudi Arabia*
*pushes radical Islam against all secular governments of the Middle East and North Africa*
*kills Gadaffi, so ISIS can take over Libya, and opens the floodgates to Europe*
*houses six gorillion Jews which support flooding Europe with mudslime and dindus*
*is a retarded, gullible amerifat*

Fuck you, burger! Fuck. You.

America is a soon-to-be brown Brazil-tier shithole with nukes. Maybe we should fix ourselves before somebody else. I mean Europe still has time to uncuck themselves but we are pretty niches fuck because "LE nation of immigrants XD" meme

I was thinking about this shit for a long time.

yes america, please send help asap!

better an ami-colony than euro-sharia!

So why d'you think Islamic France/UK would use their nukes but Pakistan wouldn't?

Invade them and what? You're basically saying no we're going to invade, which would already be a wtf level event for the world but your reasoning is to forcibly remove and/or exterminate a certain population. Yeah good luck with that.

because pakistan has to save their nukes for india.
islamic france doesn't have that to worry about since germany and the uk will also be under the caliphate.
plus, pakistan is a relatively stable country and won't be undergoing a civil war in the future.
in the upcoming european civil wars there's no telling which faction will get their hands on the nukes. a group of jihadi rebels who don't give a shit about the future would be far more inclined to pop off some nukes than the government of pakistan that would have to worry about losing their control of the country.

tl;dr the government of pakistan has a lot more to lose than a bunch of jihadi rebels who want their 72 virgins.

What countries besides our own bases that'll have em out in time?

Just France and Britain right?

Don't all those cunts have merricans stationed in them?
They just need to leave the barrack and catch a metro to the parliament and the cunt is occupied

Even when America is rapidly approaching sub 50% white status they still think of ways to help out Israel and kill other Europeans. Truly the best goys.

Nope, Kimmy forced us to develop a proper miss defense grid that could fuck nuje payloads. We're safe

Nice fantasy there cuck

Arrest Macron and disarm France - they have too many nukes. Macron wants to nuke Poland.

>The US invading Europe
lmao you and who else? good luck dying

enjoy getting attacked in your backdoor by russia

you can't do shit, never can do shit, and will never ever achieve what America was back in the day

As bad as it is in Europe, and it wont be pretty, we're probably going to come out of the immigration bullshit (which is mostly enabled by the US destroying sovereign states to begin with...) than you with your Hart-Celler act.

Civic nationalism is baked very, very deeply into the American mindset, plus most of your alternative media and activist groups have a ton of Jews in them which will oppose any of the real changes that are needed (changes to banking, globalism, return to ethno-nationalism). Not so with the resistance forming in Europe.

Invasion, then mass deportation. Having a genocide would look quite bad and would be a reason for the screeching leftists to bash Americans.
Then a possible 1776 for Europe, so that they all have guns, and then you end up with an armed Europe that could resist the muslim hordes independently.
Only then can Europe reignite the Crusades.

The US should stop supporting every jihadist on the planet with weapons and funds.

>Le based Trump funding Saudi Arabia