Canadians Regularly Refuse Non-White Doctors

Why did she do this? Is there hope for Canada yet?

can confirm have done this myself.

Not if the leftist elite use this against the population.

Were you arrested for racism?

why though, are the minority doctors more retarded than normal? Indian doctors in the USA are sometimes better than white doctors imo

yo dem niggas in bein racist af y tho?

I only trust Asian and White doctors

I would imagine Canaderp has diversity quota requirements that force hospitals to hire incompetent doctors just because they're nonwhites.

Here in the US (or atleast with my insurance plan) you get to pick your doctor and change it at your will.

I have an jap doctor, dude is awesome

>go to indian doctor
>get e coli from all the poo

This won't matter if you can't understand the instructions they're giving you......

They are responsible for the vast majority of medical mistakes, bungles and issues. You are infinitely more likely to die being operated on by a doctor that isn't white.

I always claim I'm jewish and demand a jewish doctor. They can't say shit to that.

Hahaha from now on they can add me to the number of canadians who only want a white doctor. I'd take a Polish one as well, lots of Poles around these parts

>Had brown doctor
>Appointment would be about 2 minutes long
Doctor wouldn't listen to you, just tell you to come back in a month
>Repeat forever

Changed doctors and the doctor actually started to listen to me, a lot of Ontario doctors just cram as many patients into a day as they can.


Anything owned or regulated by the government here is pozzed with diversity quotas

How are you gonna expect him to do anything when HE HIMSELF is the disease???

I'd rather live desu

Lmao I had an appointment for skin biopsy on my back on Tuesday and when I saw the last name Ngonge I immediately rescheduled

All I know is that I had a friend in Middle School who was originally from Bosnia, came to Canada after the war (where his dad's Bosnian medical license was honored somehow), came here to Ohio (where his dad's license was NOT honored and he couldn't pass the board), and then moved back to Canada.

So, based on my one-person sample, seems like Canada may make it easier for people who "trained" abroad to get into practice. I am sure they see it as a net gain to fill their services with more doctors.


I went to a GI doctor because I couldnt stop shitting pure diahhrea every day. The foreigner they sent me to, I couldn't understand a word he said, he failed to perform any tests of value, simply told me to lay down, took my blood pressure, and then diagnosed me with IBS for no reason. They are fucking retarded. I went and told my family doctor (who is white) exactly what happened and he just wrote something down on his pad and never talked about it again and then scheduled me for a colonoscopy and a few other tests. Both doctors failed to help me, but one of them at least tried.

>get flu shot from paki
>she shoots it into into my rotor cuff and it takes 2 surgeries to fix my joint

I'm not even meme'ing, that you should never receive treatment by doctors educated in the third world.

Their educations are not worth shit and even bars you from practicing medicine in actual civilized countries (I.E. not North America).

I havent been to the doctor in years but growing up our small town had like 5 south african white doctors.

fundament of healthcare is based on principle of trust, if patient have low confidence in medical team, then there is no point even go there

might as well go to a blacksmith to fix my teeth

whatever reason this low confidence comes from, never blame a patient for it

>caring about whether your doctor is white or not

The best doctor I ever had was non-white (Slav) and had his medical training in Bulgaria. This is a fucking non-news bullshit and whoever is pushing this story needs to get fucked in the ass.

Dude holy shit I'm gonna start requesting white male doctors. This African fuck who I barely could understand prescribed me the highest dose possible of an anti biotics that almost killed me.

Use to work as a nurse, can confirm that a majority of doctors come from outside of canada, and complete their final 4 years of a doctorate here. We offer a steady high paying governement job for doctors in hospitals, it's so dumb.

Afirmative action bullshit means minoritys get degrees for being brown. Makes it so you're more likely to get a horse doctor among minoritys, and consider that a doctor fuck up could kill you or perma fuck you up for life there are many who play it safe

Brown teeth is a legitimate concern, you don't want that catching into your insides

No, I never made a scene I just went through the process to get a new GP/specialist. I didn't walk out of any appointments or anything like a fucking sperg.

1 from africa gave me a sob story about walking 10 miles to school everyday trying to guilt me into going back to school. Indian lady lectured me first appointment, they also misdiagnosed a family members sleep apnea as a "bad diet". It was never about them being non-white just a coincidence.

I have seen only one non-white doctor, he was from Pakistan.

I have some weird inner ear issue where air pressure changes and loud or bassy noises cause my inner ear to feel like it shakes and I completely lose control of my upper body for the duration of the sound. My shoulders shake and my spine stiffens. It's not painful but uncomfortable and dangerous while driving.

Doctor put some small little bell things by my ear, told me "There is nothing wrong, it is all in your head". ENT charged me $1200 for the visit where he didn't do anything.

So much for having better healthcare than the US.

>tfw father had nonwhite doctor
>said his liver was failing
>all concerned for his liver
>worried he'd need a bag on him for the rest of his life
>go to white doctor
>uh... his liver is fine? Its his heart.

Stupid bitch. Fuck non white doctors.

Certain Caribbean nations are extremely lax in who they let onto medical courses, to the point where if you can pay for it you get on and pass an examination that anyone white could. The standards are low but there's loads of money sloshing around, so the equipment and training is good. Very popular with people who failed the UK entrance, or bodged the UK course in the middle.

The worst are from MENA, Africa proper and Southern Asia. They can barely speak English and you can guarantee when someone fucks something up they're from one of those places.



Oh, how tragic. They must be racist or something.

I've noticed that there's one running theme among shitskins allowing to practice their oogah boogah shit in a professional setting: THEY'RE ALL IN CANADA!

You're fucking shit, my man. The mere notion that some brown cunt fresh off the boat can actually be a doctor in Canada is nothing short of insanity.

If a person can't even take care of their teeth then they shouldn't take care of people.

No fat doctors either.

>Still from Europe
>Obvious discussion is about actual shit skins

Get fucked kike.

My Grand-Grandmother did this with a female negro once.
The negro was so pissed at her she began shouting at us that we should have made her learn she wasn't in 1940 anymore before coming to the hospital.
0/10, never again will I trust a disrespectful negro with my healthcare again.
And yes, charges were pressed, but dismissed.

My great grandfather used to look for the black doctor in the 60s & 70s. He figured for the guy to make it he'd have to be ten times the other doctors. Starting in the 80s with diversity hires, he dropped that shit. Lived to be 97.

Because they don't want to die
>go to have softball sized abcess drained
>some nigger from ghana is my dr at the ER
>didn't even wash his hands before cutting on me
B-but at least he had a funny accent, right?

>Afirmative action bullshit means minoritys get degrees for being brown
that only applies to blacks, hispanics, and native americans. asians have it worse than whites, and foreign asian even worse.

>The mere notion that some brown cunt fresh off the boat can actually be a doctor in Canada is nothing short of insanity.

Same here, in Ireland, in many parts of the USA, vast swathes of Europe and anywhere else really.

I supervised a PhD candidate from Lebanon. Great guy, very capable, but simply did not have the level of knowledge required. He'd studied in Damascus and at the University of Jordan. He quickly came up to speed, but that was after a lot of studying and effort on his part that should have been required throughout his Master's degree. Whilst he lived in the UK he informed me that standards were so low in MENA that it was essentially an attendance only course, with whatever deemed "fashionable" for that year getting the various children of the Arab elite.

That's before you get to the ones that have fake degrees.

This isn't anything new. Last time I saw a news article on a similar subject they complied to the patient's request and didn't complain in a press conference. It was because a female patient refused to be treated by a male doctor. Her decision had a religious motivation and I'll let you guess what religion it was.

It depends on province. There are never enough physicians and definitely not enough specialists (wait list for allergist is 6-8 months, cancer treatments can be months or years away) so they'll take as many as the budget allows. Liberals also gutted the budget over the last decade and anyone can walk over the border and use emergency services anyway.

Yeah because your fucking medical degrees are crap, and you don't speak English.

You're also probably a superstitious retard who gives bad medical advice because you're from a third world literal shit hole.

Of course this is going to be played off as though the mud people dindu nuffin, but the reality is, this is what multiculturalism does. Niggers hated it when white colonialists showed up and tried to civilize them, likewise white civilized people today don't want to be taken backwards by reverse colonialism.

And why the fuck do they care? I'm the patient, I'm not doing anything I'm not comfortable with. My body, my choice!

>I'll take : "what are quotas?" For 200

It would be racist to suggest he, a doctor, wash his hands, dontchaknow?

top kek I'll keep this in mind

>operated on by a poo in the loo doctor
>die from sepsis

Quit lying cunt. I work in the medical field and have to deal with foreign doctors all the fucking time. Most of them can barely speak half decent english, and God forbid you ask them to repeat themselves so you can get clarity on verbal orders so you don't accidentally kill a patient. These fuckers have either got a medical degree from some 3rd world hellhole which is equivalent to an associate's degree here due to the standards of education being so low there, or they've come here on student visas and taken opportunities that should've gone to Americans. Fuck these foreign cunts, go back to India and China and practise your fucking witchcraft there.

>Yeah because your fucking medical degrees are crap

A friend of a friend kicked off at me for pointing this out. I asked him if he would want someone from the worst university in the UK practicing medicine (if they offered it as a course) on him. He replied that he didn't, so I asked him why he was fine with someone from a university many times worse than that doing the same.

Lots of screeching and squealing but no real answer. Same with their own kids, they'd never let them go to a non Russell Group university and laugh at people who do - but apparently we should take more minorities who went to those places as graduate students.

>affirmative actions
>normies cannot make free choices in a free market because lack of information
>non-white doctors, please

Libtards get btfo again. You cannot force human nature and you cannot control market preferences or eliminate biased opinions if you hamper a free system of education and work based upon personal merit and personal ability and replace it with a gender and racial shit. This is economics/psychology/history 1.0 but I guess cucknadian intelectualls dont know shit about anything but libtard rethorics and TrudeauĀ“s faggotry.

Cognitive dissonance is a hell of a drug.

It's ironic how in their attempts to bring equity, they make things equal, lower quality, and worse for everyone including all the freeloading mud people.

language barrier and for some odd reasons in their former country they cannot pass the test but here they can. imagine getting fixed by a person who talk like apoo from the simpson.

I wonder why.

Less equal.

>muds get into the system
>make it easier for more muds to get into the system

It's the McCarthy era all over again, with commie spies getting into the US government, making it easier for more commie spies to slip through.

Sounds like a smart man.

haha what the fugg?

Luckily here in Ausfaglia, it's mainly White, and 2nd generation Asian Doctors, and shitloads of white nurses.

Major problem here though is our Public Hospital system is way too fucking overstretched, hence why mistakes happen.

Spent a bit of time in and out of hospitals over a several year period due to cancer - and mistakes did happen, but in the end, it wasn't that bad for me.

Plus I had shitloads of fun annoying the staff by non-intentionally doing the complete opposite of what they would say would happen to me. Plus some of the nurses were hot as fuck.

Got some pretty funny stories out of it all at the end of the day.

Best doctor I ever had was an old Chinese guy. He knew what was wrong with you before you even began explaining the problem.

Miss you doc Leung. You were alright, for a chinaman.

And yet they keep voting for more non white doctors and firemen.

You mean the CBC?

patient rights. sorry.

>gluing your vagina shut during your period

Did a mudperson come up with this retardation?

No, a sick evil MAN did.

Too bad, go back to Pooland nigger asian.

They only embrace diversity if there's no direct and immediate risk to themselves.

I don't know about how stringent licensing in Canada/UK is, but in the US foreign grads need to pass the board like everyone else. I think the biggest issue is they are poor at communicating which is paramount for patients as it is the only metric they can really evaluate their healthcare provider by.

The other point is very valid that foreign doctors are much more obsessed with money, try to see as many patients as possible, and cut visits short.

Actually it's the opposite for all Asians. They are over represented in all levels of higher education and need higher testing scores and GPAs compared to nogs and spics. These schools get pressured by special interest groups to manipulate their demographics to obscure obvious racial differences.

Even leafs drop the political correctness when it comes to their health. kek

They aren't even doctors. They're fucking PooLanders with fake degrees in medicine.

>Rub some poo on it and take to aspirin

One of the most common prescriptions from Poolanders.

They are tribal user, they see white patients as "things" and patients of their race as "people to be cared for". An indian doctor would pick to operate on an indian with a stomach virus over a white person dying of cancer..

Far east Asian (China/Japan) and whites make good doctors. No diversity quotes for them, so they are actually competent.

THere is the same issue in France with arab and romanian doctors, they often have a weaker formation when they didn't straight up bought their degree.

nothing says quality like a dumb swarthy peasant who can't speak the language mumble about random bullshit hurr durr im doctor now fucking niggers only white males can be doctors fuck only white males can be civilized fucking apes

Freedome of association

>trusting chinese degrees

Something like 3% of practicing physicians in China have legitimate degrees. The statistics are almost the same for commercial airline pilots.

The future is looking grim honestly. There will probably be 0 white doctors anywhere in a few decades.

Non-white doctors are always so autistic and they don't listen, because most of them are first generation immigrants. They are as useful as WebMD.

A couple weeks ago I got a canker sore right on my tonsil which was insanely painful. Far worse than any tonsillitis I've ever had. I went to the ER to get it burned off with a silver nitrate pen, which is what you're supposed to do with canker sores that get large.

Basically, the non-white doctor didn't understand why to burn it off and then just told me I had strep throat instead. I was so confused. Waited 2 hours in emergency to be told I had something I didn't have.

Went to another ER at a better hospital later that night, and I got a white doctor and he burned it off. White doctors actually understand the importance of socializing with the patient.

>went to a restaurant
>asked for a burger and fries
>Sorry we're out of stock thatll be 14.95 Plus tip

why do clinics do this ?

It's hard to understand their thick accents

>lets import brown doctors in stead of training Canadians to be doctors.
My government is total garbage.

I know a story where a white guy went in for pre-surgery meeting with a Indian or Arab female doctor. She was rude to him, insulting him, so he told her to fuck off and he didn't want her to perform the surgery, so he got a white Russian instead.

not in canada

I've been told by elderly patients, who can be very hard of hearing, that they sometimes can't understand a single word that certain doctors/nurses are saying. They are fine with understanding english when it's spoken relatively loudly and clearly, but have no hope of understanding a fast-speaking person who has a strong accent or a soft voice. If people with perfect hearing (and who are used to accents) have difficulty understanding such a doctor, a person who is elderly and hard of hearing will not understand a single word. Not to mention that medical language spoken in perfect english can be difficult enough by itself.

The patient might nod and smile and pretend to understand what is being said, because they think it's the polite thing to do, but it can very easily lead to dangerous situations.

And that's before you even consider the standard of their training and qualifications.

People do the opposite.
Choice is a big part of freedom, that includes the choice to reject a doctor.

War is heartbreaking, yet it will still happen.
So may be this, but it will happen regardless.

>Indian doctors better
Nigga I'd rather have a black or Mexican doctor before an Indian one

i walk out on non-white doctors all the time not because theyre not white, but because they don't fucking listen to you
for example i get chronic ear infections (probably had 30-50 in my life, plus two ear surgeries) and non-white doctors always try to tell me amoxicillin, which i tell them won't cure my ear infection (it never has) and they say "it will just take it and come back in a month if its not gone"
>fuck you nigger, ill go see a real doctor instead

always try to prescribe me amoxicillin*

Title should read "patients rejecting doctors who can't speak fluent english" that would be more honest.

Oh wait

Nvm lol

the only pc people we really have are GTA liberals and fucking Trudeau, and the only reason they havent cannibalized him yet is because they dont realize hes all show (check our immigration policies kek). Also fuck these damn Indian doctors, my mother in law had fucking constricted/collapsed veins in her legs and they just kept giving her meds without doing a proper check up but as soon as we switch doctors he had that shit examined and taken care of, she lived with constant pain for years because some fucking pajeet was too lazy to do a fucking exam

Can say i have done this too. Not because of race but merely because of the coincidence that imported doctors from the congo dont seem to be as effective as those trained in North America.

So basically, this is bullshit.

They took one case and are now pushing a narrative, end goal is to push through a new law forbidding anyone from having any choice at all.

And they wonder why our healthcare is so pricey, how many useless prescriptions do these idiots fill?