Defend this

Defend this

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We invaded Iraq to build hospitals and schools.

Im pretty sure at least 95% of Sup Forums is against the Iraq war.

There's no way that's correct

>probably a thousand, maybe 2
>children starve because their sandnigger parents are too stupid/lazy/jihadi to feed them

I accept no blame for some dumb sandnigger baby starving because her dumb sandnigger mother is too busy being raped by her dumb sandnigger father to feed her

>animals die
oh boo hoo

(((Madeline Albright))) will

Before /pol there was Dr. William Luther Pierce, a white nationalist more outspoken against the Iraq war than anybody else at the time

Bullshit stats.

Not enough.

A good start.

It's always easier to spot bait threads when you see dumb Americans commenting.

tfw to smart to post in a bait thread.

White nationalists are against the Iraq war, so are libertarians and even some of the alt-right. We don't want them here in our countries, though. I literally can't defend the Iraq war.
>Tfw the eval rite wingers are more humanitarian than the neoliberal cucks

Iran said the same thing about sanctions on them


We should kill all migrants from Iraq and kill all armies that invaded them, because they invaded my country, women, jobs and i never done anything harmful to them. We had great relations in past with Iraq, but we didn't need migrants or mosques. Now we have migrants and mosques and have shitty relations with them and Iraq is shit.

I'm sure we could go higher if we try harder but I can't defend our laziness.

>Dr. William Luther Pierce

Sure, easy enough: I don't care, we die too, given the chance they'll wipe us out- Hell, wait a minute, they already are trying, thus I doubly don't give a fuck.
Its war. People die. Deal with it, it'll get a lot worse.

And like 75% of the US population. Millions of people marched in NYC before the (((government))) invaded. Media blackwalled it and everybody forgot. President didn't go to congress for approval... it was an illegal war. This is the society we live in. Media and government are one entity that serve the elite class and everybody else follows along with the massive, advanced thought control infrastructure

Don't you have to go stone some woman for showing her ankle?

Literally not the US's problem. They are free to trade with whomever they want.

This is how they inflate the number. Typical jew tactics.

Imagine all the children who wont grow up to be terrorists!

obama was black so he could do those kinds of things you racist swede

wonder why the righteous are so angry at the refugees. I doubt they wanted to move into a country that hates them. maybe they think the refugees should stay home and die so they won't inconvenience anyone else

>and sanctions

You fuckwit. Most migrants aren't even from countries in war. Most are young men who've been watching Hollywood porn since childhood, anxious to fuck the sluts they're sure all our women are. Many are religious zealots too, for whom the invasion has an added moral imperative.

1. no facts to argue from OP
2. you trust "UN estimates"?
3. why would any Sup Forums defend a 9/11 joo proxy war

How can I defend such low numbers, not money well spent efficiently.

Trade in human organs is flourishing

It just seems as pointless a war as 'Nam.

They where Muslims

I hate edgy teens on the internet


we're all trying to kill them, and you take them into mälmo... destroying your own country.


it was from 90s sanctions.

Muslims are literal subhumans, bomb themselves, bomb each other. Bring them to your country, they bomb you

No shit, NATO is cancer, Europe should leave

It's not like they wouldn't have just bombed themselves a few years later anyways. May as well just save resources and time and get it out of the way early.


Those goddamn sanctions have they no heart

No defence, we need better bombs

>save time and resources by using time and resources
get a job you fucking immigrant

I am white, employed and was born in this country you disgusting anti war piece of shit. I hope you get cucked by a serving member of the armed forces one day.

Bombing muslims is always a good use of resources and a great way to spend your time.

And now comes the part where you screech at me about Jews.

Finding out they lied us into the war with Iraq was my first redpill and I haven't trusted a word the MSM vomits out since. Seeing Albright glibly saying half a million dead children were worth it started my deep-seated mistrust of Democrat regimes (Republican neocons are at least honest in their war-mongering). I hate this. I hate the wars, the corporate sponsored invasions, the dead civilians, and our wasted blood and treasure of ourselves and our allies. I want us out of the Middle East for good. One of the reasons I voted against Hillary was because she was an unabashed war-monger. Trump gave good lip service against senseless wars in the ME and had for years, even before running for president.


You think I care about brown people? I don't even care about the few niggers that live in my town.

fucking northern cluck.

Not my responsibility.

>I am white, employed and was born in this country you disgusting anti war piece of shit
Was any of your family members a migrant? You a immigrant baby

Solving overpopulation low key

>implying modern Western women aren't sluts


No. Sup Forums is far right and far right people wanted the Iraq war.

>he wants to bomb mudshits so he must be an immigrant

Anti war retards are so weird.

No my family's been in Australia for generations we are white anglo with british heritage. Now fuck off you fucking spastic. You need to accept that some white people aren't actually spineless dickless pussies like you, and are very attracted to the idea of going to war just to fucking destroy mudshits and other lower races. I fucking hate all these "all wars and le jew war guis" idiots. War is something white men fucking perfected. Being a warrior is a noble and valued thing. Destroying your enemy and listening to the lamentations of their women, is the best thing in life mate.

Don't be a spineless pacifist anti war cuckold. It's the most pathetic thing a man can sink too. If you don't have a bloodlust and a thirst for adventure and danger, you are basically no different from a noodle armed numale cuck in my eyes. Remember, the British Empire didn't become the best fucking empire in the world with the top goddamn people on this planet (anglo)'s just by being a bunch of pacifist losers. We fucking masterd the art of imperialism and colonialism, which is basically just walking into other peoples countries, fucking it up and taking it for ourselves. It's the most alpha male thing you could ever do, and when a country is doing it, it's a nation full of alpha males. Don't be a pussy just waiting to get invades you cuck. Go out and do the invading.

I won't even read, was anyone in your family a dirty immigrant? Did anyone migrate? If so you're a nigger spawn of an immigrant.

What i like about """statistics""" is how they make this numbers, lol, its not 488 329, or 361 491, it should be 500 000. And this shit about "bombing and sanctions"...
Also historicaly its way better for country to be in USA sphere, even if its requires some losses of population.

Are you? Generally white men are able to read. I literally have the answer to your question in the second sentence to my post.

I actually am doubting your whiteness now. Are you the chink bastard who makes the aus/pol/ threads everyday?

You didn't answer shit. Let me ask you again hay any of your ancestors left their homeland for a better life like a dirty nigger?

I don't care
At all

is a shame that the victim of the bombings are children and women while the men are running away to other countries

could you imagine the outrage if assad said this?

assad has to respect everyones human rights while duterte can do whatever the fuck he wants.

Yes they did, because I'm not a subhuman abbo. My ancestors migrated from England and Scotland to Australia many generations ago. I am a filthy anglo saxon immigrant. I know, I know, I need to go back, it's the native noonga tribes land afterall.

it's a shame men from other countries are bombing women and children for a pay check

They would die anyway. Iraq is a warzone. No, seriously, if there weren't American intervention, or British intervention, or what have you, do you think there still wouldn't be militant islamic cells rampaging throughout the country?

Pretty sure most governments, including the Iraqi one, support Sharia Law anyway.

Casualties in any war are impossible to avoid

Them or us. Its the nature of man according to Thydititties.

It's not about native lands, it's about your ancestors being inbred useless fucks who moved to Australia to live on easy mode

Worth it to serve Israel's interests.

Makes me feel good knowing that there are 500000 less dune coons. That's like asking me to defend the killing of a billion cockroaches (not even the Turkish kind).

>easy mode

Australia was a barely habitable shithole when my ancestors got here mate.

The jewish neo-con centre-right wanted the Iraq War, not the far-right.

shouldn't have lived by terrorists.

Which is why Hillary Clinton and John Kerry supported the war. Before they were against it.

Who cares


gotta break a few eggs




It's indefensible. There are still millions of Iraqi children going unbombed.

Yes, but we also hate mudshits as much as we hate juden.

We oppose the war itself, but we value culling the 1.2 billion inbred heard. I don't mean white-arabs but semite-arabs.

White-arabs are our long-distant cousins from Alexander's times. They can stay. The semite-arab mudshits are the problem.

requesting that picture from afghanistan in the 70's where all you see is white skin.

Not my problem.

>requesting that picture from afghanistan in the 70's where all you see is white skin.
Found it. Fuck my autism

Sure thing, warm climate, plenty of resources, niggers of niggers armed with stick that come back. Shouldn't you as an employed immigrant be sleeping at 2am?



>it's warm so that means it easy being a sheep station rancher is bumfuck nowhere rural 19th century australia

Grade A retard. I really doubt you are white now. Must be a chinese immigrant yourself just jealous he isn't white like I am.

>should you be sleeping

I was then woke up early because gf's body is to warm in my bed and heater was also pointed at me. Couldn't get back to sleep.

Nigga you can't even speak English

Less shitskins is a good thing.

thinks it's all gonna be over there
only other ppl will die


You can't even read English.

you're to retarted

It's their parents fault. Fight like hell so assholes aren't around you, bombs won't fall near you. Ignoring terrorist assholes=stupid games. Play stupid games win stupid prizes

syria is only a minor piece of the puzzle
this is about pipelines and keeping iran and russia's gas outta europe so they stay poor and weak

>Defend this
Americans elected Trump because they didn't want this shit to continue with Hillary... best I can do.

Slide Thread
Nothing to see here

Fuck you, you dirty immigrant, the US should play world police by itself

>neocons who wanted the irag war
>far right

youre retarded

b but bin laden has been dead for 5 years

thanks, based hades

watch another $10,000,000,000,000 in debt appear under trump
