The American military is the most powerf-

>the American military is the most powerf-

>ul military.

America destroyed the Vietnamese, but the troops were forced by commanders to ONLY kill as many VCs as possible without doing anything strategic. So the US would take a stronghold, then leave it because leaders told them to. They just wanted Vietcong deaths, they didn't want to "win".


go back to 9gag

The USA achieved all it's military objectives in Viet Nam, and they destroyed the VC. However political tensions back home interrupted the war.

>superior numbers
Definitely not


this is an absolutely retarded argument to make. OF course there number of casualties will be bigger when all they have is AK and booby traps + a hidden tunnel system.
the americans just come in and napalmbomb everything and kill tons of innocents by way of that

look up their tunnel systems and some of their tactics of setting traps. 11% of US military casualties died by way of a primitive 'fall in the pit onto spikes' trap set by vietcongs

americans got BTFO and you kno it, pointless war to be in the first place

o and btw
many times those with higher death toll when they win the war
(i.e. soviets in ww2)

They were afraid communism would infect me

It is anyway but with globalization

eek I'm turning yellow!~

>8 countries vs 3
>army vs farmers
>we waz powerful military and sheit

>loose 1/4 The troops of your enemy
>government won't approve full military forces because they won't recognize it as an official war
>pack up and leave early
kill yourself you stupid retard

It was a political issue. We did not invade the North because of politics and hippies. And fucking ARVN were useless. The Koreans did more to help S. Vietnam than ARVN. If we had been allowed to invade the North, badda bing big ole ally right up China's hairy asian pussy.

>less casualties mean you win the war
>ameridumb logic

Admit it, even with advanced jet fighters, attack helicopters and napalm you got trashed by monkeys armed with AKs.

>what is the NVA

>Most powerful army in the world vs rice farmers
>Surprised when more rice farmers died

By this logic Germany never lost WW2 because all the Soviets they killed means they won right you retarded Amerifat?

It's like saying the Patriots were actually stronger than the British army and navy; it's simply not the case.

The truth is that the Charlies won because the hippies successfully wore down morale enough for us to withdraw. The US was pretty damn close to a decisive win, but a PR battle saved their bacon

>there are people who actually think like this
it's hard to know how to talk someone when they overtly admit to being 'tarded


>I don't have an argument so I'm just going to use the same insult you just used cuz I don't have any creativity either

Wow it's almost like fighting an insuegency never works!

Hell, that's how we gained independence. Hell it's how you Mexicans, with your sub rodent iq, managed to gain independence from Spain.

>18 year olds with no life experience are shipped off to a jungle with rifles supposed to fight an invisible enemy

Vietnam was a logistical catastrophe, had very little to do with fighting prowess

> killing c*mmunists
> pointless

You dirty Americans are lucky we didn't shoot down your helicopters as you evacuated Saigon like scared chickens. We had that place surrounded, but we commies have honor and decided to let you leave.

army of manlets
No wonder they haven't won a single war by themselves

hes most definitively a 9gag e-larper. probably of rape baby descent

>Be world's most powerful military

>Lose to farmers armed with primitive weapons

LARP faggot

Instant sage


>that's how we gained independence
you mean the french ?
>Hell it's how you Mexicans, with your sub rodent iq, managed to gain independence from Spain.
at least we fighted that war alone and we won it.
you guys need your husbands to fight a war only to lose it.
>durr your IQ
try again retard

aahahahaha look at this rape baby larper

fucking pussies.

I think the NVA opening fire on evacuation helicopters would have been the only thing provocative enough to restart a war in Vietnam.

>Perpetuating le trapping rice farmer meme

They had better rifles than the Americans and had training, hell a good part were trained mercenaries. Even then, they lost like bitches and USA only retired because of social pressure, not because they were losing the conflict.

Why do you hate yourself so much as American to literally falsify order to appear like losers! I mean, I would understand the concept of falsifying history to look like a winner, but to look like a loser? Why? I seriously cannot comprehend the concept of a healthy man hating himself.

>this is your country on demoshits


The US military is inkompetent over stretched and the USA are going down the soviet way of overspending.

>implying the french didn't do most of the work

>have small army
>be fighting several wars at a time
>lose war thousands of miles away to farmers supported by France (strongest army in the world) ,

Really boils my potatoes

> at least we fighted

hahahahahahahahaha look at this dumb beaner. YOU WERE FIGHTININGINGED THE WARS. get in the acid barrel beaner boy

US military spending has decreased over the last decade, it's not even 4% of our GDP currently.


>drop napalm bombs on civilians
>"LOOK! They had more casualties, so we won!"

why did you change your flag back e-larper? did you embarrass yourself?

The Vietnamese "won" because every citizen was prepared to fight, that's how it'd be if America ever got attacked, there would be nothing but ash to conquer

>being this butthurt because a beaner showed you are a bunch of pussies who always need help to lose wars

>you mean the french ?

Any victory the N. Vietnamese achieved should instead be attributed to either the Russians or Chinese by that logic.

>calls NVA rice farmers
>USA never had a surge
>Generals urge for overwhelming presence
>President LBJ is faggot and can't commit
>Saigon under control, k/d is legendary, doesn't realize those who were incinerated weren't counted as ConfKills
>USA leaves
>Saigon then falls after the fact
>Commie faggot says 'you lose'
Doesn't matter killed commies.

>O say can...

hey, ya dumb beaner piece of wuz sayin' U WUZ FIGHTININGNEDED THA WARS

triggered, autist?

Wow, it's almost like you lost a war that had almost no popular support and your enemies were being funded by another more powerful enemy.

I wonder who else was in that situation.

>atleast we fighted
sub rodent iq confirmed

sry but i never saw someone more btfo'ed than you.

>not realizing the difference between losing militarily vs realizing that you will never win over the civilian populations so you quit trying

>They had more casualties
>According to Call of Duty I win

Fucking muricans.

this desu
Amerilards can be the worst sometimes with these mental gymnastics


dumbfags are too big of e-larpers to acknowledge that. im sure they get 9gag upvotes tho

>more powerful than USA


The US lost the vietnam war at home, not on the battlefield. Not saying it wasn't a humiliation and a victory of communism though.

The only ones to win that war was the media.

>joining the army is sma-

is that your response? > hahaha i just changed it to the faggot flag! it was a mere joke!!

kill yourself.



Lolwut. Why is there a random Indian kingdom in there?

>we're fighting in conflicts for US inter-

>The butthurt

>trump administration doesn't work with kissin-

USSR and China. China literally had troops on the ground fighting US soldiers, but didn't commit to a full war so they were able to more easily move equipment around since we couldn't just shoot down their planes, since we'd be risking a war with both of them.

try winning a bunch of farmers and sandniggers instead necking yourselves because you are of bunch of wuss and pussies who cant handle your war syndromes.
>s-shut up you must be a beaner
>-yyour country is 3rd world country.
>-p-please s-shut up.

hey, look another lazy spic

do you expext me to read that? U WUZ FIGHTINEDEDDDING THE WARS

>"Men are are dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns for (((foreign policy)))"



>armed americans can't mount an effective resistance against the united states governm-


Henry Kissinger is, in fact, a Jew.

I live so close to this retards you relay expected something else?

From VNam to Somalia to Iraq to Afghanistan america is only loosing all its conflicts.

if we really wanted to win, we would of, we dont do total war anymore though

Well, no, you're just ignorant of how the Eastern Front actually progressed.
The Soviets suffered a massive chunk of their casualties in the first 6 months, which were also the most disastrous for the Soviets when they were getting their asses handed to them at every turn.

Furthermore, a large chunk of this dead from this period, about 66%, were actually captured, only to later die in POW camps due to the Germans not really giving a shit and just letting them die from exposure and malnutrition.
This is added into Soviet military deaths of course. Also, when accounting for German dead vs Soviet dead, the Soviets are all lumped in together, even though soldiers would have come from all the satellite countries, not just Russia, while Axis casualties are fully separated into German, Romanian, Bulgarian, etc.
And furthermore yet again, the Germans started losing massive amounts of men as the war progressed, when they were getting their asses handed to them.

Operation Bagration, for instance, saw the total destruction of the Center Army and 300-550,000 German casualties.
The Soviets suffered more casualties, sure, but hardly on the same level the Vietnamese did. And the biggest difference of all was the Soviets had massive success in their offensives after 1943, the German Army was routed, destroyed, and encircled repeatedly all the way to Berlin, while the NVA was pushed back at every turn and the VietCong completely destroyed after Tet.

>because we want to fix the middle east
that wouldnt help the Jews would it?

yeah, and so is trump
treat carefully

>america is only loosing all its conflicts.

Makes you wonder why the U.S. continues to be the most influential country in (and envy of) the world

>try winning a bunch of farmers and sandniggers instead necking yourselves because you are of bunch of wuss and pussies
You type your sentences like a fucking taconigger. Seriously, your over sized drug cartel of a country needs to be nuked.

my uncle was one of the 187 wounded new zealand fighters

Get out, Nguyen.

>US soldiers are in top physical sha-

>Viets unironically celebrating victory parade and defeat of U.S.A.

>le K/D matters in real wars meme
telltale sign of a 16 year old

how could they see out their slit eyes to shoot white bois

What's the story behind this pic?

I'm pretty sure the soldiers have to pass a some sort of physical test and even if they were able to, I doubt they'd employ a single B-52 plane just to get the ham planet to the other side of the world.

He's probably reserves or something non combat related like filing reports.

My understanding of it is that the USA did lose South Vietnam but succeeded in slowing down Communism taking hold in other areas of southeast Asia
So isn't it fair to say that they achieved some of their objectives but not all of them? I don't get how people on both sides can say the US either got totally BTFO or did everything it wanted in Vietnam

Mexico will outlive America, friend.

>5'11" well next logical number is 6!

imperial measurement for height is most retarded shit ever..

You retard, the reason Spain couldn't keep hold of the American colonies was also because of the French. The Napoleonic Wars gave all the independence movements a chance to start the fight, and even after Napoleon was defeated Spain was too weakeaned to put down the rebellions. Also, you might as well attribute the victory of North Vietnam to China and Russia if you are basing it on who contributed the most support.

>US crosses pacific ocean and invades foreign countries
>US ransacks or completely destroys country taking control of huge portions of foreign land
>US wins every battle and slaughters hundreds of thousands of enemies
>US withdraws
>Remaining enemy forces reclaim lost territory

omg US lost wars humiliated BTFO'd by farmers with ak47s herp derp

Remember this the next time you post the Horsey cartoon.

the universe is a system of 12s. get used to it nigger.

Did you know the largest McDonald's in Asia is on Go Chi Minh City? Did you also know that U.S.Navy ships dock regularly in.Vietnam and that we hold annual joint military exercises with the Vietnamese military?