
Was schopenhauer right? Is not having children to solution to all of lifes problems?

I have a vasectomy. I'm not giving the (((banks))) another slave or the (((media))) another mind to brainwash.

He lived in a time where the other races didn't spread like rats. Far ahead of his time, but essentially, yes, I think he's right. The problem is that the other races aren't as far ahead as he is and the western world is/was

> sees flag

Yes, yes, good burger. Leave your land to the Mexicans. They make many children because they're not as smart as you. /s They get a legacy, but you scored smug points!

They can be slaves then. I'm not making any more.

Yes, quite obviously kys is a solution OP

While Schopenhauer has created a good approach philosophy, with ideas that are well constructed(Though better arguments exist), however, most of his philosophical conclusions are pretty shit, especially THAT one.
It's nihilism under the mask of the red pill.

Good little slave, be content. Do not resist, do not breed.

I hope you rethink keeping yourself alive much longer. may your inevitable cancer be drawn out for years and incredibly painful if you don't neck yourself asap, you shittit faggot fuck.

Dude was literally autistic. The original fedoralord

>don't kill or remove the mexicans goy
>make lots of babies goy. just think in 20 years when the baby can vote you'll win
fucking retard. making babies is the WORST fucking solution possible. i'm glad the white race is dying cause people like you deserve to fucking die and get the women you like raped in front of you.

let's see the steps you need to take before getting a baby and what can go wrong

>spend all your time finding a woman instead of simply removing the spics
>spend all your time wooing the woman instead of simply removing the spics
>spend all your money on the woman instead of simply removing the spics
>on the chance you have babies (which is 0% for the subhumans on Sup Forums who advocate it) you need to spend 18+ years and hundreds of thousands of dollars on it instead of simply removing the spics
>your wife can divorce you taking your house, car, and making you pay alimony before you even have a child
>your wife can take your child turning it into a liberal feminist tranny who hates you and wants more niggers/spics in america
fuck you. you don't have a legacy and never will cause you're a brain damaged retard. the fucking faggots on Sup Forums are more likely to simply get divorced and then the woman makes their son into a liberal tranny than them ever having a fucking legacy especially the ones who think breeding the the only purpose in life and that's how youi fix immigration

What the fuck are you saying, reproduction is the only thing that is true purpose to living beings that is the dominance and spread of their biology.

>your opinion only

meanwhile you're an amerifat loser - we should all listen to you, right?

More whites = more whiteness
Anti births = anti white abd anti humanity in general

Isn't that the purpose of Sup Forums?

If youre anti natalist you are anti humanity.

Who cares? Life is all about getting fucked up and chasing pussy anyway. You cunts are all fuckin losers haha :) :v

it's not the solution to problems for people who already exist, those will never go away. but if you actually care about your offspring you shouldn't bring them into this world full of suffering.

it's a blind purpose. an innate biological drive and not rational. newton never married or had children and he's done more for the progress of knowledge and understanding than anyone else.

Prove it

Newton was born from a baby more babies more newtons no balies from the 1600s no newton.

user why do we understand this but others dont? Having children and forcing them into existence is niggerish. It is taking away bodily autonomy and a violation of it. To bring sentient life into a world full of suffering is illogical and irrational

Kill yourself.

Ficking rural suburban retards!

Newtons father was a farmer of 4 other siblings.

It is extremely likely that life will not survive the universe and that there is no afterlife/other dimension to flee to. In that case, everything we do is ultimately useless. Might as well die out and spare future generations any suffering like Schopenhauer suggests and I think he's right. But we humans are optimistic and just keep going hoping for a way to escape the inevitable.

His solution was actually to become an ascetic and deny your will-to-live.